Commit 53b37e74 by Calen Pennington

Remove extraneous documentation, contracts, and method definitions

parent 704ae713
......@@ -53,53 +53,6 @@ class DjangoXBlockUserStateClient(XBlockUserStateClient):
self.user = user
def get(self, username, block_key, scope=Scope.user_state, fields=None):
Retrieve the stored XBlock state for a single xblock usage.
username: The name of the user whose state should be retrieved
block_key (UsageKey): The UsageKey identifying which xblock state to load.
scope (Scope): The scope to load data from
fields: A list of field values to retrieve. If None, retrieve all stored fields.
dict: A dictionary mapping field names to values
DoesNotExist if no entry is found.
_usage_key, state = next(self.get_many(username, [block_key], scope, fields=fields))
except StopIteration:
raise self.DoesNotExist()
return state
def set(self, username, block_key, state, scope=Scope.user_state):
Set fields for a particular XBlock.
username: The name of the user whose state should be retrieved
block_key (UsageKey): The UsageKey identifying which xblock state to update.
state (dict): A dictionary mapping field names to values
scope (Scope): The scope to load data from
self.set_many(username, {block_key: state}, scope)
def delete(self, username, block_key, scope=Scope.user_state, fields=None):
Delete the stored XBlock state for a single xblock usage.
username: The name of the user whose state should be deleted
block_key (UsageKey): The UsageKey identifying which xblock state to delete.
scope (Scope): The scope to delete data from
fields: A list of fields to delete. If None, delete all stored fields.
return self.delete_many(username, [block_key], scope, fields=fields)
def get_mod_date(self, username, block_key, scope=Scope.user_state, fields=None):
Get the last modification date for fields from the specified blocks.
......@@ -157,7 +110,7 @@ class DjangoXBlockUserStateClient(XBlockUserStateClient):
fields: A list of field values to retrieve. If None, retrieve all stored fields.
(UsageKey, field_state) tuples for each specified UsageKey in block_keys.
XBlockUserState tuples for each specified UsageKey in block_keys.
field_state is a dict mapping field names to values.
if scope != Scope.user_state:
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