Commit 43b55308 by Jillian Vogel

Adds THIRD_PARTY_AUTH_HINT to SiteConfiguration and to site-wide setting.FEATURES

When provided, this setting appends tpa_hint=<value> to the `next` URL provided for /login and /register page URLs, which bypasses the Open edX Login/Register page with an an automatic redirection to the TPA login/register URL.

This allows the already implemented tpa_hint feature to be automatically added to login, registration, and enrolment URLs generated throughout the platform.

Avoids auto-appending the tpa_hint parameter when the request is already in the TPA pipeline, to prevent infinite redirect loops, and adds tests to verify this behaviour.
parent ae3f815d
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import logging
import mimetypes
import urllib
import urlparse
from datetime import datetime
from django.conf import settings
......@@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ from pytz import UTC
import third_party_auth
from course_modes.models import CourseMode
from lms.djangoapps.verify_student.models import SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification, VerificationDeadline
from openedx.core.djangoapps.site_configuration import helpers as configuration_helpers
from openedx.core.djangoapps.theming.helpers import get_themes
# Enumeration of per-course verification statuses
......@@ -240,6 +242,8 @@ def get_next_url_for_login_page(request):
Otherwise, we go to the ?next= query param or to the dashboard if nothing else is
If THIRD_PARTY_AUTH_HINT is set, then `tpa_hint=<hint>` is added as a query parameter.
redirect_to = get_redirect_to(request)
if not redirect_to:
......@@ -247,6 +251,7 @@ def get_next_url_for_login_page(request):
redirect_to = reverse('dashboard')
except NoReverseMatch:
redirect_to = reverse('home')
if any(param in request.GET for param in POST_AUTH_PARAMS):
# Before we redirect to next/dashboard, we need to handle auto-enrollment:
params = [(param, request.GET[param]) for param in POST_AUTH_PARAMS if param in request.GET]
......@@ -255,6 +260,23 @@ def get_next_url_for_login_page(request):
# Note: if we are resuming a third party auth pipeline, then the next URL will already
# be saved in the session as part of the pipeline state. That URL will take priority
# over this one.
# Append a tpa_hint query parameter, if one is configured
tpa_hint = configuration_helpers.get_value(
if tpa_hint:
# Don't add tpa_hint if we're already in the TPA pipeline (prevent infinite loop),
# and don't overwrite any existing tpa_hint params (allow tpa_hint override).
running_pipeline = third_party_auth.pipeline.get(request)
(scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment) = list(urlparse.urlsplit(redirect_to))
if not running_pipeline and 'tpa_hint' not in query:
params = urlparse.parse_qs(query)
params['tpa_hint'] = [tpa_hint]
query = urllib.urlencode(params, doseq=True)
redirect_to = urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment))
return redirect_to
......@@ -4,12 +4,16 @@ import logging
import ddt
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.sessions.middleware import SessionMiddleware
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.test import TestCase
from django.test.client import RequestFactory
from django.test.utils import override_settings
from mock import patch
from testfixtures import LogCapture
from student.helpers import get_next_url_for_login_page
from openedx.core.djangoapps.site_configuration.tests.test_util import with_site_configuration_context
LOGGER_NAME = "student.helpers"
......@@ -23,6 +27,13 @@ class TestLoginHelper(TestCase):
super(TestLoginHelper, self).setUp()
self.request = RequestFactory()
def _add_session(request):
"""Annotate the request object with a session"""
middleware = SessionMiddleware()
("", "text/html", None,
"Unsafe redirect parameter detected after login page: u''"),
......@@ -56,3 +67,38 @@ class TestLoginHelper(TestCase):
req.META["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "text/html" # pylint: disable=no-member
next_page = get_next_url_for_login_page(req)
self.assertEqual(next_page, u'/dashboard')
# Test requests outside the TPA pipeline - tpa_hint should be added.
(None, '/dashboard', '/dashboard', False),
('', '/dashboard', '/dashboard', False),
('', '/dashboard?tpa_hint=oa2-google-oauth2', '/dashboard?tpa_hint=oa2-google-oauth2', False),
('saml-idp', '/dashboard', '/dashboard?tpa_hint=saml-idp', False),
# THIRD_PARTY_AUTH_HINT can be overridden via the query string
('saml-idp', '/dashboard?tpa_hint=oa2-google-oauth2', '/dashboard?tpa_hint=oa2-google-oauth2', False),
# Test requests inside the TPA pipeline - tpa_hint should not be added, preventing infinite loop.
(None, '/dashboard', '/dashboard', True),
('', '/dashboard', '/dashboard', True),
('', '/dashboard?tpa_hint=oa2-google-oauth2', '/dashboard?tpa_hint=oa2-google-oauth2', True),
('saml-idp', '/dashboard', '/dashboard', True),
# OK to leave tpa_hint overrides in place.
('saml-idp', '/dashboard?tpa_hint=oa2-google-oauth2', '/dashboard?tpa_hint=oa2-google-oauth2', True),
def test_third_party_auth_hint(self, tpa_hint, next_url, expected_url, running_pipeline, mock_running_pipeline):
mock_running_pipeline.return_value = running_pipeline
def validate_login():
req = self.request.get(reverse("login") + "?next={url}".format(url=next_url))
req.META["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "text/html" # pylint: disable=no-member
next_page = get_next_url_for_login_page(req)
self.assertEqual(next_page, expected_url)
with override_settings(FEATURES=dict(settings.FEATURES, THIRD_PARTY_AUTH_HINT=tpa_hint)):
with with_site_configuration_context(configuration=dict(THIRD_PARTY_AUTH_HINT=tpa_hint)):
......@@ -477,15 +477,63 @@ class StudentAccountLoginAndRegistrationTest(ThirdPartyAuthTestMixin, UrlResetMi
response = self.client.get(reverse('signin_user'), params, HTTP_ACCEPT="text/html")
self.assertNotIn(response.content, tpa_hint)
def test_hinted_login_dialog_disabled(self):
('signin_user', 'login'),
('register_user', 'register'),
def test_hinted_login_dialog_disabled(self, url_name, auth_entry):
"""Test that the dialog doesn't show up for hinted logins when disabled. """
self.google_provider.skip_hinted_login_dialog = True
params = [("next", "/courses/something/?tpa_hint=oa2-google-oauth2")]
response = self.client.get(reverse('signin_user'), params, HTTP_ACCEPT="text/html")
response = self.client.get(reverse(url_name), params, HTTP_ACCEPT="text/html")
@override_settings(FEATURES=dict(settings.FEATURES, THIRD_PARTY_AUTH_HINT='oa2-google-oauth2'))
def test_settings_tpa_hinted_login(self, url_name):
Ensure that settings.FEATURES['THIRD_PARTY_AUTH_HINT'] can set third_party_auth_hint.
params = [("next", "/courses/something/")]
response = self.client.get(reverse(url_name), params, HTTP_ACCEPT="text/html")
self.assertContains(response, '"third_party_auth_hint": "oa2-google-oauth2"')
# THIRD_PARTY_AUTH_HINT can be overridden via the query string
tpa_hint = self.hidden_enabled_provider.provider_id
params = [("next", "/courses/something/?tpa_hint={0}".format(tpa_hint))]
response = self.client.get(reverse(url_name), params, HTTP_ACCEPT="text/html")
self.assertContains(response, '"third_party_auth_hint": "{0}"'.format(tpa_hint))
# Even disabled providers in the query string will override THIRD_PARTY_AUTH_HINT
tpa_hint = self.hidden_disabled_provider.provider_id
params = [("next", "/courses/something/?tpa_hint={0}".format(tpa_hint))]
response = self.client.get(reverse(url_name), params, HTTP_ACCEPT="text/html")
self.assertNotIn(response.content, tpa_hint)
@override_settings(FEATURES=dict(settings.FEATURES, THIRD_PARTY_AUTH_HINT='oa2-google-oauth2'))
('signin_user', 'login'),
('register_user', 'register'),
def test_settings_tpa_hinted_login_dialog_disabled(self, url_name, auth_entry):
"""Test that the dialog doesn't show up for hinted logins when disabled via settings.THIRD_PARTY_AUTH_HINT. """
self.google_provider.skip_hinted_login_dialog = True
params = [("next", "/courses/something/")]
response = self.client.get(reverse(url_name), params, HTTP_ACCEPT="text/html")
......@@ -82,13 +82,17 @@ def login_and_registration_form(request, initial_mode="login"):
if tpa_hint_provider.skip_hinted_login_dialog:
# Forward the user directly to the provider's login URL when the provider is configured
# to skip the dialog.
if initial_mode == "register":
auth_entry = pipeline.AUTH_ENTRY_REGISTER
auth_entry = pipeline.AUTH_ENTRY_LOGIN
return redirect(
pipeline.get_login_url(provider_id, pipeline.AUTH_ENTRY_LOGIN, redirect_url=redirect_to)
pipeline.get_login_url(provider_id, auth_entry, redirect_url=redirect_to)
third_party_auth_hint = provider_id
initial_mode = "hinted_login"
except (KeyError, ValueError, IndexError):
except (KeyError, ValueError, IndexError) as ex:
log.error("Unknown tpa_hint provider: %s", ex)
# If this is a themed site, revert to the old login/registration pages.
# We need to do this for now to support existing themes.
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