Commit 4594d37b by Victor Shnayder

Merge pull request #900 from MITx/feature/ichuang-fix-capa_module-reset-string-bug

reset_problem in capa_module should always return dicts not strings
parents 15d4af26 3c8830f3
......@@ -624,12 +624,14 @@ class CapaModule(XModule):
if self.closed():
event_info['failure'] = 'closed'
self.system.track_function('reset_problem_fail', event_info)
return "Problem is closed"
return {'success': False,
'error': "Problem is closed"}
if not self.lcp.done:
event_info['failure'] = 'not_done'
self.system.track_function('reset_problem_fail', event_info)
return "Refresh the page and make an attempt before resetting."
return {'success': False,
'error': "Refresh the page and make an attempt before resetting."}
if self.rerandomize in ["always", "onreset"]:
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