Commit 49f99146 by Brian Jacobel Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #13417 from edx/bjacobel/flaky-5453

Mark DiscussionResponseEditTest.test_vote_report_endorse_after_edit as flaky
parents cb6f92a5 d148868b
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ from uuid import uuid4
from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
from pytz import UTC
from flaky import flaky
from common.test.acceptance.tests.discussion.helpers import BaseDiscussionTestCase
from common.test.acceptance.tests.helpers import UniqueCourseTest
......@@ -783,6 +784,7 @@ class DiscussionResponseEditTest(BaseDiscussionTestCase):
self.edit_response(page, "response_self_author")
self.edit_response(page, "response_other_author")
@flaky # TODO fix this, see TNL-5453
def test_vote_report_endorse_after_edit(self):
Scenario: Moderator should be able to vote, report or endorse after editing the response.
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