Commit 493421c1 by Vasyl Nakvasiuk

fix `test_conditional`, add new conditional to "conditional_and_poll" test course

parent 3270caed
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class ConditionalModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Make sure that conditional module works"""
print "Starting import"
course = self.get_course('conditional')
course = self.get_course('conditional_and_poll')
print "Course: ", course
print "id: ",
......@@ -82,7 +82,9 @@ class ConditionalModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
location = descriptor.location
return descriptor.xmodule(test_system)
location = Location(["i4x", "edX", "cond_test", "conditional", "condone"])
# edx - HarvardX
# cond_test - ER22x
location = Location(["i4x", "HarvardX", "ER22x", "conditional", "condone"])
def replace_urls(text, staticfiles_prefix=None, replace_prefix='/static/', course_namespace=None):
return text
......@@ -91,14 +93,14 @@ class ConditionalModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
module = inner_get_module(location)
print "module: ", module
print "module.condition: ", module.condition
print "module.conditions_map: ", module.conditions_map
print "module children: ", module.get_children()
print "module display items (children): ", module.get_display_items()
html = module.get_html()
print "html type: ", type(html)
print "html: ", html
html_expect = "{'ajax_url': 'courses/course_id/modx/a_location', 'element_id': 'i4x-edX-cond_test-conditional-condone', 'id': 'i4x://edX/cond_test/conditional/condone'}"
html_expect = "{'ajax_url': 'courses/course_id/modx/a_location', 'element_id': 'i4x-HarvardX-ER22x-conditional-condone', 'id': 'i4x://HarvardX/ER22x/conditional/condone', 'depends': 'i4x-HarvardX-ER22x-problem-choiceprob'}"
self.assertEqual(html, html_expect)
gdi = module.get_display_items()
......@@ -106,11 +108,13 @@ class ConditionalModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
ajax = json.loads(module.handle_ajax('', ''))
print "ajax: ", ajax
self.assertTrue('ConditionalModule' in ajax['html'])
html = ajax['html']
self.assertFalse(any(['This is a secret' in item for item in html]))
# now change state of the capa problem to make it completed
inner_get_module(Location('i4x://edX/cond_test/problem/choiceprob')).attempts = 1
inner_get_module(Location('i4x://HarvardX/ER22x/problem/choiceprob')).attempts = 1
ajax = json.loads(module.handle_ajax('', ''))
print "post-attempt ajax: ", ajax
self.assertTrue('This is a secret' in ajax['html'])
html = ajax['html']
self.assertTrue(any(['This is a secret' in item for item in html]))
<conditional attempted="True" sources="i4x://HarvardX/ER22x/problem/choiceprob">
<html url_name="secret_page" />
......@@ -2,5 +2,11 @@
Take note of this name exactly, you'll need to use it everywhere. -->
<chapter url_name="Staff"/>
<chapter name="Problems with Condition">
<problem url_name="choiceprob" />
<conditional url_name="condone"/>
<html display_name="Secret Page">
<p>This is a secret!</p>
<problem display_name="S3E2: Lorentz Force">
<p>Consider a hypothetical magnetic field pointing out of your computer screen. Now imagine an electron traveling from right to left in the plane of your screen. A diagram of this situation is show below…</p>
<center><img width="400" src="/static/images/LSQimages/LSQ_W01_8.png"/></center>
<p>a. The magnitude of the force experienced by the electron is proportional the product of which of the following? (Select all that apply.)</p>
<!-- include ellipses to test non-ascii characters -->
<choice correct="true"><text>Magnetic field strength…</text></choice>
<choice correct="false"><text>Electric field strength…</text></choice>
<choice correct="true"><text>Electric charge of the electron…</text></choice>
<choice correct="false"><text>Radius of the electron…</text></choice>
<choice correct="false"><text>Mass of the electron…</text></choice>
<choice correct="true"><text>Velocity of the electron…</text></choice>
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