Commit 45bb511e by Chris Dodge

remove obsolete test (per Vik)

parent fcf92a37
......@@ -339,19 +339,6 @@ class ImportTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertRaises(etree.XMLSyntaxError, system.process_xml, bad_xml)
def test_selfassessment_import(self):
Check to see if definition_from_xml in
works properly. Pulls data from the self_assessment directory in the test data directory.
modulestore = XMLModuleStore(DATA_DIR, course_dirs=['self_assessment'])
sa_id = "edX/sa_test/2012_Fall"
location = Location(["i4x", "edX", "sa_test", "selfassessment", "SampleQuestion"])
sa_sample = modulestore.get_instance(sa_id, location)
#10 attempts is hard coded into SampleQuestion, which is the url_name of a selfassessment xml tag
self.assertEqual(sa_sample.metadata['attempts'], '10')
def test_graphicslidertool_import(self):
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