Commit 53b3b79f by Will Daly

Implemented tests of hints for <formularesponse>

parent 9360c3fa
......@@ -280,6 +280,8 @@ class CodeResponseXMLFactory(ResponseXMLFactory):
class ChoiceResponseXMLFactory(ResponseXMLFactory):
""" Factory for creating <choiceresponse> XML trees """
def create_response_element(self, **kwargs):
""" Create a <choiceresponse> element """
return etree.Element("choiceresponse")
......@@ -290,11 +292,104 @@ class ChoiceResponseXMLFactory(ResponseXMLFactory):
class FormulaResponseXMLFactory(ResponseXMLFactory):
""" Factory for creating <formularesponse> XML trees """
def create_response_element(self, **kwargs):
raise NotImplemented
""" Create a <formularesponse> element.
*sample_dict*: A dictionary of the form:
This specifies the range within which
to numerically sample each variable to check
student answers.
*num_samples*: The number of times to sample the student's answer
to numerically compare it to the correct answer.
*tolerance*: The tolerance within which answers will be accepted
[DEFAULT: 0.01]
*answer*: The answer to the problem. Can be a formula string
or a Python variable defined in a script
(e.g. "$calculated_answer" for a Python variable
called calculated_answer)
*hints*: List of (hint_prompt, hint_name, hint_text) tuples
Where *hint_prompt* is the formula for which we show the hint,
*hint_name* is an internal identifier for the hint,
and *hint_text* is the text we show for the hint.
# Retrieve kwargs
sample_dict = kwargs.get("sample_dict", None)
num_samples = kwargs.get("num_samples", None)
tolerance = kwargs.get("tolerance", 0.01)
answer = kwargs.get("answer", None)
hint_list = kwargs.get("hints", None)
assert(sample_dict and num_samples)
# Create the <formularesponse> element
response_element = etree.Element("formularesponse")
# Set the sample information
sample_str = self._sample_str(sample_dict, num_samples, tolerance)
response_element.set("samples", sample_str)
# Set the tolerance
responseparam_element = etree.SubElement(response_element, "responseparam")
responseparam_element.set("type", "tolerance")
responseparam_element.set("default", str(tolerance))
# Set the answer
response_element.set("answer", str(answer))
# Include hints, if specified
if hint_list:
hintgroup_element = etree.SubElement(response_element, "hintgroup")
for (hint_prompt, hint_name, hint_text) in hint_list:
# For each hint, create a <formulahint> element
formulahint_element = etree.SubElement(hintgroup_element, "formulahint")
# We could sample a different range, but for simplicity,
# we use the same sample string for the hints
# that we used previously.
formulahint_element.set("samples", sample_str)
formulahint_element.set("answer", hint_prompt)
formulahint_element.set("name", hint_name)
# For each hint, create a <hintpart> element
# corresponding to the <formulahint>
hintpart_element = etree.SubElement(hintgroup_element, "hintpart")
hintpart_element.set("on", hint_name)
text_element = etree.SubElement(hintpart_element, "text")
text_element.text = hint_text
return response_element
def create_input_element(self, **kwargs):
raise NotImplemented
return ResponseXMLFactory.textline_input_xml(**kwargs)
def _sample_str(self, sample_dict, num_samples, tolerance):
# Loncapa uses a special format for sample strings:
# "x,y,z@4,5,3:10,12,8#4" means plug in values for (x,y,z)
# from within the box defined by points (4,5,3) and (10,12,8)
# The "#4" means to repeat 4 times.
variables = [str(v) for v in sample_dict.keys()]
low_range_vals = [str(f[0]) for f in sample_dict.values()]
high_range_vals = [str(f[1]) for f in sample_dict.values()]
sample_str = (",".join(sample_dict.keys()) + "@" +
",".join(low_range_vals) + ":" +
",".join(high_range_vals) +
"#" + str(num_samples))
return sample_str
class ImageResponseXMLFactory(ResponseXMLFactory):
def create_response_element(self, **kwargs):
......@@ -267,23 +267,80 @@ class OptionResponseTest(ResponseTest):
self.assert_grade(problem, "invalid_option", "incorrect")
class FormulaResponseWithHintTest(unittest.TestCase):
Test Formula response problem with a hint
This problem also uses calc.
def test_or_grade(self):
problem_file = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/test_files/formularesponse_with_hint.xml"
test_lcp = lcp.LoncapaProblem(open(problem_file).read(), '1', system=test_system)
correct_answers = {'1_2_1': '2.5*x-5.0'}
test_answers = {'1_2_1': '0.4*x-5.0'}
self.assertEquals(test_lcp.grade_answers(correct_answers).get_correctness('1_2_1'), 'correct')
cmap = test_lcp.grade_answers(test_answers)
self.assertEquals(cmap.get_correctness('1_2_1'), 'incorrect')
self.assertTrue('You have inverted' in cmap.get_hint('1_2_1'))
class FormulaResponseTest(ResponseTest):
from response_xml_factory import FormulaResponseXMLFactory
xml_factory_class = FormulaResponseXMLFactory
def test_grade(self):
# Sample variables x and y in the range [-10, 10]
sample_dict = {'x': (-10, 10), 'y': (-10, 10)}
# The expected solution is numerically equivalent to x+2y
problem = self.build_problem(sample_dict=sample_dict,
# Expect an equivalent formula to be marked correct
# 2x - x + y + y = x + 2y
input_formula = "2*x - x + y + y"
self.assert_grade(problem, input_formula, "correct")
# Expect an incorrect formula to be marked incorrect
# x + y != x + 2y
input_formula = "x + y"
self.assert_grade(problem, input_formula, "incorrect")
def test_hint(self):
# Sample variables x and y in the range [-10, 10]
sample_dict = {'x': (-10, 10), 'y': (-10,10) }
# Give a hint if the user leaves off the coefficient
# or leaves out x
hints = [('x + 3*y', 'y_coefficient', 'Check the coefficient of y'),
('2*y', 'missing_x', 'Try including the variable x')]
# The expected solution is numerically equivalent to x+2y
problem = self.build_problem(sample_dict=sample_dict,
# Expect to receive a hint if we add an extra y
input_dict = {'1_2_1': "x + 2*y + y"}
correct_map = problem.grade_answers(input_dict)
'Check the coefficient of y')
# Expect to receive a hint if we leave out x
input_dict = {'1_2_1': "2*y"}
correct_map = problem.grade_answers(input_dict)
'Try including the variable x')
def test_script(self):
# Calculate the answer using a script
script = "calculated_ans = 'x+x'"
# Sample x in the range [-10,10]
sample_dict = {'x': (-10, 10)}
# The expected solution is numerically equivalent to 2*x
problem = self.build_problem(sample_dict=sample_dict,
# Expect that the inputs are graded correctly
self.assert_grade(problem, '2*x', 'correct')
self.assert_grade(problem, '3*x', 'incorrect')
class StringResponseWithHintTest(ResponseTest):
class StringResponseTest(ResponseTest):
from response_xml_factory import StringResponseXMLFactory
xml_factory_class = StringResponseXMLFactory
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