Commit 48b90432 by Diana Huang

Initial problem list functionality

parent 7596deb4
......@@ -36,19 +36,20 @@ class StaffGradingBackend
else if cmd == 'save_grade'
console.log("eval: #{data.score} pts, Feedback: #{}")
response =
@mock('get_next', {})
# get_probblem_list
@mock('get_next', {location})
# get_problem_list
# sends in a course_id and a grader_id
# should get back a list of problem_ids, problem_names, num_left, num_total
else if cmd == 'get_problem_list'
response =
success: true
problem_list: [
{location: 'i4x://MITx/3.091x/problem/open_ended_demo', \
problem_name: "Problem 1", num_left: 3, num_total: 5},
{location: 'i4x://MITx/3.091x/problem/open_ended_demo', \
problem_name: "Problem 2", num_left: 1, num_total: 5}
response =
success: true
problem_list: [
{location: 'i4x://MITx/3.091x/problem/open_ended_demo', \
problem_name: "Problem 1", num_left: 3, num_total: 5},
{location: 'i4x://MITx/3.091x/problem/open_ended_demo', \
problem_name: "Problem 2", num_left: 1, num_total: 5}
response =
success: false
......@@ -79,8 +80,13 @@ class StaffGradingBackend
class StaffGrading
constructor: (backend) ->
@backend = backend
@list_view = true
# all the jquery selectors
@problem_list_container = $('.problem-list-container')
@problem_list = $('.problem-list')
@error_container = $('.error-container')
@message_container = $('.message-container')
......@@ -108,17 +114,19 @@ class StaffGrading
@message = ''
@max_score = 0
@ml_error_info= ''
@location = ''
@score = null
@problems = null
# action handlers @submit
# render intial state
# send initial request automatically
setup_score_selection: =>
......@@ -153,7 +161,9 @@ class StaffGrading
@message = ''
if response.success
if response.submission
if response.problem_list
@problems = response.problem_list
else if response.submission
@data_loaded(response.prompt, response.submission, response.rubric, response.submission_id, response.max_score, response.ml_error_info)
......@@ -162,8 +172,13 @@ class StaffGrading
get_next_submission: () ->'get_next', {}, @ajax_callback)
get_next_submission: (location) ->
@location = location
@list_view = false'get_next', {location}, @ajax_callback)
get_problem_list: () ->'get_problem_list', {}, @ajax_callback)
submit_and_get_next: () ->
data =
......@@ -202,14 +217,41 @@ class StaffGrading
@state = state_no_data
render_view: () ->
# make the view elements match the state. Idempotent.
show_grading_elements = false
show_submit_button = true
# clear the problem list
# only show the grading elements when we are not in list view or the state
# is invalid
show_grading_elements = !(@list_view || @state == state_error ||
@state == state_no_data)
if @backend.mock_backend
@message_container.append("<p>NOTE: Mocking backend.</p>")
if @list_view
problem_link:(problem) ->
link = $('<a>').attr('href', "javascript:void(0)").append(
"#{problem.problem_name} (#{problem.num_left} / #{problem.num_total})")
.click =>
@get_next_submission problem.location
render_list: () ->
for problem in @problems
render_problem: () ->
# make the view elements match the state. Idempotent.
show_submit_button = true
if @state == state_error
......@@ -220,7 +262,6 @@ class StaffGrading
show_grading_elements = true
# no submit button until user picks grade.
show_submit_button = false
......@@ -228,7 +269,6 @@ class StaffGrading
else if @state == state_graded
show_grading_elements = true
else if @state == state_no_data
......@@ -239,21 +279,16 @@ class StaffGrading
@error('System got into invalid state ' + @state)
submit: (event) =>
if @state == state_error
else if @state == state_graded
else if @state == state_no_data
@error('System got into invalid state for submission: ' + @state)
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