Commit 52beec88 by Calen Pennington

Switch inheritance in split-mongo over to using InheritingFieldData.

parent 687708c3
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class ContentStoreImportTest(ModuleStoreTestCase):
course_id = SlashSeparatedCourseKey('edX', 'test_import_course', '2012_Fall')
course_id = module_store.make_course_key('edX', 'test_import_course', '2012_Fall')
course = module_store.get_course(course_id)
......@@ -116,6 +116,9 @@ class Timedelta(JSONField):
return datetime.timedelta(**time_params)
def to_json(self, value):
if value is None:
return None
values = []
for attr in ('days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds'):
cur_value = getattr(value, attr, 0)
......@@ -214,11 +214,19 @@ class InheritingFieldData(KvsFieldData):
The default for an inheritable name is found on a parent.
if name in self.inheritable_names and block.parent is not None:
parent = block.get_parent()
if parent:
return getattr(parent, name)
super(InheritingFieldData, self).default(block, name)
if name in self.inheritable_names:
# Walk up the content tree to find the first ancestor
# that this field is set on. Use the field from the current
# block so that if it has a different default than the root
# node of the tree, the block's default will be used.
field = block.fields[name]
ancestor = block.get_parent()
while ancestor is not None:
if field.is_set_on(ancestor):
return field.read_json(ancestor)
ancestor = ancestor.get_parent()
return super(InheritingFieldData, self).default(block, name)
def inheriting_field_data(kvs):
import sys
import logging
from contracts import contract, new_contract
from lazy import lazy
from xblock.runtime import KvsFieldData
from xblock.fields import ScopeIds
from opaque_keys.edx.locator import BlockUsageLocator, LocalId, CourseLocator, DefinitionLocator
......@@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ from .split_mongo_kvs import SplitMongoKVS
from fs.osfs import OSFS
from .definition_lazy_loader import DefinitionLazyLoader
from xmodule.modulestore.edit_info import EditInfoRuntimeMixin
from xmodule.modulestore.inheritance import inheriting_field_data, InheritanceMixin
from xmodule.modulestore.split_mongo import BlockKey
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -34,8 +36,7 @@ class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem, EditInfoRuntimeMixin):
modulestore: the module store that can be used to retrieve additional
course_entry: the originally fetched enveloped course_structure w/ branch and course id info
plus a dictionary of cached inherited_settings indexed by (block_type, block_id) tuple.
course_entry: the originally fetched enveloped course_structure w/ branch and course id info.
Callers to _load_item provide an override but that function ignores the provided structure and
only looks at the branch and course id
......@@ -59,15 +60,18 @@ class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem, EditInfoRuntimeMixin):
self.course_entry = course_entry
self.lazy = lazy
self.module_data = module_data
# Compute inheritance
course_entry['structure'].get('blocks', {}),
course_entry.setdefault('inherited_settings', {}),
self.default_class = default_class
self.local_modules = {}
@contract(returns="dict(BlockKey: BlockKey)")
def _parent_map(self):
parent_map = {}
for block_key, block in self.course_entry['structure']['blocks'].iteritems():
for child in block['fields'].get('children', []):
parent_map[child] = block_key
return parent_map
@contract(usage_key="BlockUsageLocator | BlockKey")
def _load_item(self, usage_key, course_entry_override=None, **kwargs):
# usage_key is either a UsageKey or just the block_key. if a usage_key,
......@@ -96,12 +100,15 @@ class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem, EditInfoRuntimeMixin):
if course_entry_override:
structure_id = course_entry_override.get('_id')
structure_id = self.course_entry.get('_id')
json_data = self.get_module_data(block_key, course_key)
class_ = self.load_block_type(json_data.get('block_type'))
# pass None for inherited_settings to signal that it should get the settings from cache
new_item = self.xblock_from_json(class_, course_key, block_key, json_data, None, course_entry_override, **kwargs)
return new_item
return self.xblock_from_json(class_, course_key, block_key, json_data, course_entry_override, **kwargs)
@contract(block_key=BlockKey, course_key=CourseLocator)
def get_module_data(self, block_key, course_key):
......@@ -134,7 +141,7 @@ class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem, EditInfoRuntimeMixin):
# is the intended one when not given a course_entry_override; thus, the caching of the last branch/course id.
@contract(block_key="BlockKey | None")
def xblock_from_json(
self, class_, course_key, block_key, json_data, inherited_settings, course_entry_override=None, **kwargs
self, class_, course_key, block_key, json_data, course_entry_override=None, **kwargs
if course_entry_override is None:
course_entry_override = self.course_entry
......@@ -150,13 +157,6 @@ class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem, EditInfoRuntimeMixin):
# If no usage id is provided, generate an in-memory id
if block_key is None:
block_key = BlockKey(json_data['block_type'], LocalId())
if inherited_settings is None:
# see if there's a value in course_entry
if block_key in self.course_entry['inherited_settings']:
inherited_settings = self.course_entry['inherited_settings'][block_key]
elif block_key not in self.course_entry['inherited_settings']:
self.course_entry['inherited_settings'][block_key] = inherited_settings
if definition_id is not None and not json_data.get('definition_loaded', False):
definition_loader = DefinitionLazyLoader(
......@@ -182,13 +182,22 @@ class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem, EditInfoRuntimeMixin):
converted_fields = self.modulestore.convert_references_to_keys(
block_locator.course_key, class_, json_data.get('fields', {}), self.course_entry['structure']['blocks'],
if block_key in self._parent_map:
parent_key = self._parent_map[block_key]
parent = course_key.make_usage_key(parent_key.type,
parent = None
kvs = SplitMongoKVS(
field_data = KvsFieldData(kvs)
if InheritanceMixin in self.modulestore.xblock_mixins:
field_data = inheriting_field_data(kvs)
field_data = KvsFieldData(kvs)
module = self.construct_xblock_from_class(
......@@ -1582,7 +1582,6 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(SplitBulkWriteMixin, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
BlockKey(block_type, block_id) if block_id else None,
for field_name, value in (fields or {}).iteritems():
import copy
from contracts import contract, new_contract
from xblock.fields import Scope
from collections import namedtuple
from xblock.exceptions import InvalidScopeError
from .definition_lazy_loader import DefinitionLazyLoader
from xmodule.modulestore.inheritance import InheritanceKeyValueStore
from opaque_keys.edx.locator import BlockUsageLocator
# id is a BlockUsageLocator, def_id is the definition's guid
SplitMongoKVSid = namedtuple('SplitMongoKVSid', 'id, def_id')
new_contract('BlockUsageLocator', BlockUsageLocator)
class SplitMongoKVS(InheritanceKeyValueStore):
......@@ -15,22 +18,25 @@ class SplitMongoKVS(InheritanceKeyValueStore):
known to the MongoModuleStore (data, children, and metadata)
def __init__(self, definition, initial_values, inherited_settings, **kwargs):
@contract(parent="BlockUsageLocator | None")
def __init__(self, definition, initial_values, parent, field_decorator=None):
:param definition: either a lazyloader or definition id for the definition
:param initial_values: a dictionary of the locally set values
:param inherited_settings: the json value of each inheritable field from above this.
Note, local fields may override and disagree w/ this b/c this says what the value
should be if the field is undefined.
# deepcopy so that manipulations of fields does not pollute the source
super(SplitMongoKVS, self).__init__(copy.deepcopy(initial_values), inherited_settings)
super(SplitMongoKVS, self).__init__(copy.deepcopy(initial_values))
self._definition = definition # either a DefinitionLazyLoader or the db id of the definition.
# if the db id, then the definition is presumed to be loaded into _fields
# a decorator function for field values (to be called when a field is accessed)
self.field_decorator = kwargs.get('field_decorator', lambda x: x)
if field_decorator is None:
self.field_decorator = lambda x: x
self.field_decorator = field_decorator
self.parent = parent
def get(self, key):
......@@ -38,8 +44,7 @@ class SplitMongoKVS(InheritanceKeyValueStore):
if key.field_name not in self._fields:
# parent undefined in editing runtime (I think)
if key.scope == Scope.parent:
# see STUD-624. Right now copies MongoKeyValueStore.get's behavior of returning None
return None
return self.parent
if key.scope == Scope.children:
# didn't find children in _fields; so, see if there's a default
raise KeyError()
......@@ -323,6 +323,7 @@ class CrossStoreXMLRoundtrip(CourseComparisonTest):
self.exclude_field(None, 'wiki_slug')
self.exclude_field(None, 'xml_attributes')
self.exclude_field(None, 'parent')
......@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ from xmodule.modulestore.mixed import MixedModuleStore
from import path_to_location
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import check_mongo_calls
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.mongo_connection import MONGO_PORT_NUM, MONGO_HOST
from xmodule.tests import DATA_DIR
from xmodule.tests import DATA_DIR, CourseComparisonTest
class TestMixedModuleStore(unittest.TestCase):
class TestMixedModuleStore(CourseComparisonTest):
Quasi-superclass which tests Location based apps against both split and mongo dbs (Locator and
Location-based dbs)
......@@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@ class TestMixedModuleStore(unittest.TestCase):, self.user_id)
reverted_parent =
self.assertEqual(vertical_children_num, len(published_parent.children))
self.assertEqual(reverted_parent, published_parent)
self.assertBlocksEqualByFields(reverted_parent, published_parent)
self.assertFalse(self._has_changes(self.vertical_x1a))'draft', 'split')
......@@ -1082,7 +1082,8 @@ class TestMixedModuleStore(unittest.TestCase):
orig_vertical =, self.user_id)
reverted_vertical =
self.assertEqual(orig_vertical, reverted_vertical)
self.assertBlocksEqualByFields(orig_vertical, reverted_vertical)'draft', 'split')
def test_revert_to_published_no_published(self, default_ms):
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from contracts import contract
from importlib import import_module
from path import path
from xblock.fields import Reference, ReferenceList, ReferenceValueDict
from xmodule.course_module import CourseDescriptor
from xmodule.modulestore import ModuleStoreEnum
from xmodule.modulestore.exceptions import (
......@@ -1756,12 +1757,26 @@ class TestPublish(SplitModuleTest):
for field in source.fields.values():
if == 'children':
self._compare_children(field.read_from(source), field.read_from(pub_copy), unexpected_blocks)
elif isinstance(field, (Reference, ReferenceList, ReferenceValueDict)):
self.assertReferenceEqual(field.read_from(source), field.read_from(pub_copy))
self.assertEqual(field.read_from(source), field.read_from(pub_copy))
for unexp in unexpected_blocks:
with self.assertRaises(ItemNotFoundError):
def assertReferenceEqual(self, expected, actual):
if isinstance(expected, BlockUsageLocator):
expected = BlockKey.from_usage_key(expected)
actual = BlockKey.from_usage_key(actual)
elif isinstance(expected, list):
expected = [BlockKey.from_usage_key(key) for key in expected]
actual = [BlockKey.from_usage_key(key) for key in actual]
elif isinstance(expected, dict):
expected = {key: BlockKey.from_usage_key(val) for (key, val) in expected}
actual = {key: BlockKey.from_usage_key(val) for (key, val) in actual}
self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
......@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ class Group(namedtuple("Group", "id name")):
Raises TypeError if the value doesn't have the right keys.
if isinstance(value, Group):
return value
for key in ('id', 'name', 'version'):
if key not in value:
raise TypeError("Group dict {0} missing value key '{1}'".format(
......@@ -96,6 +99,9 @@ class UserPartition(namedtuple("UserPartition", "id name description groups")):
Raises TypeError if the value doesn't have the right keys.
if isinstance(value, UserPartition):
return value
for key in ('id', 'name', 'description', 'version', 'groups'):
if key not in value:
raise TypeError("UserPartition dict {0} missing value key '{1}'"
......@@ -13,7 +13,9 @@ import pprint
import unittest
from contextlib import contextmanager
from lazy import lazy
from mock import Mock
from operator import attrgetter
from path import path
from xblock.field_data import DictFieldData
......@@ -227,6 +229,26 @@ class BulkAssertionTest(unittest.TestCase):
assertEquals = assertEqual
class LazyFormat(object):
An stringy object that delays formatting until it's put into a string context.
__slots__ = ('template', 'args', 'kwargs', '_message')
def __init__(self, template, *args, **kwargs):
self.template = template
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
self._message = None
def __unicode__(self):
if self._message is None:
self._message = self.template.format(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
return self._message
def __repr__(self):
return unicode(self)
class CourseComparisonTest(BulkAssertionTest):
Mixin that has methods for comparing courses for equality.
......@@ -256,6 +278,65 @@ class CourseComparisonTest(BulkAssertionTest):
def assertReferenceRelativelyEqual(self, reference_field, expected_block, actual_block):
Assert that the supplied reference field is identical on the expected_block and actual_block,
assoming that the references are only relative (that is, comparing only on block_type and block_id,
not course_key).
def extract_key(usage_key):
if usage_key is None:
return None
return (usage_key.block_type, usage_key.block_id)
expected = reference_field.read_from(expected_block)
actual = reference_field.read_from(actual_block)
if isinstance(reference_field, Reference):
expected = extract_key(expected)
actual = extract_key(actual)
elif isinstance(reference_field, ReferenceList):
expected = [extract_key(key) for key in expected]
actual = [extract_key(key) for key in actual]
elif isinstance(reference_field, ReferenceValueDict):
expected = {key: extract_key(val) for (key, val) in expected.iteritems()}
actual = {key: extract_key(val) for (key, val) in actual.iteritems()}
"Field {} doesn't match between usages {} and {}: {!r} != {!r}",,
def assertBlocksEqualByFields(self, expected_block, actual_block):
self.assertEqual(expected_block.fields, actual_block.fields)
for field in expected_block.fields.values():
self.assertFieldEqual(field, expected_block, actual_block)
def assertFieldEqual(self, field, expected_block, actual_block):
if isinstance(field, (Reference, ReferenceList, ReferenceValueDict)):
self.assertReferenceRelativelyEqual(field, expected_block, actual_block)
expected = field.read_from(expected_block)
actual = field.read_from(actual_block)
"Field {} doesn't match between usages {} and {}: {!r} != {!r}",,
def assertCoursesEqual(self, expected_store, expected_course_key, actual_store, actual_course_key):
Assert that the courses identified by ``expected_course_key`` in ``expected_store`` and
......@@ -313,11 +394,7 @@ class CourseComparisonTest(BulkAssertionTest):
actual_item = actual_item_map.get(map_key(actual_item_location))
# Formatting the message slows down tests of large courses significantly, so only do it if it would be used
if actual_item is None:
msg = u'cannot find {} in {}'.format(map_key(actual_item_location), actual_item_map)
msg = None
self.assertIsNotNone(actual_item, msg)
self.assertIsNotNone(actual_item, LazyFormat(u'cannot find {} in {}', map_key(actual_item_location), actual_item_map))
# compare fields
self.assertEqual(expected_item.fields, actual_item.fields)
......@@ -333,20 +410,7 @@ class CourseComparisonTest(BulkAssertionTest):
if field_name == 'children':
exp_value = map_references(field.read_from(expected_item), field, actual_course_key)
actual_value = field.read_from(actual_item)
# Formatting the message slows down tests of large courses significantly, so only do it if it would be used
if exp_value != actual_value:
msg = "Field {!r} doesn't match between usages {} and {}: {!r} != {!r}".format(
msg = None
self.assertEqual(exp_value, actual_value, msg)
self.assertFieldEqual(field, expected_item, actual_item)
# compare children
self.assertEqual(expected_item.has_children, actual_item.has_children)
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