Commit 47ebd2b6 by Calen Pennington

Set pythonpath when running pylint via rake to avoid import errors

parent 324d286f
......@@ -141,11 +141,7 @@ end
desc "Run pylint on all #{system} code"
task "pylint_#{system}" => report_dir do
Dir["#{system}/djangoapps/*", "#{system}/lib/*"].each do |app|
if File.exists? "#{app}/"
pythonpath_prefix = "PYTHONPATH=#{app}"
pythonpath_prefix = "PYTHONPATH=#{File.dirname(app)}"
pythonpath_prefix = "PYTHONPATH=#{system}:#{system}/djangoapps:#{system}/lib:common/djangoapps:common/lib"
app = File.basename(app)
if app =~ /.py$/
app = app.gsub('.py', '')
......@@ -423,7 +419,7 @@ end
namespace :cms do
desc "Delete existing MongoDB based course"
task :delete_course do
if ENV['LOC'] and ENV['COMMIT']
sh(django_admin(:cms, :dev, :delete_course, ENV['LOC'], ENV['COMMIT']))
elsif ENV['LOC']
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