Commit 46248c70 by David Baumgold

add lettuce test for displaying category if display_name is empty

parent 7cab3869
......@@ -119,3 +119,12 @@ Feature: CMS.Component Adding
Then I see the display name is "Text"
When I change the display name to "I'm the Cuddliest!"
Then I see the display name is "I'm the Cuddliest!"
Scenario: If a component has no display name, the category is displayed
Given I am in Studio editing a new unit
When I add a "Blank Advanced Problem" "Advanced Problem" component
Then I see the display name is "Blank Advanced Problem"
When I change the display name to ""
Then I see the display name is "problem"
When I unset the display name
Then I see the display name is "Blank Advanced Problem"
......@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
from lettuce import world, step
from import assert_true, assert_in # pylint: disable=E0611
DISPLAY_NAME = "Display Name"
@step(u'I add this type of single step component:$')
def add_a_single_step_component(step):
......@@ -165,5 +167,13 @@ def check_component_display_name(step, display_name):
@step(u'I change the display name to "([^"]*)"')
def change_display_name(step, display_name):
world.css_fill("ul.settings-list li:first-child input", display_name)
index = world.get_setting_entry_index(DISPLAY_NAME)
world.set_field_value(index, display_name)
@step(u'I unset the display name')
def unset_display_name(step):
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from lettuce import world
from import assert_equal, assert_in # pylint: disable=E0611
from terrain.steps import reload_the_page
from common import type_in_codemirror
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
......@@ -219,3 +220,18 @@ def get_setting_entry_index(label):
return index
return None
return world.retry_on_exception(get_index)
def set_field_value(index, value):
Set the field to the specified value.
Note: we cannot use css_fill here because the value is not set
until after you move away from that field.
Instead we will find the element, set its value, then hit the Tab key
to get to the next field.
elem = world.css_find('div.wrapper-comp-setting input.setting-input')[index]
elem.value = value
......@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ from import assert_equal, assert_true # pylint: disable=E0611
from common import type_in_codemirror, open_new_course
from advanced_settings import change_value
from course_import import import_file, go_to_import
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
DISPLAY_NAME = "Display Name"
MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS = "Maximum Attempts"
......@@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ def i_can_modify_the_display_name(_step):
# Verifying that the display name can be a string containing a floating point value
# (to confirm that we don't throw an error because it is of the wrong type).
index = world.get_setting_entry_index(DISPLAY_NAME)
set_field_value(index, '3.4')
world.set_field_value(index, '3.4')
......@@ -66,7 +65,7 @@ def my_display_name_change_is_persisted_on_save(step):
@step('I can specify special characters in the display name')
def i_can_modify_the_display_name_with_special_chars(_step):
index = world.get_setting_entry_index(DISPLAY_NAME)
set_field_value(index, "updated ' \" &")
world.set_field_value(index, "updated ' \" &")
......@@ -141,7 +140,7 @@ def set_the_max_attempts(step, max_attempts_set):
# on firefox with selenium, the behaviour is different.
# eg 2.34 displays as 2.34 and is persisted as 2
index = world.get_setting_entry_index(MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS)
set_field_value(index, max_attempts_set)
world.set_field_value(index, max_attempts_set)
value = world.css_value('input.setting-input', index=index)
assert value != "", "max attempts is blank"
......@@ -282,23 +281,9 @@ def verify_unset_display_name():
world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry(DISPLAY_NAME), DISPLAY_NAME, 'Blank Advanced Problem', False)
def set_field_value(index, value):
Set the field to the specified value.
Note: we cannot use css_fill here because the value is not set
until after you move away from that field.
Instead we will find the element, set its value, then hit the Tab key
to get to the next field.
elem = world.css_find('div.wrapper-comp-setting input.setting-input')[index]
elem.value = value
def set_weight(weight):
index = world.get_setting_entry_index(PROBLEM_WEIGHT)
set_field_value(index, weight)
world.set_field_value(index, weight)
def open_high_level_source():
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