Commit 4c21cb20 by Calen Pennington

Teach OEE to consider old task_states when trying to recover from an xml mismatch

parent 0ad53f60
import json
import logging
import traceback
from lxml import etree
from xmodule.timeinfo import TimeInfo
from xmodule.capa_module import ComplexEncoder
......@@ -172,27 +173,18 @@ class CombinedOpenEndedV1Module():
def fix_invalid_state(self):
Sometimes a teacher will change the xml definition of a problem in Studio.
This means that the state passed to the module is invalid.
If that is the case, moved it to old_task_states and delete task_states.
def validate_task_states(self, tasks_xml, task_states):
Check whether the provided task_states are valid for the supplied task_xml.
# If we are on a task that is greater than the number of available tasks,
# it is an invalid state. If the current task number is greater than the number of tasks
# we have in the definition, our state is invalid.
if self.current_task_number > len(self.task_states) or self.current_task_number > len(self.task_xml):
self.current_task_number = max(min(len(self.task_states), len(self.task_xml)) - 1, 0)
#If the length of the task xml is less than the length of the task states, state is invalid
if len(self.task_xml) < len(self.task_states):
self.current_task_number = len(self.task_xml) - 1
self.task_states = self.task_states[:len(self.task_xml)]
Returns a list of messages indicating what is invalid about the state.
If the list is empty, then the state is valid
msgs = []
#Loop through each task state and make sure it matches the xml definition
for (i, t) in enumerate(self.task_states):
tag_name = self.get_tag_name(self.task_xml[i])
for task_xml, task_state in zip(tasks_xml, task_states):
tag_name = self.get_tag_name(task_xml)
children = self.child_modules()
task_xml = self.task_xml[i]
task_descriptor = children['descriptors'][tag_name](self.system)
task_parsed_xml = task_descriptor.definition_from_xml(etree.fromstring(task_xml), self.system)
......@@ -202,30 +194,156 @@ class CombinedOpenEndedV1Module():
#Loop through each attempt of the task and see if it is valid.
for att in task.child_history:
if "post_assessment" not in att:
for attempt in task.child_history:
if "post_assessment" not in attempt:
pa = att['post_assessment']
post_assessment = attempt['post_assessment']
pa = json.loads(pa)
post_assessment = json.loads(post_assessment)
except ValueError:
#This is okay, the value may or may not be json encoded.
if tag_name == "openended" and isinstance(pa, list):
self.reset_task_state("Type is open ended and post assessment is a list.")
if tag_name == "openended" and isinstance(post_assessment, list):
msgs.append("Type is open ended and post assessment is a list.")
elif tag_name == "selfassessment" and not isinstance(pa, list):
self.reset_task_state("Type is self assessment and post assessment is not a list.")
elif tag_name == "selfassessment" and not isinstance(post_assessment, list):
msgs.append("Type is self assessment and post assessment is not a list.")
#See if we can properly render the task. Will go into the exception clause below if not.
except Exception as err:
except Exception:
#If one task doesn't match, the state is invalid.
self.reset_task_state("Could not parse task. {0}".format(err))
msgs.append("Could not parse task with xml {xml!r} and states {state!r}: {err}".format(
return msgs
def is_initial_child_state(self, task_child):
Returns true if this is a child task in an initial configuration
task_child = json.loads(task_child)
return (
task_child['child_state'] == self.INITIAL and
task_child['child_history'] == []
def is_reset_task_states(self, task_state):
Returns True if this task_state is from something that was just reset
return all(self.is_initial_child_state(child) for child in task_state)
def states_sort_key(self, idx_task_states):
Return a key for sorting a list of indexed task_states, by how far the student got
through the tasks, what their highest score was, and then the index of the submission.
idx, task_states = idx_task_states
state_values = {
self.INITIAL: 0,
self.ASSESSING: 1,
self.DONE: 3
if not task_states:
return (0, 0, state_values[self.INITITIAL], idx)
final_child_state = json.loads(task_states[-1])
best_score = max(attempt.get('score', 0) for attempt in final_child_state.get('child_history', []))
return (
state_values[final_child_state.get('child_state', self.INITIAL)],
def fix_invalid_state(self):
Sometimes a teacher will change the xml definition of a problem in Studio.
This means that the state passed to the module is invalid.
If that is the case, moved it to old_task_states and delete task_states.
# If we are on a task that is greater than the number of available tasks,
# it is an invalid state. If the current task number is greater than the number of tasks
# we have in the definition, our state is invalid.
if self.current_task_number > len(self.task_states) or self.current_task_number > len(self.task_xml):
self.current_task_number = max(min(len(self.task_states), len(self.task_xml)) - 1, 0)
#If the length of the task xml is less than the length of the task states, state is invalid
if len(self.task_xml) < len(self.task_states):
self.current_task_number = len(self.task_xml) - 1
self.task_states = self.task_states[:len(self.task_xml)]
if not self.old_task_states and not self.task_states:
# No validation needed when a student first looks at the problem
# Pick out of self.task_states and self.old_task_states the state that is
# a) valid for the current task definition
# b) not the result of a reset due to not having a valid task state
# c) has the highest total score
# d) is the most recent (if the other two conditions are met)
valid_states = [
for task_states
in self.old_task_states + [self.task_states]
if (
len(self.validate_task_states(self.task_xml, task_states)) == 0 and
not self.is_reset_task_states(task_states)
# If there are no valid states, don't try and use an old state
if len(valid_states) == 0:
# If this isn't an initial task state, then reset to an initial state
if not self.is_reset_task_states(self.task_states):
self.reset_task_state('\n'.join(self.validate_task_states(self.task_xml, self.task_states)))
sorted_states = sorted(enumerate(valid_states), key=self.states_sort_key, reverse=True)
idx, best_task_states = sorted_states[0]
if best_task_states == self.task_states:
"Updating current task state for %s to %r for student with anonymous id %r",
self.task_states = best_task_states
# The state is ASSESSING unless all of the children are done, or all
# of the children haven't been started yet
children = [json.loads(child) for child in best_task_states]
if all(child['child_state'] == self.DONE for child in children):
self.state = self.DONE
elif all(child['child_state'] == self.INITIAL for child in children):
self.state = self.INITIAL
self.state = self.ASSESSING
# The current task number is the index of the last completed child + 1,
# limited by the number of tasks
last_completed_child = next((i for i, child in reversed(list(enumerate(children))) if child['child_state'] == self.DONE), 0)
self.current_task_number = min(last_completed_child + 1, len(best_task_states) - 1)
def reset_task_state(self, message=""):
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