Commit 48fa4b4a by Don Mitchell

Cache in order to try updated sortable lib

parent edda80d4
* Create a HesitateEvent and assign it as the event to execute:
* $(el).on('mouseEnter', CMS.HesitateEvent( expand, 'mouseLeave').trigger);
* It calls the executeOnTimeOut function with the event.currentTarget after the configurable timeout IFF the cancelSelector event
* did not occur on the event.currentTarget.
* More specifically, when trigger is called (triggered by the event you bound it to), it starts a timer
* which the cancelSelector event will cancel or if the timer finished, it executes the executeOnTimeOut function
* passing it the original event (whose currentTarget s/b the specific ele). It never accumulates events; however, it doesn't hurt for your
* code to minimize invocations of trigger by binding to mouseEnter v mouseOver and such.
* NOTE: if something outside of this wants to cancel the event, invoke cachedhesitation.untrigger(null | anything);
CMS.HesitateEvent = function(executeOnTimeOut, cancelSelector, onlyOnce = false) {
this.executeOnTimeOut = executeOnTimeOut;
this.cancelSelector = cancelSelector;
this.timeoutEventId = null;
this.originalEvent = null;
this.onlyOnce = onlyOnce;
CMS.HesitateEvent.DURATION = 400;
CMS.HesitateEvent.prototype.trigger = function(event) {
if (this.timeoutEventId === null) {
this.timeoutEventId = window.setTimeout(this.fireEvent, CMS.HesitateEvent.DURATION);
this.originalEvent = event;
// is it wrong to bind to the below v $(event.currentTarget)?
$(this.originalEvent.delegateTarget).on(this.cancelSelector, this.untrigger);
CMS.HesitateEvent.prototype.fireEvent = function(event) {
this.timeoutEventId = null;
$(this.originalEvent.delegateTarget).off(this.cancelSelector, this.untrigger);
if (this.onlyOnce) $(this.originalEvent.delegateTarget).off(this.originalEvent.type, this.trigger);
CMS.HesitateEvent.prototype.untrigger = function(event) {
if (this.timeoutEventId) {
$(this.originalEvent.delegateTarget).off(this.cancelSelector, this.untrigger);
this.timeoutEventId = null;
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