Commit 46f64305 by John Eskew

Merge pull request #6767 from edx/jeskew/split_course_export_slowdown_take_II

Fix performance problem with Split course import/export.
parents b01f7adc 9388ba59
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ log = logging.getLogger('edx.modulestore')
new_contract('CourseKey', CourseKey)
new_contract('AssetKey', AssetKey)
new_contract('AssetMetadata', AssetMetadata)
new_contract('XBlock', XBlock)
class ModuleStoreEnum(object):
......@@ -276,6 +277,122 @@ class BulkOperationsMixin(object):
return self._get_bulk_ops_record(course_key, ignore_case).active
class EditInfo(object):
Encapsulates the editing info of a block.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# For details, see get_subtree_edited_by/on.
self._subtree_edited_on = kwargs.get('_subtree_edited_on', None)
self._subtree_edited_by = kwargs.get('_subtree_edited_by', None)
def to_storable(self):
Serialize to a Mongo-storable format.
return {
'previous_version': self.previous_version,
'update_version': self.update_version,
'source_version': self.source_version,
'edited_on': self.edited_on,
'edited_by': self.edited_by,
'original_usage': self.original_usage,
'original_usage_version': self.original_usage_version,
def from_storable(self, edit_info):
De-serialize from Mongo-storable format to an object.
# Guid for the structure which previously changed this XBlock.
# (Will be the previous value of 'update_version'.)
self.previous_version = edit_info.get('previous_version', None)
# Guid for the structure where this XBlock got its current field values.
# May point to a structure not in this structure's history (e.g., to a draft
# branch from which this version was published).
self.update_version = edit_info.get('update_version', None)
self.source_version = edit_info.get('source_version', None)
# Datetime when this XBlock's fields last changed.
self.edited_on = edit_info.get('edited_on', None)
# User ID which changed this XBlock last.
self.edited_by = edit_info.get('edited_by', None)
self.original_usage = edit_info.get('original_usage', None)
self.original_usage_version = edit_info.get('original_usage_version', None)
def __str__(self):
return ("EditInfo(previous_version={0.previous_version}, "
"update_version={0.update_version}, "
"source_version={0.source_version}, "
"edited_on={0.edited_on}, "
"edited_by={0.edited_by}, "
"original_usage={0.original_usage}, "
"original_usage_version={0.original_usage_version}, "
"_subtree_edited_on={0._subtree_edited_on}, "
class BlockData(object):
Wrap the block data in an object instead of using a straight Python dictionary.
Allows the storing of meta-information about a structure that doesn't persist along with
the structure itself.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# Has the definition been loaded?
self.definition_loaded = False
def to_storable(self):
Serialize to a Mongo-storable format.
return {
'fields': self.fields,
'block_type': self.block_type,
'definition': self.definition,
'defaults': self.defaults,
'edit_info': self.edit_info.to_storable()
def from_storable(self, block_data):
De-serialize from Mongo-storable format to an object.
# Contains the Scope.settings and 'children' field values.
# 'children' are stored as a list of (block_type, block_id) pairs.
self.fields = block_data.get('fields', {})
# XBlock type ID.
self.block_type = block_data.get('block_type', None)
# DB id of the record containing the content of this XBlock.
self.definition = block_data.get('definition', None)
# Scope.settings default values copied from a template block (used e.g. when
# blocks are copied from a library to a course)
self.defaults = block_data.get('defaults', {})
# EditInfo object containing all versioning/editing data.
self.edit_info = EditInfo(**block_data.get('edit_info', {}))
def __str__(self):
return ("BlockData(fields={0.fields}, "
"block_type={0.block_type}, "
"definition={0.definition}, "
"definition_loaded={0.definition_loaded}, "
"defaults={0.defaults}, "
new_contract('BlockData', BlockData)
class IncorrectlySortedList(Exception):
Thrown when calling find() on a SortedAssetList not sorted by filename.
......@@ -615,27 +732,32 @@ class ModuleStoreRead(ModuleStoreAssetBase):
def _block_matches(self, fields_or_xblock, qualifiers):
@contract(block='XBlock | BlockData | dict', qualifiers=dict)
def _block_matches(self, block, qualifiers):
Return True or False depending on whether the field value (block contents)
matches the qualifiers as per get_items. Note, only finds directly set not
inherited nor default value matches.
For substring matching pass a regex object.
for arbitrary function comparison such as date time comparison, pass
the function as in start=lambda x: x < datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 1, 0, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
matches the qualifiers as per get_items.
NOTE: Method only finds directly set value matches - not inherited nor default value matches.
For substring matching:
pass a regex object.
For arbitrary function comparison such as date time comparison:
pass the function as in start=lambda x: x < datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 1, 0, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
fields_or_xblock (dict or XBlock): either the json blob (from the db or get_explicitly_set_fields)
or the xblock.fields() value or the XBlock from which to get those values
qualifiers (dict): field: searchvalue pairs.
if isinstance(fields_or_xblock, XBlock):
fields = fields_or_xblock.fields
xblock = fields_or_xblock
is_xblock = True
block (dict, XBlock, or BlockData): either the BlockData (transformed from the db) -or-
a dict (from BlockData.fields or get_explicitly_set_fields_by_scope) -or-
the xblock.fields() value -or-
the XBlock from which to get the 'fields' value.
qualifiers (dict): {field: value} search pairs.
if isinstance(block, XBlock):
# If an XBlock is passed-in, just match its fields.
xblock, fields = (block, block.fields)
elif isinstance(block, BlockData):
# BlockData is an object - compare its attributes in dict form.
xblock, fields = (None, block.__dict__)
fields = fields_or_xblock
is_xblock = False
xblock, fields = (None, block)
def _is_set_on(key):
......@@ -646,8 +768,8 @@ class ModuleStoreRead(ModuleStoreAssetBase):
if key not in fields:
return False, None
field = fields[key]
if is_xblock:
return field.is_set_on(fields_or_xblock), getattr(xblock, key)
if xblock is not None:
return field.is_set_on(block), getattr(xblock, key)
return True, field
......@@ -660,7 +782,7 @@ class ModuleStoreRead(ModuleStoreAssetBase):
return True
def _value_matches(self, target, criteria):
helper for _block_matches: does the target (field value) match the criteria?
If target is a list, do any of the list elements meet the criteria
......@@ -668,7 +790,7 @@ class ModuleStoreRead(ModuleStoreAssetBase):
If the criteria is a function, does invoking it on the target yield something truthy?
If criteria is a dict {($nin|$in): []}, then do (none|any) of the list elements meet the criteria
Otherwise, is the target == criteria
if isinstance(target, list):
return any(self._value_matches(ele, criteria) for ele in target)
elif isinstance(criteria, re._pattern_type): # pylint: disable=protected-access
......@@ -21,78 +21,3 @@ class BlockKey(namedtuple('BlockKey', 'type id')):
CourseEnvelope = namedtuple('CourseEnvelope', 'course_key structure')
class BlockData(object):
Wrap the block data in an object instead of using a straight Python dictionary.
Allows the storing of meta-information about a structure that doesn't persist along with
the structure itself.
def __init__(self, block_dict={}): # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
# Has the definition been loaded?
self.definition_loaded = False
def to_storable(self):
Serialize to a Mongo-storable format.
return {
'fields': self.fields,
'block_type': self.block_type,
'definition': self.definition,
'defaults': self.defaults,
'edit_info': self.edit_info
def from_storable(self, stored):
De-serialize from Mongo-storable format to an object.
self.fields = stored.get('fields', {})
self.block_type = stored.get('block_type', None)
self.definition = stored.get('definition', None)
self.defaults = stored.get('defaults', {})
self.edit_info = stored.get('edit_info', {})
def get(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
Dict-like 'get' method. Raises AttributeError if requesting non-existent attribute and no default.
if len(args) > 0:
return getattr(self, key, args[0])
elif 'default' in kwargs:
return getattr(self, key, kwargs['default'])
return getattr(self, key)
def __getitem__(self, key):
Dict-like '__getitem__'.
if not hasattr(self, key):
raise KeyError
return getattr(self, key)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
setattr(self, key, value)
def __delitem__(self, key):
delattr(self, key)
def __iter__(self):
return self.__dict__.iterkeys()
def setdefault(self, key, default=None):
Dict-like 'setdefault'.
return getattr(self, key)
except AttributeError:
setattr(self, key, default)
return default
......@@ -5,11 +5,13 @@ from fs.osfs import OSFS
from lazy import lazy
from xblock.runtime import KvsFieldData
from xblock.fields import ScopeIds
from xblock.core import XBlock
from opaque_keys.edx.locator import BlockUsageLocator, LocalId, CourseLocator, LibraryLocator, DefinitionLocator
from xmodule.library_tools import LibraryToolsService
from xmodule.mako_module import MakoDescriptorSystem
from xmodule.error_module import ErrorDescriptor
from xmodule.errortracker import exc_info_to_str
from xmodule.modulestore import BlockData
from xmodule.modulestore.edit_info import EditInfoRuntimeMixin
from xmodule.modulestore.exceptions import ItemNotFoundError
from xmodule.modulestore.inheritance import inheriting_field_data, InheritanceMixin
......@@ -24,7 +26,9 @@ new_contract('BlockUsageLocator', BlockUsageLocator)
new_contract('CourseLocator', CourseLocator)
new_contract('LibraryLocator', LibraryLocator)
new_contract('BlockKey', BlockKey)
new_contract('BlockData', BlockData)
new_contract('CourseEnvelope', CourseEnvelope)
new_contract('XBlock', XBlock)
class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem, EditInfoRuntimeMixin):
......@@ -79,7 +83,7 @@ class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem, EditInfoRuntimeMixin):
def _parent_map(self):
parent_map = {}
for block_key, block in self.course_entry.structure['blocks'].iteritems():
for child in block['fields'].get('children', []):
for child in block.fields.get('children', []):
parent_map[child] = block_key
return parent_map
......@@ -119,7 +123,7 @@ class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem, EditInfoRuntimeMixin):
block_data = self.get_module_data(block_key, course_key)
class_ = self.load_block_type(block_data.get('block_type'))
class_ = self.load_block_type(block_data.block_type)
block = self.xblock_from_json(class_, course_key, block_key, block_data, course_entry_override, **kwargs)
self.modulestore.cache_block(course_key, version_guid, block_key, block)
return block
......@@ -164,17 +168,17 @@ class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem, EditInfoRuntimeMixin):
# most recent retrieval is most likely the right one for next caller (see comment above fn)
self.course_entry = CourseEnvelope(course_entry_override.course_key, self.course_entry.structure)
definition_id = block_data.get('definition')
definition_id = block_data.definition
# If no usage id is provided, generate an in-memory id
if block_key is None:
block_key = BlockKey(block_data['block_type'], LocalId())
block_key = BlockKey(block_data.block_type, LocalId())
convert_fields = lambda field: self.modulestore.convert_references_to_keys(
course_key, class_, field, self.course_entry.structure['blocks'],
if definition_id is not None and not block_data['definition_loaded']:
if definition_id is not None and not block_data.definition_loaded:
definition_loader = DefinitionLazyLoader(
......@@ -195,8 +199,8 @@ class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem, EditInfoRuntimeMixin):,
converted_fields = convert_fields(block_data.get('fields', {}))
converted_defaults = convert_fields(block_data.get('defaults', {}))
converted_fields = convert_fields(block_data.fields)
converted_defaults = convert_fields(block_data.defaults)
if block_key in self._parent_map:
parent_key = self._parent_map[block_key]
parent = course_key.make_usage_key(parent_key.type,
......@@ -221,7 +225,7 @@ class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem, EditInfoRuntimeMixin):
ScopeIds(None, block_key.type, definition_id, block_locator),
except Exception:
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
log.warning("Failed to load descriptor", exc_info=True)
return ErrorDescriptor.from_json(
......@@ -233,12 +237,12 @@ class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem, EditInfoRuntimeMixin):
edit_info = block_data.get('edit_info', {})
module._edited_by = edit_info.get('edited_by') # pylint: disable=protected-access
module._edited_on = edit_info.get('edited_on') # pylint: disable=protected-access
module.previous_version = edit_info.get('previous_version')
module.update_version = edit_info.get('update_version')
module.source_version = edit_info.get('source_version', None)
edit_info = block_data.edit_info
module._edited_by = edit_info.edited_by # pylint: disable=protected-access
module._edited_on = edit_info.edited_on # pylint: disable=protected-access
module.previous_version = edit_info.previous_version
module.update_version = edit_info.update_version
module.source_version = edit_info.source_version
module.definition_locator = DefinitionLocator(block_key.type, definition_id)
# decache any pending field settings
......@@ -261,31 +265,35 @@ class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem, EditInfoRuntimeMixin):
return xblock._edited_on
def get_subtree_edited_by(self, xblock):
See :class: cms.lib.xblock.runtime.EditInfoRuntimeMixin
# pylint: disable=protected-access
if not hasattr(xblock, '_subtree_edited_by'):
json_data = self.module_data[BlockKey.from_usage_key(xblock.location)]
if '_subtree_edited_by' not in json_data.setdefault('edit_info', {}):
block_data = self.module_data[BlockKey.from_usage_key(xblock.location)]
if block_data.edit_info._subtree_edited_by is None:
xblock.location.block_id, json_data, xblock.location.course_key
block_data, xblock.location.course_key
setattr(xblock, '_subtree_edited_by', json_data['edit_info']['_subtree_edited_by'])
setattr(xblock, '_subtree_edited_by', block_data.edit_info._subtree_edited_by)
return getattr(xblock, '_subtree_edited_by')
def get_subtree_edited_on(self, xblock):
See :class: cms.lib.xblock.runtime.EditInfoRuntimeMixin
# pylint: disable=protected-access
if not hasattr(xblock, '_subtree_edited_on'):
json_data = self.module_data[BlockKey.from_usage_key(xblock.location)]
if '_subtree_edited_on' not in json_data.setdefault('edit_info', {}):
block_data = self.module_data[BlockKey.from_usage_key(xblock.location)]
if block_data.edit_info._subtree_edited_on is None:
xblock.location.block_id, json_data, xblock.location.course_key
block_data, xblock.location.course_key
setattr(xblock, '_subtree_edited_on', json_data['edit_info']['_subtree_edited_on'])
setattr(xblock, '_subtree_edited_on', block_data.edit_info._subtree_edited_on)
return getattr(xblock, '_subtree_edited_on')
......@@ -307,20 +315,22 @@ class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem, EditInfoRuntimeMixin):
return getattr(xblock, '_published_on', None)
def _compute_subtree_edited_internal(self, block_id, json_data, course_key):
def _compute_subtree_edited_internal(self, block_data, course_key):
Recurse the subtree finding the max edited_on date and its concomitant edited_by. Cache it
Recurse the subtree finding the max edited_on date and its corresponding edited_by. Cache it.
max_date = json_data['edit_info']['edited_on']
max_by = json_data['edit_info']['edited_by']
# pylint: disable=protected-access
max_date = block_data.edit_info.edited_on
max_date_by = block_data.edit_info.edited_by
for child in json_data.get('fields', {}).get('children', []):
for child in block_data.fields.get('children', []):
child_data = self.get_module_data(BlockKey(*child), course_key)
if '_subtree_edited_on' not in json_data.setdefault('edit_info', {}):
self._compute_subtree_edited_internal(child, child_data, course_key)
if child_data['edit_info']['_subtree_edited_on'] > max_date:
max_date = child_data['edit_info']['_subtree_edited_on']
max_by = child_data['edit_info']['_subtree_edited_by']
json_data['edit_info']['_subtree_edited_on'] = max_date
json_data['edit_info']['_subtree_edited_by'] = max_by
if block_data.edit_info._subtree_edited_on is None:
self._compute_subtree_edited_internal(child_data, course_key)
if child_data.edit_info._subtree_edited_on > max_date:
max_date = child_data.edit_info._subtree_edited_on
max_date_by = child_data.edit_info._subtree_edited_by
block_data.edit_info._subtree_edited_on = max_date
block_data.edit_info._subtree_edited_by = max_date_by
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class SplitMongoIdManager(OpaqueKeyReader, AsideKeyGenerator): # pylint: disabl
block_key = BlockKey.from_usage_key(usage_id)
module_data = self._cds.get_module_data(block_key, usage_id.course_key)
if 'definition' in module_data:
return DefinitionLocator(usage_id.block_type, module_data['definition'])
if module_data.definition is not None:
return DefinitionLocator(usage_id.block_type, module_data.definition)
raise ValueError("All non-local blocks should have a definition specified")
......@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ from pymongo.errors import DuplicateKeyError # pylint: disable=unused-import
from contracts import check, new_contract
from xmodule.exceptions import HeartbeatFailure
from xmodule.modulestore.split_mongo import BlockKey, BlockData
from xmodule.modulestore import BlockData
from xmodule.modulestore.split_mongo import BlockKey
import datetime
import pytz
......@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ def structure_from_mongo(structure):
for block in structure['blocks']:
if 'children' in block['fields']:
block['fields']['children'] = [BlockKey(*child) for child in block['fields']['children']]
new_blocks[BlockKey(block['block_type'], block.pop('block_id'))] = BlockData(block)
new_blocks[BlockKey(block['block_type'], block.pop('block_id'))] = BlockData(**block)
structure['blocks'] = new_blocks
return structure
......@@ -54,8 +55,8 @@ def structure_to_mongo(structure):
check('BlockKey', structure['root'])
check('dict(BlockKey: BlockData)', structure['blocks'])
for block in structure['blocks'].itervalues():
if 'children' in block['fields']:
check('list(BlockKey)', block['fields']['children'])
if 'children' in block.fields:
check('list(BlockKey)', block.fields['children'])
new_structure = dict(structure)
new_structure['blocks'] = []
......@@ -324,9 +324,9 @@ class DraftVersioningModuleStore(SplitMongoModuleStore, ModuleStoreDraftAndPubli
return True
# check the children in the draft
if 'children' in draft_block.setdefault('fields', {}):
if 'children' in draft_block.fields:
return any(
[has_changes_subtree(child_block_id) for child_block_id in draft_block['fields']['children']]
[has_changes_subtree(child_block_id) for child_block_id in draft_block.fields['children']]
return False
......@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ class DraftVersioningModuleStore(SplitMongoModuleStore, ModuleStoreDraftAndPubli
self._get_block_from_structure(published_course_structure, root_block_id)
block = self._get_block_from_structure(new_structure, root_block_id)
for child_block_id in block.setdefault('fields', {}).get('children', []):
for child_block_id in block.fields.get('children', []):
......@@ -472,7 +472,8 @@ class DraftVersioningModuleStore(SplitMongoModuleStore, ModuleStoreDraftAndPubli
Return the version of the given database representation of a block.
return block['edit_info'].get('source_version', block['edit_info']['update_version'])
source_version = block.edit_info.source_version
return source_version if source_version is not None else block.edit_info.update_version
def import_xblock(self, user_id, course_key, block_type, block_id, fields=None, runtime=None, **kwargs):
......@@ -505,8 +506,8 @@ class DraftVersioningModuleStore(SplitMongoModuleStore, ModuleStoreDraftAndPubli
published_block = self._get_head(xblock, ModuleStoreEnum.BranchName.published)
if published_block is not None:
setattr(xblock, '_published_by', published_block['edit_info']['edited_by'])
setattr(xblock, '_published_on', published_block['edit_info']['edited_on'])
setattr(xblock, '_published_by', published_block.edit_info.edited_by)
setattr(xblock, '_published_on', published_block.edit_info.edited_on)
def find_asset_metadata(self, asset_key, **kwargs):
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class MongoModulestoreBuilder(object):
fs_root = mkdtemp()
# pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
self.modulestore = DraftModuleStore(
modulestore = DraftModuleStore(
......@@ -110,13 +110,13 @@ class MongoModulestoreBuilder(object):
yield self.modulestore
yield modulestore
# Delete the created database
self.modulestore._drop_database() # pylint: disable=protected-access
modulestore._drop_database() # pylint: disable=protected-access
# Delete the created directory on the filesystem
rmtree(fs_root, ignore_errors=True)
......@@ -124,12 +124,6 @@ class MongoModulestoreBuilder(object):
def __repr__(self):
return 'MongoModulestoreBuilder()'
def asset_collection(self):
Returns the collection storing the asset metadata.
return self.modulestore.asset_collection
class VersioningModulestoreBuilder(object):
......@@ -213,7 +207,7 @@ class MixedModulestoreBuilder(object):
self.store_builders = store_builders
self.mappings = mappings or {}
self.modulestore = None
self.mixed_modulestore = None
def build(self, contentstore):
......@@ -235,7 +229,7 @@ class MixedModulestoreBuilder(object):
# Generate a fake list of stores to give the already generated stores appropriate names
stores = [{'NAME': name, 'ENGINE': 'This space deliberately left blank'} for name in names]
self.modulestore = MixedModuleStore(
self.mixed_modulestore = MixedModuleStore(
......@@ -243,7 +237,7 @@ class MixedModulestoreBuilder(object):
yield self.modulestore
yield self.mixed_modulestore
def __repr__(self):
return 'MixedModulestoreBuilder({!r}, {!r})'.format(self.store_builders, self.mappings)
......@@ -252,7 +246,7 @@ class MixedModulestoreBuilder(object):
Returns the collection storing the asset metadata.
all_stores = self.modulestore.modulestores
all_stores = self.mixed_modulestore.modulestores
if len(all_stores) > 1:
return None
......@@ -1580,7 +1580,7 @@ class TestCourseCreation(SplitModuleTest):
self.assertIsNotNone(db_structure, "Didn't find course")
self.assertNotIn(BlockKey('course', 'course'), db_structure['blocks'])
self.assertIn(BlockKey('chapter', 'top'), db_structure['blocks'])
self.assertEqual(db_structure['blocks'][BlockKey('chapter', 'top')]['block_type'], 'chapter')
self.assertEqual(db_structure['blocks'][BlockKey('chapter', 'top')].block_type, 'chapter')
def test_create_id_dupe(self):
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import json
import os
import pprint
import unittest
import inspect
from contextlib import contextmanager
from lazy import lazy
......@@ -222,19 +223,12 @@ class BulkAssertionManager(object):
the failures at once, rather than only seeing single failures.
def __init__(self, test_case):
self._equal_expected = []
self._equal_actual = []
self._equal_assertions = []
self._test_case = test_case
def assertEqual(self, expected, actual, description=None):
if description is None:
description = u"{!r} does not equal {!r}".format(expected, actual)
if expected != actual:
self._equal_expected.append((description, expected))
self._equal_actual.append((description, actual))
def run_assertions(self):
super(BulkAssertionTest, self._test_case).assertEqual(self._equal_expected, self._equal_actual)
if len(self._equal_assertions) > 0:
raise AssertionError(self._equal_assertions)
class BulkAssertionTest(unittest.TestCase):
......@@ -262,7 +256,15 @@ class BulkAssertionTest(unittest.TestCase):
def assertEqual(self, expected, actual, message=None):
if self._manager is not None:
self._manager.assertEqual(expected, actual, message)
super(BulkAssertionTest, self).assertEqual(expected, actual, message)
except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=broad-except
exc_stack = inspect.stack()[1]
if message is not None:
msg = '{} -> {}:{} -> {}'.format(message, exc_stack[1], exc_stack[2], unicode(error))
msg = '{}:{} -> {}'.format(exc_stack[1], exc_stack[2], unicode(error))
self._manager._equal_assertions.append(msg) # pylint: disable=protected-access
super(BulkAssertionTest, self).assertEqual(expected, actual, message)
assertEquals = assertEqual
......@@ -457,6 +457,7 @@ class TestLibraryContentAnalytics(LibraryContentTest):
# except for one of the two already assigned to the student:
keep_block_key = initial_blocks_assigned[0].location
keep_block_lib_usage_key, keep_block_lib_version =
deleted_block_key = initial_blocks_assigned[1].location
self.library.children = [keep_block_lib_usage_key], self.user_id)
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