Commit 5359e2eb by Gabe Mulley

Merge pull request #1207 from mulby/gabe/tracking-tests

add acceptance tests for event tracking
parents 5fc5587f 17a04798
Feature: LMS.Events
As a researcher, I want to be able to track events in the LMS
Scenario Outline: An event is emitted for each request
Given: I am registered for the course "6.002x"
And I visit the url "<url>"
Then a "<url>" server event is emitted
| url |
| /dashboard |
| /courses/edx/6.002x/Test_Course/info |
| /courses/edx/6.002x/Test_Course/courseware |
#pylint: disable=C0111
from lettuce import step
from lettuce import world
from lettuce import before
from pymongo import MongoClient
from import assert_equals
from import assert_in
def connect_to_mongodb():
world.mongo_client = MongoClient()
world.event_collection = world.mongo_client['track']['events']
def reset_captured_events(_scenario):
def reset_between_outline_scenarios(_scenario, order, outline, reasons_to_fail):
@step('[aA]n? "(.*)" (server|browser) event is emitted')
def event_is_emitted(_step, event_type, event_source):
# Ensure all events are written out to mongo before querying.
# Note that splinter makes 2 requests when you call browser.visit('/foo')
# the first just checks to see if the server responds with a status
# code of 200, the next actually uses the browser to submit the request.
# We filter out events associated with the status code checks by ignoring
# events that come directly from splinter.
criteria = {
'event_type': event_type,
'event_source': event_source,
'agent': {
'$ne': 'python/splinter'
cursor = world.event_collection.find(criteria)
assert_equals(cursor.count(), 1)
event =
# These fields should be present in the event, but we won't bother
# validating them since it is difficult to predict their values.
for expected_field in ['host', 'time', 'agent', 'ip', 'event_source', 'event', 'page']:
assert_in(expected_field, event, msg='Expected field {} not found in event'.format(expected_field))
expected_field_values = {
"username": world.scenario_dict['USER'].username,
"event_type": event_type,
for key, value in expected_field_values.iteritems():
assert_equals(event[key], value)
# Note that the event may contain other fields, which is fine!
...@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Feature: LMS.Navigate Course ...@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Feature: LMS.Navigate Course
Given I am viewing a section with multiple sequences Given I am viewing a section with multiple sequences
When I navigate to an item in a sequence When I navigate to an item in a sequence
Then I see the content of the sequence item Then I see the content of the sequence item
And a "seq_goto" browser event is emitted
Scenario: I can return to the last section I visited Scenario: I can return to the last section I visited
Given I am viewing a course with multiple sections Given I am viewing a course with multiple sections
...@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ Feature: LMS.Answer problems ...@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ Feature: LMS.Answer problems
When I answer a "<ProblemType>" problem "correctly" When I answer a "<ProblemType>" problem "correctly"
Then my "<ProblemType>" answer is marked "correct" Then my "<ProblemType>" answer is marked "correct"
And The "<ProblemType>" problem displays a "correct" answer And The "<ProblemType>" problem displays a "correct" answer
And a "problem_check" server event is emitted
And a "problem_check" browser event is emitted
Examples: Examples:
| ProblemType | | ProblemType |
...@@ -74,6 +74,12 @@ DATABASES = { ...@@ -74,6 +74,12 @@ DATABASES = {
} }
} }
'mongo': {
'ENGINE': 'track.backends.mongodb.MongoBackend'
# Forums are disabled in to speed up unit tests, but we do not have # Forums are disabled in to speed up unit tests, but we do not have
# per-test control for acceptance tests # per-test control for acceptance tests
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