Commit 46d8caa8 by Troy Sankey

Remove/update comments related to django 1.4

Course keys as PKs don't appear to break detail links in admin pages
parent b245fa03
......@@ -12,16 +12,6 @@ from .models import CourseOverview, CourseOverviewImageConfig, CourseOverviewIma
class CourseOverviewAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
Simple, read-only list/search view of Course Overviews.
The detail view is broken because our primary key for this model are
course keys, which can have a number of chars that break admin URLs.
There's probably a way to make this work properly, but I don't have the
time to investigate. I would normally disable the links by setting
`list_display_links = None`, but that's not a valid value for that
field in Django 1.4. So I'm left with creating a page where the detail
view links are all broken for Split courses. Because I only created
this page to manually test a hotfix, the list view works for this
purpose, and that's all the yak I have time to shave today.
list_display = [
......@@ -355,11 +355,10 @@ class CourseOverviewTestCase(ModuleStoreTestCase):
) as mock_get_pk_val:
mock_get_pk_val.return_value = None
# This method was not present in django 1.4. Django 1.8 calls this method if
# _get_pk_val returns None. This method will return empty str if there is no
# default value present. So mock it to avoid returning the empty str as primary key
# value. Due to empty str, will do an update instead of insert which is
# incorrect and get exception in
# Django 1.8+ calls this method if _get_pk_val returns None. This method will
# return empty str if there is no default value present. So mock it to avoid
# returning the empty str as primary key value. Due to empty str, will do
# an update instead of insert which is incorrect and get exception in
# openedx.core.djangoapps.xmodule_django.models.OpaqueKeyField.get_prep_value
with mock.patch('django.db.models.Field.get_pk_value_on_save') as mock_get_pk_value_on_save:
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