Commit 52685889 by Bill Filler

Display banner if user declines data sharing consent

Revert changes for getting enterprise customer from enteprise from
Enterprise API and update/add test.
Lookup the enterprise_customer_uuid based on the site and user if not
found through the cookie or request parameter.
parent 612c99ba
......@@ -364,6 +364,13 @@ def enterprise_customer_for_request(request):
if not enterprise_customer_uuid and request.user.is_authenticated():
# If there's no way to get an Enterprise UUID for the request, check to see
# if there's already an Enterprise attached to the requesting user on the backend.
learner_data = get_enterprise_learner_data(, request.user)
if learner_data:
enterprise_customer_uuid = learner_data[0]['enterprise_customer']['uuid']
if enterprise_customer_uuid:
# If we were able to obtain an EnterpriseCustomer UUID, go ahead
# and use it to attempt to retrieve EnterpriseCustomer details
......@@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ class TestEnterpriseApi(EnterpriseServiceMockMixin, CacheIsolationTestCase):
self.assertFalse(consent_needed_for_course(request, user, 'fake-course'))
......@@ -179,6 +180,7 @@ class TestEnterpriseApi(EnterpriseServiceMockMixin, CacheIsolationTestCase):
def mock_get_enterprise_customer(**kwargs):
uuid = kwargs.get('enterprise_customer_identity_provider__provider_id')
......@@ -227,6 +229,16 @@ class TestEnterpriseApi(EnterpriseServiceMockMixin, CacheIsolationTestCase):
self.assertEqual(enterprise_customer, {'real': 'enterprisecustomer'})
# Verify that we can still get enterprise customer from enterprise
# learner API even if we are unable to get it from preferred sources,
# e.g. url query parameters, third-party auth pipeline, enterprise
# cookie.
mock_get_enterprise_learner_data.return_value = [{'enterprise_customer': {'uuid': 'real-ent-uuid'}}]
enterprise_customer = enterprise_customer_for_request(
mock.MagicMock(GET={}, COOKIES={}, user=self.user, site=1)
self.assertEqual(enterprise_customer, {'real': 'enterprisecustomer'})
def check_data_sharing_consent(self, consent_required=False, consent_url=None):
Used to test the data_sharing_consent_required view decorator.
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