Commit 4df50e90 by Albert St. Aubin

Updated to check and ensure the progress Detail is a string before looking for the index of /


Added basic JS test to check for progress with integer detail

Added another test with a non-string value to force the failure state with data returns a non-string value

Removed test with unrealistic int input for progress_detail

Cleaned up duplicate code in renderProgress tests
parent 0aceb231
......@@ -86,38 +86,38 @@ describe 'Problem', ->
it 'bind the show button', ->
expect($('div.action')).toHandleWith 'click',
describe 'renderProgressState', ->
beforeEach ->
@problem = new Problem($('.xblock-student_view'))
#@renderProgressState = @problem.renderProgressState
testProgessData = (problem, status, detail, expected_progress_after_render) ->'progress_status', status)'progress_detail', detail)
expect(problem.$('.problem-progress').html()).toEqual ""
expect(problem.$('.problem-progress').html()).toEqual expected_progress_after_render
describe 'with a status of "none"', ->
it 'reports the number of points possible', ->'progress_status', 'none')'progress_detail', '0/1')
expect(@problem.$('.problem-progress').html()).toEqual "(1 point possible)"
testProgessData(@problem, 'none', '0/1', "(1 point possible)")
it 'displays the number of points possible when rendering happens with the content', ->'progress_status', 'none')'progress_detail', '0/2')
expect(@problem.$('.problem-progress').html()).toEqual ""
expect(@problem.$('.problem-progress').html()).toEqual "(2 points possible)"
testProgessData(@problem, 'none', '0/2', "(2 points possible)")
describe 'with any other valid status', ->
it 'reports the current score', ->'progress_status', 'foo')'progress_detail', '1/1')
expect(@problem.$('.problem-progress').html()).toEqual "(1/1 point)"
testProgessData(@problem, 'foo', '1/1', "(1/1 point)")
it 'shows current score when rendering happens with the content', ->'progress_status', 'test status')'progress_detail', '2/2')
expect(@problem.$('.problem-progress').html()).toEqual ""
expect(@problem.$('.problem-progress').html()).toEqual "(2/2 points)"
testProgessData(@problem, 'test status', '2/2', "(2/2 points)")
describe 'with valid status and string containing an integer like "0" for detail', ->
# These tests are to address a failure specific to Chrome 51 and 52 +
it 'shows no score possible for the detail', ->
testProgessData(@problem, 'foo', '0', "")
describe 'render', ->
beforeEach ->
......@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ class @Problem
detail ='progress_detail')
status ='progress_status')
# Render 'x/y point(s)' if student has attempted question
if status != 'none' and detail? and detail.indexOf('/') > 0
# Render 'x/y point(s)' if student has attempted question
if status != 'none' and detail? and (jQuery.type(detail) == "string") and detail.indexOf('/') > 0
a = detail.split('/')
earned = parseFloat(a[0])
possible = parseFloat(a[1])
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class @Problem
progress = interpolate(progress_template, {'earned': earned, 'possible': possible}, true)
# Render 'x point(s) possible' if student has not yet attempted question
if status == 'none' and detail? and detail.indexOf('/') > 0
if status == 'none' and detail? and (jQuery.type(detail) == "string") and detail.indexOf('/') > 0
a = detail.split('/')
possible = parseFloat(a[1])
`// Translators: %(num_points)s is the number of points possible (examples: 1, 3, 10). There will always be at least 1 point possible.`
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