Commit 46686d8f by Peter Baratta

Quick fixes in

Especially the var[0].isdigit() one.
parent 662c5779
......@@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ def check_variables(string, variables):
general_whitespace = re.compile('[^\\w]+')
# List of all alnums in string
possible_variables = re.split(general_whitespace, string)
bad_variables = list()
bad_variables = []
for var in possible_variables:
if len(var) == 0:
if var[0] <= '9' and '0' <= var: # Skip things that begin with numbers
if var[0].isdigit(): # Skip things that begin with numbers
if var not in variables:
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ def lower_dict(input_dict):
variables that have the same lowercase representation. It would be hard to
tell which is used in the final dict and which isn't.
return dict([(k.lower(), input_dict[k]) for k in input_dict])
return {k.lower(): v for k, v in input_dict.iteritems()}
# The following few functions define parse actions, which are run on lists of
......@@ -151,8 +151,7 @@ def exp_parse_action(parse_result):
e.g. [ 3, 2, 3 ] (which is 3^2^3 = 3^(2^3)) -> 6561
# pyparsing.ParseResults doesn't play well with reverse()
parse_result = parse_result.asList()
parse_result = reversed(parse_result)
# the result of an exponentiation is called a power
power = reduce(lambda a, b: b ** a, parse_result)
return power
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