Commit 510c130c by stv

Fix incorrect max upload file size on forums

The file size is calculated and displayed as a number of bytes, but was
being incorrectly labeled as 'K' [0].

The size is now correctly labeled as "bytes" and the sentence now begins
with a leading captial letter.

Impact: This has been broken on master since 2012 [1].

parent 919e5303
......@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ def upload(request, course_id): # ajax upload file to a question or answer
size = file_storage.size(new_file_name)
if size > cc_settings.MAX_UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE:
msg = _("maximum upload file size is %(file_size)sK") % \
msg = _("Maximum upload file size is %(file_size)s bytes.") % \
{'file_size': cc_settings.MAX_UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE}
raise exceptions.PermissionDenied(msg)
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