Commit 4ecceb29 by cahrens

Add tests for changing table status without staff permissions.

parent c360faed
......@@ -54,20 +54,23 @@ def post_init_callback(sender, **kwargs):
@receiver(post_save, sender=CourseCreator)
def post_save_callback(sender, **kwargs):
Extend to update state_changed time and modify the course creator group in
Extend to update state_changed time and fire event to update course creator group, if appropriate.
instance = kwargs['instance']
# We only wish to modify the state_changed time if the state has been modified. We don't wish to
# modify it for changes to the notes field.
if instance.state != instance.orig_state:
if hasattr(instance, 'admin'):
# If either old or new state is 'granted', we must manipulate the course creator
# group maintained by authz. That requires staff permissions (stored admin).
if instance.state == CourseCreator.GRANTED or instance.orig_state == CourseCreator.GRANTED:
assert hasattr(instance, 'admin'), 'Must have stored staff user to change course creator group'
add=instance.state == CourseCreator.GRANTED
# TODO: Else must be sure that state change does not switch to or from granted
instance.state_changed =
instance.orig_state = instance.state
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
from course_creators.views import add_user_with_status_unrequested, add_user_with_status_granted
from course_creators.views import get_course_creator_status, update_course_creator_group
from course_creators.views import get_course_creator_status, update_course_creator_group, user_requested_access
from course_creators.models import CourseCreator
from auth.authz import is_user_in_creator_group
import mock
......@@ -26,22 +26,19 @@ class CourseCreatorView(TestCase):
def test_staff_permission_required(self):
Tests that add methods and course creator group method must be called with staff permissions.
Tests that any method changing the course creator authz group must be called with staff permissions.
with self.assertRaises(PermissionDenied):
add_user_with_status_granted(self.user, self.user)
with self.assertRaises(PermissionDenied):
add_user_with_status_unrequested(self.user, self.user)
with self.assertRaises(PermissionDenied):
update_course_creator_group(self.user, self.user, True)
def test_table_initially_empty(self):
def test_add_unrequested(self):
add_user_with_status_unrequested(self.admin, self.user)
self.assertEqual('unrequested', get_course_creator_status(self.user))
# Calling add again will be a no-op (even if state is different).
......@@ -57,7 +54,7 @@ class CourseCreatorView(TestCase):
self.assertEqual('granted', get_course_creator_status(self.user))
# Calling add again will be a no-op (even if state is different).
add_user_with_status_unrequested(self.admin, self.user)
self.assertEqual('granted', get_course_creator_status(self.user))
......@@ -69,3 +66,17 @@ class CourseCreatorView(TestCase):
update_course_creator_group(self.admin, self.user, False)
def test_user_requested_access(self):
self.assertEqual('unrequested', get_course_creator_status(self.user))
self.assertEqual('pending', get_course_creator_status(self.user))
def test_user_requested_already_granted(self):
add_user_with_status_granted(self.admin, self.user)
self.assertEqual('granted', get_course_creator_status(self.user))
# Will not "downgrade" to pending because that would require removing the
# user from the authz course creator group (and that can only be done by an admin).
self.assertEqual('granted', get_course_creator_status(self.user))
......@@ -20,10 +20,11 @@ def add_user_with_status_granted(caller, user):
Adds a user to the course creator table with status 'granted'.
If the user is already in the table, this method is a no-op
(state will not be changed). Caller must have staff permissions.
This method also adds the user to the course creator group maintained by
Caller must have staff permissions.
If the user is already in the table, this method is a no-op
(state will not be changed).
_add_user(user, CourseCreator.GRANTED)
update_course_creator_group(caller, user, True)
......@@ -64,11 +65,13 @@ def user_requested_access(user):
User has requested course creator access.
This changes the user state to CourseCreator.PENDING.
This changes the user state to CourseCreator.PENDING, unless the user
state is already CourseCreator.GRANTED, in which case this method is a no-op.
user = CourseCreator.objects.get(user=user)
user.state = CourseCreator.PENDING
if user.state != CourseCreator.GRANTED:
user.state = CourseCreator.PENDING
def _add_user(user, state):
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