Commit 4f001d1b by cjt

add plot offsets to schematic tool

parent b54040ee
......@@ -790,6 +790,7 @@ schematic = (function() {
for (var i = probes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var color = probes[i][0];
var label = probes[i][1];
var offset = cktsim.parse_number(probes[i][2]);
var v = results[label];
// convert values into dB relative to source amplitude
var v_max = 1;
......@@ -797,7 +798,7 @@ schematic = (function() {
// convert each value to dB relative to max
v[j] = 20.0 * Math.log(v[j]/v_max)/Math.LN10;
// graph the result and display in a window
......@@ -885,8 +886,9 @@ schematic = (function() {
for (var i = probes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var color = probes[i][0];
var label = probes[i][1];
var offset = cktsim.parse_number(probes[i][2]);
var v = results[label];
// graph the result and display in a window
......@@ -1917,10 +1919,11 @@ schematic = (function() {
var y_max = -Infinity;
var plot;
for (plot = y_values.length - 1; plot >= 0; --plot) {
var values = y_values[plot][1];
var temp = array_min(values);
var values = y_values[plot][2];
var offset = y_values[plot][1];
var temp = array_min(values) + offset;
if (temp < y_min) y_min = temp;
temp = array_max(values);
temp = array_max(values) + offset;
if (temp > y_max) y_max = temp;
var y_limits = view_limits(y_min,y_max);
......@@ -1960,15 +1963,16 @@ schematic = (function() {
c.lineWidth = 3;
for (plot = y_values.length - 1; plot >= 0; --plot) {
c.strokeStyle = probe_colors_rgb[y_values[plot][0]];
var values = y_values[plot][1];
var values = y_values[plot][2];
var offset = y_values[plot][1];
x = plot_x(x_values[0]);
y = plot_y(values[0]);
y = plot_y(values[0] + offset);
for (var i = 1; i < x_values.length; i++) {
x = plot_x(x_values[i]);
y = plot_y(values[i]);
y = plot_y(values[i] + offset);
......@@ -2002,7 +2006,8 @@ schematic = (function() {
canvas.pheight = pheight;
canvas.tick_length = tick_length;
canvas.cursor_x = undefined;
canvas.cursor1_x = undefined;
canvas.cursor2_x = undefined;
canvas.sch = this;
// do something useful when user mouses over graph
......@@ -2027,13 +2032,69 @@ schematic = (function() {
return min;
function plot_cursor(c,graph,cursor_x,left_margin) {
// draw dashed vertical marker that follows mouse
var x = graph.left_margin + cursor_x;
var end_y = graph.top_margin + graph.pheight + graph.tick_length;
c.strokeStyle = grid_style;
c.lineWidth = 1;
// add x label at bottom of marker
var graph_x = cursor_x/graph.x_scale + graph.x_min;
c.font = '10pt sans-serif';
c.textAlign = 'center';
c.textBaseline = 'top';
c.fillStyle = background_style;
c.fillStyle = normal_style;
// compute which points marker is between
var x_values = graph.x_values;
var len = x_values.length;
var index = 0;
while (index < len && graph_x >= x_values[index]) index += 1;
var x1 = (index == 0) ? x_values[0] : x_values[index-1];
var x2 = x_values[index];
if (x2 != undefined) {
// for each plot, interpolate and output value at intersection with marker
c.textAlign = 'left';
var tx = graph.left_margin + left_margin;
var ty = graph.top_margin;
for (var plot = 0; plot < graph.y_values.length; plot++) {
var values = graph.y_values[plot][2];
// interpolate signal value at graph_x using values[index-1] and values[index]
var y1 = (index == 0) ? values[0] : values[index-1];
var y2 = values[index];
var y = y1;
if (graph_x != x1) y += (graph_x - x1)*(y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1);
// annotate plot with value of signal at marker
c.fillStyle = element_style;
c.fillStyle = probe_colors_rgb[graph.y_values[plot][0]];
ty += 14;
function redraw_plot(graph) {
var c = graph.getContext('2d');
if (graph.cursor_x != undefined) {
if (graph.cursor1_x != undefined) plot_cursor(c,graph,graph.cursor1_x,4);
if (graph.cursor2_x != undefined) plot_cursor(c,graph,graph.cursor2_x,30);
if (graph.cursor1_x != undefined) {
// draw dashed vertical marker that follows mouse
var x = graph.left_margin + graph.cursor_x;
var x = graph.left_margin + graph.cursor1_x;
var end_y = graph.top_margin + graph.pheight + graph.tick_length;
c.strokeStyle = grid_style;
c.lineWidth = 1;
......@@ -2042,7 +2103,7 @@ schematic = (function() {
// add x label at bottom of marker
var graph_x = graph.cursor_x/graph.x_scale + graph.x_min;
var graph_x = graph.cursor1_x/graph.x_scale + graph.x_min;
c.font = '10pt sans-serif';
c.textAlign = 'center';
c.textBaseline = 'top';
......@@ -2082,6 +2143,7 @@ schematic = (function() {
function graph_mouse_move(event) {
......@@ -2092,8 +2154,13 @@ schematic = (function() {
// not sure yet where the 3,-3 offset correction comes from (borders? padding?)
var gx = g.mouse_x - g.left_margin - 3;
var gy = g.pheight - (g.mouse_y - g.top_margin) + 3;
if (gx >= 0 && gx <= g.pwidth && gy >=0 && gy <= g.pheight) g.cursor_x = gx;
else g.cursor_x = undefined;
if (gx >= 0 && gx <= g.pwidth && gy >=0 && gy <= g.pheight) {
//g.sch.message('button: '+event.button+', which: '+event.which);
g.cursor1_x = gx;
} else {
g.cursor1_x = undefined;
g.cursor2_x = undefined;
......@@ -2880,10 +2947,11 @@ schematic = (function() {
'black': 'rgb(0,0,0)',
function Probe(x,y,rotation,color) {
function Probe(x,y,rotation,color,offset) {,'s',x,y,rotation);
this.add_connection(0,0);['color'] = color ? color : 'cyan';['offset'] = (offset==undefined || offset=='') ? '0' : offset;
this.bounding_box = [0,0,27,-21];
......@@ -2915,13 +2983,14 @@ schematic = (function() {
Probe.prototype.clone = function(x,y) {
return new Probe(x,y,this.rotation,['color']);
return new Probe(x,y,this.rotation,['color'],['offset']);
Probe.prototype.edit_properties = function(x,y) {
if (inside(this.bbox,x,y)) {
var fields = new Array();
fields['Plot color'] = build_select(probe_colors,['color']);
fields['Plot offset'] = build_input('text',10,['offset']);
var content = build_table(fields);
content.fields = fields;
......@@ -2930,6 +2999,7 @@ schematic = (function() {
this.sch.dialog('Edit Properties',content,function(content) {
var color_choice = content.fields['Plot color'];['color'] = probe_colors[color_choice.selectedIndex];['offset'] = content.fields['Plot offset'].value;
return true;
......@@ -2938,7 +3008,10 @@ schematic = (function() {
// return [color, node_label] for this probe
Probe.prototype.probe_info = function() {
return [['color'],this.connections[0].label];
var color =['color'];
var offset =['offset'];
if (offset==undefined || offset=="") offset = '0';
return [color,this.connections[0].label,offset];
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