Commit 4bf9323e by Victor Shnayder

More test speedups:

- Add tasks to test lib without coverage
- Add a coverage flag to (set to True, for manual tweaking for now)
parent 3f3df3fd
......@@ -27,12 +27,18 @@ SOUTH_TESTS_MIGRATE = False # To disable migrations and use syncdb instead
# Nose Test Runner
INSTALLED_APPS += ('django_nose',)
NOSE_ARGS = ['--cover-erase', '--with-xunit', '--with-xcoverage', '--cover-html',
# '-v', '--pdb', # When really stuck, uncomment to start debugger on error
'--cover-inclusive', '--cover-html-dir',
os.environ.get('NOSE_COVER_HTML_DIR', 'cover_html')]
for app in os.listdir(PROJECT_ROOT / 'djangoapps'):
NOSE_ARGS += ['--cover-package', app]
# Turning off coverage speeds up tests dramatically... until we have better config,
# leave it here for manual fiddling.
_coverage = True
if _coverage:
NOSE_ARGS = ['--cover-erase', '--with-xunit', '--with-xcoverage', '--cover-html',
# '-v', '--pdb', # When really stuck, uncomment to start debugger on error
'--cover-inclusive', '--cover-html-dir',
os.environ.get('NOSE_COVER_HTML_DIR', 'cover_html')]
for app in os.listdir(PROJECT_ROOT / 'djangoapps'):
NOSE_ARGS += ['--cover-package', app]
TEST_RUNNER = 'django_nose.NoseTestSuiteRunner'
# Local Directories
......@@ -151,6 +151,13 @@ Dir["common/lib/*"].each do |lib|
sh("nosetests #{lib} --cover-erase --with-xunit --with-xcoverage --cover-html --cover-inclusive --cover-package #{File.basename(lib)} --cover-html-dir #{File.join(report_dir, "cover")}")
TEST_TASKS << task_name
desc "Run tests for common lib #{lib} (without coverage)"
task "fasttest_#{lib}" do
sh("nosetests #{lib}")
task :test do
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