Commit 53c45a62 by Alison Hodges Committed by Mark Hoeber

Adding instructor dashboard documentation for student and grade download data.

parent 69097e7b
......@@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ Change Log
.. list-table::
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......@@ -14,50 +12,56 @@ Change Log
* - Date
- Change
* - 02/04/14
- Added :ref:`Additional Tools` topic with :ref:`Multiple Choice and Numerical Input` and :ref:`Protein Builder`
- Added the :ref:`Student Data` and :ref:`Grades` chapters.
* -
- Added :ref:`Additional Tools` topic with :ref:`Multiple Choice and Numerical Input` and :ref:`Protein Builder`.
* - 01/29/2014
- Added the chapter :ref:`Using an Instant Hangout in Your Course`.
* - 01/21/2014
* - 01/24/2014
- Added the :ref:`Discussions` and :ref:`Guidance for Discussion Moderators` chapters.
* -
- Added more detailed instructions to :ref:`Zooming image`
* - 01/21/2014
- Added information about accessibility in the topic :ref:`Add Textbooks`.
* - 01/14/2014
- Added info about scoring (:ref:`Access Scores`) and due dates in :ref:`Open Response Assessment Problems`
- Added info about scoring (:ref:`Access Scores`) and due dates in :ref:`Open Response Assessment Problems`.
* - 01/13/2014
- Extensive updates to :ref:`Organizing Your Course Content` and :ref:`Working with HTML Components`
- Extensive updates to :ref:`Organizing Your Course Content` and :ref:`Working with HTML Components`.
* - 01/08/2014
- Updated :ref:`Add Files to a Course` to reflect addition of sorting to the **Files & Uploads** page.
* -
- Updated :ref:`Set Important Dates for Your Course` to reflect change to default course start date to 2029.
* - 01/07/2014
- Updated :ref:`Text Input` with info about multiple strings
- Updated :ref:`Text Input` with info about multiple strings.
* -
- Added info about template to :ref:`Checkbox`
- Added info about template to :ref:`Checkbox`.
* - 01/06/2014
- Created :ref:`Custom JavaScript Display and Grading`
* - 01/06/2014
- Created :ref:`Zooming image`
* - 01/01/2014
- Updated the chapters :ref:`Organizing Your Course Content` and :ref:`Testing Your Course` to reflect changes in the Course Outline design
- Updated the chapters :ref:`Organizing Your Course Content` and :ref:`Testing Your Course` to reflect changes in the Course Outline design.
* -
- Updated the topic :ref:`Add Files to a Course` to reflect addition of pagination to the Files & Uploads page
- Updated the topic :ref:`Add Files to a Course` to reflect addition of pagination to the Files & Uploads page.
* - 12/20/2013
- Made :ref:`ORA for Students` into template that instructors can customize
- Made :ref:`ORA for Students` into template that instructors can customize.
* - 12/19/2013
- Created :ref:`Tools`
- Created :ref:`Tools`.
* - 12/18/2013
- Updated documentation about video player options in :ref:`Working with Video Components`
- Updated documentation about video player options in :ref:`Working with Video Components`.
* - 12/13/2013
- Created :ref:`LTI Component`
- Created :ref:`LTI Component`.
* -
- Created :ref:`ORA for Students`
- Created :ref:`ORA for Students`.
* - 12/12/2013
- Added the edX :ref:`Glossary`
- Added the edX :ref:`Glossary`.
* - 12/11/2013
- Added the chapter :ref:`Guidelines for Creating Accessible Content`
- Added the chapter :ref:`Guidelines for Creating Accessible Content`.
* - 12/10/2013
- Added note about number of responses in "Available to Grade" column in :ref:`Open Response Assessment Problems`
- Added note about number of responses in "Available to Grade" column in :ref:`Open Response Assessment Problems`.
* -
- Added :ref:`MathJax in Studio`
- Added :ref:`MathJax in Studio`.
* - 12/09/2013
- Created :ref:`MathJax in Studio`
- Created :ref:`MathJax in Studio`.
* - 12/05/2013
- Complete revision of edX Studio documentation and integration of edX101 content
- Complete revision of edX Studio documentation and integration of edX101 content.
.. _Course Data:
Course Data
After you create a course, you can access information about it from the Instructor Dashboard.
To view course data:
#. View the live version of your course.
#. Click **Instructor** then **Try New Beta Dashboard**.
#. Click **Course Info** if necessary.
The page that displays shows the number of students who are currently enrolled, which includes all of the staff members you have defined for the course. It also lists identifying information for the course, indicates whether it has started or ended, and the the defined cutoff for a passing grade.
You also use the Instructor Dashboard to set up the staff for your course, enroll and get information about students, and initiate and review grading.
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You can also designate a team of people to help you moderate discussions. For more information, see :ref:``.
Staff roles
* Course Staff . Discussion responses and comments made by course staff are marked as "Staff".
* Instructors
* Beta Testers
To :
#. View the live version of your course.
#. Click **Instructor** then **Try New Beta Dashboard**.
#. Click **Membership**.
#. In the Administration List Management section, select
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.. _Student Data:
Student Data
You can access data about the students who are enrolled in your course at any time after you create the course.
For information about the data you can access, see the following topics:
* :ref:`PII`
* :ref:`Access_student_data`
* :ref:`Access_anonymized`
You can also view charts of certain student demographics for graded problems. See :ref:`Grades`.
.. _PII:
Guidance for working with personal information
The information that edX collects from site registrants includes personal information that can be used to identify, contact, and locate individuals. This information is available to course authors for the students who are enrolled in their courses.
Course authors should follow the policies established by their organizations and comply with the legal requirements of their locales to prevent public distribution or misuse of this information.
.. **Question**: I just made this statement up. What guidance can/should we give, for immediate publication and in the future? (sent to Tena and Jennifer Adams 31 Jan 14)
.. _Access_student_data:
Access student data
You can view data about the students who are currently enrolled in your course. Data for enrolled students is also available for download in CSV (comma-separated values) format.
Student-reported data
When students register with edX, they select a public username and supply information about themselves. Most of this information is optional, so not all of the students who are enrolled in your course provide it.
.. image:: Images/Registration_page.png
:alt: Fields that collect student information during registration
Students then register for as many individual courses as they choose, which enrolls them in each selected course.
You can access this self-reported information for all of the students who are enrolled in your course:
* username
* name
* email
* year_of_birth
* gender
* level_of_education
* mailing_address
* goals
The student data that is available to course staff always reflects the set of live, current enrollments. Students can register for your course throughout the defined enrollment period, and they can unregister from a course at any time, which unenrolls them. Students can also change their email addresses and full names at any time. As a result, you may want to download student data periodically to gain insights into how the student population changes over time.
View and download student data
You can view and download student data to learn about population demographics at a specific point in time, compare demographics at different points in time, and plot trends in the population over time.
**Important**: Do not navigate away from this page while you wait for the data to be prepared. The larger the enrollment for your course, the longer it takes to create and output the data.
To view or download student data:
#. View the live version of your course.
#. Click **Instructor** then **Try New Beta Dashboard**.
#. Click **Data Download**.
#. To display student enrollment data, click **List enrolled students' profile information**.
A table of the student data displays, with one row for each enrolled student. Longer values, such as student goals, are truncated.
.. image:: Images/StudentData_Table.png
:alt: Table with columns for the collected data points and rows for each student on the Instructor Dashboard
**Note**:: In the future, edX may also request that students select a language and location. This data is not collected at this time.
5. To download student enrollment data in a CSV file, click **Download profile information as a CSV**.
You are prompted to open or save the enrolled_profiles.csv file. All student-supplied data is included without truncation.
**Note**: In addition to the data for enrolled students, data for the course staff is included in the display or file.
View demographic distributions
You can view a course-wide summary of certain demographic distributions for your currently enrolled students. The total count for each value reported for gender and educational attainment displays on the Instructor Dashboard. Because this data is optional, the totals for each of these self-reported values are likely to be lower than your course enrollment total. You can also view a chart with the ages of all currently enrolled students.
To display demographic data for your students:
#. View the live version of your course.
#. Click **Instructor** then **Try New Beta Dashboard**.
#. Click **Analytics**.
* The Year of Birth section displays a chart of enrolled students plotted by year of birth.
* The Gender Distribution and Level of Education sections show tables with counts of responses made by enrolled students.
.. image:: Images/Distribution_Education.png
:alt: Table with columns for different possible values for gender and total count reported for each value
.. image:: Images/Distribution_Gender.png
:alt: Table with columns for different possible values for level of education completed and total count reported for each value
"No Data" is the sum of the students for whom no value exists for the demographic.
Data for individual students is not shown, and you cannot download data directly from this page. See :ref:`View and download student data`.
.. _Access_anonymized:
Access anonymized student IDs
Some of the tools that are available for use with the edX platform, including external graders and surveys, work with anonymized student data. If it becomes necessary for you to deanonymize previously anonymized data, you can download a CSV file to use for that purpose.
To download a file of assigned user IDs and anonymized user IDs:
#. View the live version of your course.
#. Click **Instructor** > **Try New Beta Dashboard**.
#. Click **Data Download** > **Get Student Anonymized IDs CSV**.
You are prompted to open or save the (course-id)-anon-id.csv file for your course. This file contains the user ID that is assigned to each student at registration and its corresponding anonymized ID. Values are included for every student who ever enrolled for your course.
You can use the data in this file together with the data in the enrolled_profile.csv file of student data and in a *course_id* \_grade_report_\ *date*.csv file for your course to research and deanonymize student data.
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