Commit 45e4c0cf by Arthur Barrett

Moved discussion thread html to its own template and only scroll when not in view.

parent 3136d2b4
......@@ -63,15 +63,11 @@ class AnnotatableModule(XModule):
def _get_discussion_html(self, discussion_id, discussion_title):
""" Returns html to display the discussion thread """
tpl = u'<div class="annotatable-discussion" data-discussion-id="{0}">'
tpl += '<div class="annotatable-icon"> </div>'
tpl += '<span class="annotatable-discussion-label">Guided Discussion: </span>'
tpl += '<span class="annotatable-discussion-thread">{1}</span>'
tpl += '<a class="annotatable-show-discussion" href="javascript:void(0);">Show Discussion</a>'
tpl += '</div>'
return tpl.format(discussion_id, discussion_title)
context = {
'discussion_id': discussion_id,
'discussion_title': discussion_title
return self.system.render_template('annotatable_discussion.html', context)
def _attach_discussion(self, span, index, xmltree):
""" Attaches a discussion thread to the annotation span. """
......@@ -59,13 +59,34 @@ class @Annotatable
$(@discussionSelector, @el).not(el).toggleClass('opaque', state)
scrollToDiscussion: (el) ->
padding = 20
complete = @makeHighlighter(el)
top = el.offset().top - 20 # with some padding
animOpts = {
scrollTop : el.offset().top - padding
if @canScrollToDiscussion(el)
$('html, body').animate(animOpts, 500, 'swing', complete)
canScrollToDiscussion: (el) ->
scrollTop = el.offset().top
docHeight = $(document).height()
winHeight = $(window).height()
winScrollTop = window.scrollY
viewStart = winScrollTop
viewEnd = winScrollTop + (.75 * winHeight)
inView = viewStart < scrollTop < viewEnd
scrollable = !inView
atDocEnd = viewStart + winHeight >= docHeight
$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: top }, 750, 'swing', complete)
return (if atDocEnd then false else scrollable)
makeHighlighter: (el) ->
return @_once -> el.effect('highlight', {}, 750)
return @_once -> el.effect('highlight', {}, 500)
_once: (fn) ->
done = false
<div class="annotatable-discussion" data-discussion-id="${discussion_id}">
<div class="annotatable-icon"> </div>
<span class="annotatable-discussion-label">Guided Discussion: </span>
<span class="annotatable-discussion-thread">${discussion_title}</span>
<a class="annotatable-show-discussion" href="javascript:void(0);">Show Discussion</a>
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