Commit 5029f460 by Peter Fogg

Use Backbone notifications for component delete.

parent 9fe4cb73
......@@ -67,3 +67,21 @@ Feature: Component Adding
When I will confirm all alerts
And I delete all components
Then I see no components
Scenario: I see a prompt on delete
Given I have opened a new course in studio
And I am editing a new unit
And I add the following components:
| Component |
| Discussion |
And I delete a component
Then I see a prompt
Scenario: I see a notification on save
Given I have opened a new course in studio
And I am editing a new unit
And I add the following components:
| Component |
| Discussion |
And I edit and save a component
Then I see a notification
......@@ -41,6 +41,22 @@ def see_no_components(steps):
assert world.is_css_not_present('li.component')
@step(u'I delete a component')
def delete_one_component(step):
@step(u'I edit and save a component')
def edit_and_save_component(step):
@step(u'I see a (.*)$')
def i_see_a_notification(step, notification_type):
assert world.is_css_present('.wrapper-%s' % notification_type)
def step_selector_list(data_type, path, index=1):
selector_list = ['a[data-type="{}"]'.format(data_type)]
if index != 1:
......@@ -84,11 +84,15 @@ class CMS.Views.ModuleEdit extends Backbone.View
data.metadata = _.extend(data.metadata || {}, @changedMetadata())
saving = new CMS.Views.Notification.Mini
title: gettext('Saving') + '…' =>
# # showToastMessage("Your changes have been saved.", null, 3)
@module = null
).fail( ->
showToastMessage(gettext("There was an error saving your changes. Please try again."), null, 3)
......@@ -115,27 +115,43 @@ class CMS.Views.UnitEdit extends Backbone.View
deleteComponent: (event) =>
if not confirm 'Are you sure you want to delete this component? This action cannot be undone.'
$component = $(event.currentTarget).parents('.component')
$.post('/delete_item', {
id: $'id')
}, =>
analytics.track "Deleted a Component",
course: course_location_analytics
unit_id: unit_location_analytics
id: $'id')
# b/c we don't vigilantly keep children up to date
# get rid of it before it hurts someone
# sorry for the js, i couldn't figure out the coffee equivalent
`{children: _this.components()},
{success: function(model) {
msg = new CMS.Views.Prompt.Confirmation(
title: gettext('Are you sure you want to delete this component?'),
message: gettext('This action cannot be undone.'),
text: gettext('OK'),
click: (view) =>
deleting = new CMS.Views.Notification.Mini
title: gettext('Deleting') + '…',
$component = $(event.currentTarget).parents('.component')
$.post('/delete_item', {
id: $'id')
}, =>
analytics.track "Deleted a Component",
course: course_location_analytics
unit_id: unit_location_analytics
id: $'id')
# b/c we don't vigilantly keep children up to date
# get rid of it before it hurts someone
# sorry for the js, i couldn't figure out the coffee equivalent
`{children: _this.components()},
{success: function(model) {
text: gettext('Cancel'),
click: (view) ->
deleteDraft: (event) ->
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