Commit 4d349fbd by Bridger Maxwell

Fixed wiki error page again.

parent c0bba714
......@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ def not_found(request, article_path, course):
d = {'wiki_err_notfound': True,
'article_path': article_path,
'namespace' : course.wiki_namespace}
update_template_dictionary(request, course)
update_template_dictionary(d, request, course)
return render_to_response('simplewiki/simplewiki_error.html', d)
def get_article(request, article_path, course):
......@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ def check_permissions(request, article, course, check_read=False, check_write=Fa
'wiki_err_nowrite': write_err,
'wiki_err_locked': locked_err,
'wiki_err_deleted': deleted_err,}
update_template_dictionary(request, course)
update_template_dictionary(d, request, course)
# TODO: Make this a little less jarring by just displaying an error
# on the current page? (no such redirect happens for an anon upload yet)
# benjaoming: I think this is the nicest way of displaying an error, but
......@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
<%inherit file="simplewiki_base.html"/>
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from simplewiki.views import wiki_namespace_reverse
from simplewiki.views import wiki_reverse
<%block name="title"><title>Wiki Error – MITx 6.002x</title></%block>
......@@ -22,21 +21,11 @@ ${wiki_error}
%if wiki_err_notfound is not UNDEFINED:
%if article_path is not UNDEFINED:
The page you requested could not be found.
Click <a href="${wiki_namespace_reverse("wiki_create", course=course, kwargs={'article_path' : article_path})}">here</a> to create it.
Or maybe rather: Congratulations! It seems that there's no root
article, which is probably because you just installed simple-wiki
and your installation is working. Now you can create the root article.
Click <a href="{% url wiki_create "" %}">here</a> to create it.
%if wiki_err_no_namespace is not UNDEFINED and wiki_err_no_namespace:
The page you requested could not be found.
Click <a href="${wiki_reverse("wiki_create", course=course, kwargs={'article_path' : article_path})}">here</a> to create it.
%elif wiki_err_no_namespace is not UNDEFINED and wiki_err_no_namespace:
You must specify a namespace to create an article in.
......@@ -73,7 +62,7 @@ ${wiki_error}
%elif wiki_err_deleted is not UNDEFINED and wiki_err_deleted:
The article you tried to access has been deleted. You may be able to restore it to an earlier version in its <a href="${reverse("wiki_history", args=[wiki_article.get_url(),1])}">history</a>, or <a href="${reverse("wiki_edit", args=[wiki_article.get_url()])}">create a new version</a>.
The article you tried to access has been deleted. You may be able to restore it to an earlier version in its <a href="${wiki_reverse("wiki_history", wiki_article, course)}">history</a>, or <a href="${wiki_reverse("wiki_edit", wiki_article, course)}">create a new version</a>.
%elif wiki_err_norevision is not UNDEFINED:
......@@ -84,7 +73,6 @@ ${wiki_error}
An error has occured.
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