Click <ahref="${wiki_namespace_reverse("wiki_create",course=course,kwargs={'article_path':article_path})}">here</a> to create it.
Or maybe rather: Congratulations! It seems that there's no root
article, which is probably because you just installed simple-wiki
and your installation is working. Now you can create the root article.
Click <ahref="{% url wiki_create ""%}">here</a> to create it.
%if wiki_err_no_namespace is not UNDEFINED and wiki_err_no_namespace:
The page you requested could not be found.
Click <ahref="${wiki_reverse("wiki_create",course=course,kwargs={'article_path':article_path})}">here</a> to create it.
%elif wiki_err_no_namespace is not UNDEFINED and wiki_err_no_namespace:
You must specify a namespace to create an article in.
@@ -73,7 +62,7 @@ ${wiki_error}
%elif wiki_err_deleted is not UNDEFINED and wiki_err_deleted:
The article you tried to access has been deleted. You may be able to restore it to an earlier version in its <ahref="${reverse("wiki_history",args=[wiki_article.get_url(),1])}">history</a>, or <ahref="${reverse("wiki_edit",args=[wiki_article.get_url()])}">create a new version</a>.
The article you tried to access has been deleted. You may be able to restore it to an earlier version in its <ahref="${wiki_reverse("wiki_history",wiki_article,course)}">history</a>, or <ahref="${wiki_reverse("wiki_edit",wiki_article,course)}">create a new version</a>.