Commit 495b5824 by Christina Roberts

Remove 'name' property if it exists in an AssignmentFormatGrader. Don and I…

Remove 'name' property if it exists in an AssignmentFormatGrader. Don and I decided to do this instead of throwing an xlint warning and forcing authors to delete the name property.
parent e55d8fb2
import abc
import inspect
import json
import logging
import random
import sys
......@@ -66,17 +65,27 @@ def grader_from_conf(conf):
for subgraderconf in conf:
subgraderconf = subgraderconf.copy()
weight = subgraderconf.pop("weight", 0)
# NOTE: 'name' used to exist in SingleSectionGrader. We are deprecating SingleSectionGrader
# and converting everything into an AssignmentFormatGrader by adding 'min_count' and
# 'drop_count'. AssignmentFormatGrader does not expect 'name', so if it appears
# in bad_args, go ahead remove it (this causes no errors). Eventually, SingleSectionGrader
# should be completely removed.
name = 'name'
if 'min_count' in subgraderconf:
#This is an AssignmentFormatGrader
subgrader_class = AssignmentFormatGrader
elif 'name' in subgraderconf:
elif name in subgraderconf:
#This is an SingleSectionGrader
subgrader_class = SingleSectionGrader
raise ValueError("Configuration has no appropriate grader class.")
bad_args = invalid_args(subgrader_class.__init__, subgraderconf)
# See note above concerning 'name'.
if bad_args.issuperset({name}):
bad_args = bad_args - {name}
del subgraderconf[name]
if len(bad_args) > 0:
log.warning("Invalid arguments for a subgrader: %s", bad_args)
for key in bad_args:
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