Commit 4915c138 by kimth

Workaround for 500 on showanswer for choiceresponse

parent 543be304
......@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ class ChoiceResponse(LoncapaResponse):
return CorrectMap(self.answer_id, 'incorrect')
def get_answers(self):
return {self.answer_id: self.correct_choices}
return {self.answer_id: list(self.correct_choices)}
......@@ -390,9 +390,19 @@ class CapaModule(XModule):
raise NotFoundError('Answer is not available')
answers = self.lcp.get_question_answers()
# answers (eg <solution>) may have embedded images
answers = dict( (k,self.system.replace_urls(answers[k], self.metadata['data_dir'])) for k in answers )
return {'answers': answers}
# but be careful, some problems are using non-string answer dicts
new_answers = dict()
for answer_id in answers:
new_answer = {answer_id: self.system.replace_urls(answers[answer_id], self.metadata['data_dir'])}
except TypeError:
log.debug('Unable to perform URL substitution on answers[%s]: %s' % (answer_id, answers[answer_id]))
new_answer = {answer_id: answers[answer_id]}
return {'answers': new_answers}
# Figure out if we should move these to capa_problem?
def get_problem(self, get):
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