Commit 4384e57f by Will Daly

Force English for email opt in text appearing on the marketing site

parent 063c5c68
......@@ -370,13 +370,17 @@ class ViewsTestCase(ModuleStoreTestCase):
# in the label escaped as expected.
self._email_opt_in_checkbox(response, cgi.escape(self.org_html))
@patch.dict(settings.FEATURES, {'IS_EDX_DOMAIN': True})
@patch.dict(settings.FEATURES, {
def test_mktg_about_language_edx_domain(self):
# Since we're in an edx-controlled domain, and our marketing site
# supports only English, override the language setting
# and use English.
response = self._load_mktg_about(language='eo')
response = self._load_mktg_about(language='eo', org=self.org_html)
self.assertContains(response, "Enroll in")
self.assertContains(response, "and learn about its other programs")
@patch.dict(settings.FEATURES, {'IS_EDX_DOMAIN': False})
def test_mktg_about_language_openedx(self):
......@@ -899,6 +899,15 @@ def mktg_course_about(request, course_id):
'course_modes': course_modes,
# The marketing site currently displays only in English.
# To avoid displaying a different language in the register / access button,
# we force the language to English.
# However, OpenEdX installations with a different marketing front-end
# may want to respect the language specified by the user or the site settings.
force_english = settings.FEATURES.get('IS_EDX_DOMAIN', False)
if force_english:
# Drupal will pass organization names using a GET parameter, as follows:
# ?org=Harvard
......@@ -932,15 +941,6 @@ def mktg_course_about(request, course_id):
# The marketing site currently displays only in English.
# To avoid displaying a different language in the register / access button,
# we force the language to English.
# However, OpenEdX installations with a different marketing front-end
# may want to respect the language specified by the user or the site settings.
force_english = settings.FEATURES.get('IS_EDX_DOMAIN', False)
if force_english:
return render_to_response('courseware/mktg_course_about.html', context)
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