Commit 4e38b10a by Alison Hodges

Merge pull request #3818 from edx/ahodges/documentation/DOC368

parents 72d9a91f 5ce9b418
......@@ -12,6 +12,17 @@ May, 2014
* - Date
- Change
* - 05/22/14
- Reorganized, updated, and streamlined these sections in the :ref:`Running
Your Course Index` chapter:
* Divided *Grade and Answer Data* into separate sections for
:ref:`Grades` and :ref:`Review_Answers`.
* Moved information about the student **Progress** page from the
*Checking Student Progress and Issuing Certificates* section to
* Renamed the *Checking Student Progress and Issuing Certificates*
section to :ref:`Checking Student Progress and Issuing Certificates`.
* - 05/21/14
- Added warning that version 1 of the :ref:`Open Response Assessments<Open Response Assessment>` suite has been deprecated and added a link to the `new ORA information <>`_.
......@@ -242,6 +242,8 @@ Maximum Attempts
This setting specifies the number of times a student can try to answer
the problem. By default, a student has an unlimited number of attempts.
.. note:: Only questions that have a **Maximum Attempts** setting of 1 or higher are included on the Student Answer Distribution report that you can download during your course.
.. _Problem Weight:
.. _Checking Student Progress and Issuing Certificates:
Checking Student Progress and Issuing Certificates
Assign Final Grades and Issue Certificates
.. This chapter will be renamed and expanded to include course wrap-up activities and best practices.
To assign a final grade to each student enrolled in a course, you generate
grades after the **Course End Date** and **Time** have passed. See
The grading policy and stored problem scores are used to record progress through the course, determine
final grades, and issue certificates at the end. This unit will give you
some advance information about how the grading policy will be visible to the
students during the run of the course and what you will need to do at the
end of the course to give out grades.
.. _A Student's View:
A Student's View
Students can check their progress by clicking on
the **Progress** tab in the course. The
student's progress through the graded part of the course is displayed at the
top of this page, above the subsection scores, as a chart with entries for
all the assignments, total percentage earned in the course so far and
percent needed for each grade cutoff. Here is an example of a student's
progress through edX101.
.. image:: ../Images/image245.png
:width: 800
:alt: Image of a student's Course Progress page with the grade cutoffs legend highlighted
The student can see from this page that edX101 was graded as a Pass/Fail course with a cutoff
of 34% and that the grading rubric contained one assignment type, called
Learning Sequence, consisting of 11 assignments total. Furthermore, this particular student has only
submitted correct responses to two assignments, and that her current total percent grade in
the course is 6%. By hovering over each progress bar, the student can
get further statistics of how much each assignment was counted as.
As was mentioned in the unit on Viewing Scores, further down on the Progress
page is a list of all the subsections in the course, with the scores
recorded for the student for all problems in the course. Here is a scrolled
down view of the example Progress page for the student in the example above:
.. image:: ../Images/image247.png
:width: 800
:alt: Image of a student's Course Progress page with problems highlighted
Again, note that point scores from graded sections are called "Problem
Scores", while point scores from ungraded sections are called "Practice
.. _Check Progress of Students as an Instructor:
Check Progress of Students as an Instructor
To check the progress of the student, go to the
Instructor Dashboard of your course click
the Grades page. The Instructor Dashboard for courses sometimes changes as
more course-specific tools get added. Here is the current view of the top of
the Grades page of the Instructor dashboard for edX101:
.. image:: ../Images/image249.png
:width: 800
:alt: Image of the Grades tab of the Instructor Dashboard
Here you see several options for viewing or downloading student grades,
viewing individual progress through a course or resetting problem attempts.
.. note::
Only the top part of the Grades page is shown. The page continues
with some more information about course statistics. The link to the
student's progress page should give you a view of exactly what the student
would see, including scores for graded and ungraded assignments.
.. note::
The stored scores visible to you on the Instructor tab and to
the students from the Progress tab in the course are a snapshot of the
current state of the problem score database. They may be slightly out of
sync with actual problem scores. (Asynchronicities may happen if, for example,
the weight of a live problem was changed during an assignment, and not
everyone has yet resubmitted their answers for that problem.) Scores and grades
are usually recomputed at the end of the semester before determining final
grades and issuing Certificates.
.. _Assign Final Grades and Issuing Certificates:
The final grades of a student in the course and the grading configuration you
set in Studio are used to determine whether the student has earned a Certificate
of Mastery for the course.
Assign Final Grades and Issue Certificates
The final grades of a student in the course and the grading
rubric you have set are used to determine whether the student has earned a
Certificate of Mastery for the course. The process for issuing Certificates
has to be started manually by you or by the edX support team at the end of the
The process of issuing certificates is completed at edX: work with your edX
program manager to schedule a date to issue certificates and complete this
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......@@ -13,5 +13,6 @@ Running Your Course
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