Commit 46967a78 by marcotuts

Merge pull request #6 from edx/release

Release 2013-05-29, with Hotfix 2013-05-30 back into master
parents e17f9f6c 3614a72a
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# the ENV_TOKENS to the templating context.
def preprocess_with_mako(filename)
# simple command-line invocation of Mako engine
# cdodge: the .gsub() are used to translate true->True and false->False to make the generated
# python actually valid python. This is just a short term hack to unblock the release train
# until a real fix can be made by people who know this better
mako = "from mako.template import Template;" +
"print Template(filename=\"#{filename}\")" +
# Total hack. It works because a Python dict literal has
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