Commit 442e112d by Valera Rozuvan Committed by Alexander Kryklia

Updated documentation. Try #2.

parent c9c328cf
<h2>Graphic slider tool: Bar graph example.</h2>
<p>We can request the API to plot us a bar graph.</p>
<div style="clear:both">
<p style="width:60px;float:left;">a</p>
<slider var='a' style="width:400px;float:left;"/>
<textbox var='a' style="width:50px;float:left;margin-left:15px;"/>
<br /><br /><br />
<p style="width:60px;float:left;">b</p>
<slider var='b' style="width:400px;float:left;"/>
<textbox var='b' style="width:50px;float:left;margin-left:15px;"/>
<plot style="clear:left;"/>
<param var="a" min="-100" max="100" step="5" initial="25" />
<param var="b" min="-100" max="100" step="5" initial="50" />
<function bar="true" color="blue" label="Men">
<![CDATA[if (((x>0.9) && (x<1.1)) || ((x>4.9) && (x<5.1))) { return Math.sin(a * 0.01 * Math.PI + 2.952 * x); }
else {return undefined;}]]>
<function bar="true" color="red" label="Women">
<![CDATA[if (((x>1.9) && (x<2.1)) || ((x>3.9) && (x<4.1))) { return Math.cos(b * 0.01 * Math.PI + 3.432 * x); }
else {return undefined;}]]>
<function bar="true" color="green" label="Other 1">
<![CDATA[if (((x>1.9) && (x<2.1)) || ((x>3.9) && (x<4.1))) { return Math.cos((b - 10 * a) * 0.01 * Math.PI + 3.432 * x); }
else {return undefined;}]]>
<function bar="true" color="yellow" label="Other 2">
<![CDATA[if (((x>1.9) && (x<2.1)) || ((x>3.9) && (x<4.1))) { return Math.cos((b + 7 * a) * 0.01 * Math.PI + 3.432 * x); }
else {return undefined;}]]>
<xticks>0, 0.5, 6</xticks>
<yticks>-1.5, 0.1, 1.5</yticks>
"1.5": "Single", "4.5": "Married"
"-1.0": "-100%", "-0.5": "-50%", "0.0": "0%", "0.5": "50%", "1.0": "100%"
<h1>Graphic slider tool: Dynamic labels.</h1>
<p>There are two kinds of dynamic lables.
1) Dynamic changing values in graph legends.
2) Dynamic labels, which coordinates depend on parameters </p>
<p>a: <slider var="a"/></p>
<p>b: <slider var="b"/></p>
<plot style="width:400px; height:400px;"/>
<param var="a" min="-10" max="10" step="1" initial="0" />
<param var="b" min="0" max="10" step="0.5" initial="5" />
<function label="Value of a is: dyn_val_1">a * x + b</function>
<!-- dynamic values in legend -->
<function output="plot_label" el_id="dyn_val_1">a</function>
<xticks>0, 6, 30</xticks>
<yticks>-9, 1, 9</yticks>
<!-- custom labels with coordinates as any function of parameter -->
<moving_label text="Dynam_lbl 1" weight="bold">
<![CDATA[ {'x': 10, 'y': a};]]>
<moving_label text="Dynam lbl 2" weight="bold">
<![CDATA[ {'x': -6, 'y': b};]]>
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -19,18 +19,14 @@
<param var="a" min="5" max="25" step="0.5" initial="12.5" />
<function color="red">return Math.sqrt(a * a - x * x);</function>
<function color="red">return -Math.sqrt(a * a - x * x);</function>
<function color="red">Math.sqrt(a * a - x * x)</function>
<function color="red">-Math.sqrt(a * a - x * x)</function>
<!-- dynamic range -->
return -a;
return a;
<xticks>-30, 6, 30</xticks>
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