Commit 47621b56 by Will Daly

Merge pull request #1112 from edx/will/shard-acceptance-tests

Added tags to acceptance tests to define multiple shards.
parents 2338ed2d 7669b4d7
Feature: Advanced (manual) course policy @shard_1
Feature: CMS.Advanced (manual) course policy
In order to specify course policy settings for which no custom user interface exists In order to specify course policy settings for which no custom user interface exists
I want to be able to manually enter JSON key /value pairs I want to be able to manually enter JSON key /value pairs
Feature: Course checklists @shard_1
Feature: CMS.Course checklists
Scenario: A course author sees checklists defined by edX Scenario: A course author sees checklists defined by edX
Given I have opened a new course in Studio Given I have opened a new course in Studio
Feature: Component Adding @shard_1
Feature: CMS.Component Adding
As a course author, I want to be able to add a wide variety of components As a course author, I want to be able to add a wide variety of components
@skip @skip
Feature: Course Overview @shard_1
Feature: CMS.Course Overview
In order to quickly view the details of a course's section and set release dates and grading In order to quickly view the details of a course's section and set release dates and grading
As a course author As a course author
I want to use the course overview page I want to use the course overview page
Feature: Course Settings @shard_2
Feature: CMS.Course Settings
As a course author, I want to be able to configure my course settings. As a course author, I want to be able to configure my course settings.
# Safari has trouble keeps dates on refresh # Safari has trouble keeps dates on refresh
Feature: Course Team @shard_2
Feature: CMS.Course Team
As a course author, I want to be able to add others to my team As a course author, I want to be able to add others to my team
Scenario: Admins can add other users Scenario: Admins can add other users
Feature: Course updates @shard_2
Feature: CMS.Course updates
As a course author, I want to be able to provide updates to my students As a course author, I want to be able to provide updates to my students
# Internet explorer can't select all so the update appears weirdly # Internet explorer can't select all so the update appears weirdly
Feature: Create Course @shard_2
Feature: CMS.Create Course
In order offer a course on the edX platform In order offer a course on the edX platform
As a course author As a course author
I want to create courses I want to create courses
Feature: Discussion Component Editor @shard_2
Feature: CMS.Discussion Component Editor
As a course author, I want to be able to create discussion components. As a course author, I want to be able to create discussion components.
Scenario: User can view metadata Scenario: User can view metadata
Feature: Course Grading @shard_1
Feature: CMS.Course Grading
As a course author, I want to be able to configure how my course is graded As a course author, I want to be able to configure how my course is graded
Scenario: Users can add grading ranges Scenario: Users can add grading ranges
Feature: HTML Editor @shard_3
Feature: CMS.HTML Editor
As a course author, I want to be able to create HTML blocks. As a course author, I want to be able to create HTML blocks.
Scenario: User can view metadata Scenario: User can view metadata
Feature: Problem Editor @shard_3
Feature: CMS.Problem Editor
As a course author, I want to be able to create problems and edit their settings. As a course author, I want to be able to create problems and edit their settings.
Scenario: User can view metadata Scenario: User can view metadata
Feature: Create Section @shard_2
Feature: CMS.Create Section
In order offer a course on the edX platform In order offer a course on the edX platform
As a course author As a course author
I want to create and edit sections I want to create and edit sections
Feature: Sign in @shard_3
Feature: CMS.Sign in
In order to use the edX content In order to use the edX content
As a new user As a new user
I want to signup for a student account I want to signup for a student account
Feature: Static Pages @shard_3
Feature: CMS.Static Pages
As a course author, I want to be able to add static pages As a course author, I want to be able to add static pages
Scenario: Users can add static pages Scenario: Users can add static pages
Feature: Create Subsection @shard_2
Feature: CMS.Create Subsection
In order offer a course on the edX platform In order offer a course on the edX platform
As a course author As a course author
I want to create and edit subsections I want to create and edit subsections
Feature: Textbooks @shard_3
Feature: CMS.Textbooks
Scenario: No textbooks Scenario: No textbooks
Given I have opened a new course in Studio Given I have opened a new course in Studio
Feature: Upload Files @shard_3
Feature: CMS.Upload Files
As a course author, I want to be able to upload files for my students As a course author, I want to be able to upload files for my students
# Uploading isn't working on safari with sauce labs # Uploading isn't working on safari with sauce labs
Feature: Video Component Editor @shard_3
Feature: CMS.Video Component Editor
As a course author, I want to be able to create video components. As a course author, I want to be able to create video components.
Scenario: User can view Video metadata Scenario: User can view Video metadata
Feature: Video Component @shard_3
Feature: CMS.Video Component
As a course author, I want to be able to view my created videos in Studio. As a course author, I want to be able to view my created videos in Studio.
# Video Alpha Features will work in Firefox only when Firefox is the active window # Video Alpha Features will work in Firefox only when Firefox is the active window
Feature: Verified certificates @shard_2
Feature: LMS.Verified certificates
As a student, As a student,
In order to earn a verified certificate In order to earn a verified certificate
I want to sign up for a verified certificate course. I want to sign up for a verified certificate course.
Feature: The help module should work @shard_2
Feature: LMS.The help module should work
In order to get help In order to get help
As a student As a student
I want to be able to report a problem I want to be able to report a problem
Feature: All the high level tabs should work @shard_1
Feature: LMS.All the high level tabs should work
In order to preview the courseware In order to preview the courseware
As a student As a student
I want to navigate through the high level tabs I want to navigate through the high level tabs
Feature: Homepage for web users @shard_1
Feature: LMS.Homepage for web users
In order to get an idea what edX is about In order to get an idea what edX is about
As a an anonymous web user As a an anonymous web user
I want to check the information on the home page I want to check the information on the home page
Feature: Login in as a registered user @shard_1
Feature: LMS.Login in as a registered user
As a registered user As a registered user
In order to access my content In order to access my content
I want to be able to login in to edX I want to be able to login in to edX
Feature: LTI component @shard_1
Feature: LMS.LTI component
As a student, I want to view LTI component in LMS. As a student, I want to view LTI component in LMS.
Scenario: LTI component in LMS is not rendered Scenario: LTI component in LMS is not rendered
...@@ -14,4 +15,4 @@ Feature: LTI component ...@@ -14,4 +15,4 @@ Feature: LTI component
Scenario: LTI component in LMS is rendered incorrectly Scenario: LTI component in LMS is rendered incorrectly
Given the course has incorrect LTI credentials Given the course has incorrect LTI credentials
And the course has an LTI component filled with correct fields And the course has an LTI component filled with correct fields
Then I view the LTI but incorrect_signature warning is rendered Then I view the LTI but incorrect_signature warning is rendered
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Feature: Navigate Course @shard_1
Feature: LMS.Navigate Course
As a student in an edX course As a student in an edX course
In order to view the course properly In order to view the course properly
I want to be able to navigate through the content I want to be able to navigate through the content
Feature: Open ended grading Feature: LMS.Open ended grading
As a student in an edX course As a student in an edX course
In order to complete the courseware questions In order to complete the courseware questions
I want the machine learning grading to be functional I want the machine learning grading to be functional
Feature: Answer problems @shard_1
Feature: LMS.Answer problems
As a student in an edX course As a student in an edX course
In order to test my understanding of the material In order to test my understanding of the material
I want to answer problems I want to answer problems
Feature: Register for a course @shard_1
Feature: LMS.Register for a course
As a registered user As a registered user
In order to access my class content In order to access my class content
I want to register for a class on the edX website I want to register for a class on the edX website
Scenario: I can register for a course Scenario: I can register for a course
Given The course "6.002x" exists Given The course "6.002x" exists
And I am logged in And I am logged in
And I visit the courses page And I visit the courses page
When I register for the course "6.002x" When I register for the course "6.002x"
Then I should see the course numbered "6.002x" in my dashboard Then I should see the course numbered "6.002x" in my dashboard
Scenario: I can unregister for a course Scenario: I can unregister for a course
Given I am registered for the course "6.002x" Given I am registered for the course "6.002x"
And I visit the dashboard And I visit the dashboard
Then I should see the course numbered "6.002x" in my dashboard Then I should see the course numbered "6.002x" in my dashboard
Feature: Sign in @shard_2
Feature: LMS.Sign in
In order to use the edX content In order to use the edX content
As a new user As a new user
I want to signup for a student account I want to signup for a student account
Feature: Video component @shard_2
Feature: LMS.Video component
As a student, I want to view course videos in LMS. As a student, I want to view course videos in LMS.
Scenario: Video component is fully rendered in the LMS in HTML5 mode Scenario: Video component is fully rendered in the LMS in HTML5 mode
Given the course has a Video component in HTML5 mode Given the course has a Video component in HTML5 mode
Then when I view the video it has rendered in HTML5 mode Then when I view the video it has rendered in HTML5 mode
And all sources are correct And all sources are correct
# Firefox doesn't have HTML5 (only mp4 - fix here) # Firefox doesn't have HTML5 (only mp4 - fix here)
@skip_firefox @skip_firefox
Scenario: Autoplay is disabled in LMS for a Video component Scenario: Autoplay is disabled in LMS for a Video component
Given the course has a Video component in HTML5 mode Given the course has a Video component in HTML5 mode
Then when I view the video it does not have autoplay enabled Then when I view the video it does not have autoplay enabled
# Youtube testing # Youtube testing
Scenario: Video component is fully rendered in the LMS in Youtube mode with HTML5 sources Scenario: Video component is fully rendered in the LMS in Youtube mode with HTML5 sources
Given youtube server is up and response time is 0.4 seconds Given youtube server is up and response time is 0.4 seconds
And the course has a Video component in Youtube_HTML5 mode And the course has a Video component in Youtube_HTML5 mode
Then when I view the video it has rendered in Youtube mode Then when I view the video it has rendered in Youtube mode
Scenario: Video component is not rendered in the LMS in Youtube mode with HTML5 sources Scenario: Video component is not rendered in the LMS in Youtube mode with HTML5 sources
Given youtube server is up and response time is 2 seconds Given youtube server is up and response time is 2 seconds
And the course has a Video component in Youtube_HTML5 mode And the course has a Video component in Youtube_HTML5 mode
Then when I view the video it has rendered in HTML5 mode Then when I view the video it has rendered in HTML5 mode
Scenario: Video component is rendered in the LMS in Youtube mode without HTML5 sources Scenario: Video component is rendered in the LMS in Youtube mode without HTML5 sources
Given youtube server is up and response time is 2 seconds Given youtube server is up and response time is 2 seconds
And the course has a Video component in Youtube mode And the course has a Video component in Youtube mode
Then when I view the video it has rendered in Youtube mode Then when I view the video it has rendered in Youtube mode
Scenario: Video component is rendered in the LMS in Youtube mode with HTML5 sources that doesn't supported by browser Scenario: Video component is rendered in the LMS in Youtube mode with HTML5 sources that doesn't supported by browser
Given youtube server is up and response time is 2 seconds Given youtube server is up and response time is 2 seconds
And the course has a Video component in Youtube_HTML5_Unsupported_Video mode And the course has a Video component in Youtube_HTML5_Unsupported_Video mode
Then when I view the video it has rendered in Youtube mode Then when I view the video it has rendered in Youtube mode
Scenario: Video component is rendered in the LMS in HTML5 mode with HTML5 sources that doesn't supported by browser Scenario: Video component is rendered in the LMS in HTML5 mode with HTML5 sources that doesn't supported by browser
Given the course has a Video component in HTML5_Unsupported_Video mode Given the course has a Video component in HTML5_Unsupported_Video mode
Then error message is shown Then error message is shown
And error message has correct text And error message has correct text
Feature: World Cloud component @shard_2
Feature: LMS.World Cloud component
As a student, I want to view Word Cloud component in LMS. As a student, I want to view Word Cloud component in LMS.
Scenario: Word Cloud component in LMS is rendered with empty result Scenario: Word Cloud component in LMS is rendered with empty result
Given the course has a Word Cloud component Given the course has a Word Cloud component
Then I view the word cloud and it has rendered Then I view the word cloud and it has rendered
When I press the Save button When I press the Save button
Then I see the empty result Then I see the empty result
Scenario: Word Cloud component in LMS is rendered with result Scenario: Word Cloud component in LMS is rendered with result
Given the course has a Word Cloud component Given the course has a Word Cloud component
Then I view the word cloud and it has rendered Then I view the word cloud and it has rendered
When I fill inputs When I fill inputs
And I press the Save button And I press the Save button
Then I see the result with words count Then I see the result with words count
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