Commit 437e658f by David Baumgold

pylint fixes

parent 1a0d6d21
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ def go_to_uploads(_step):
menu_css = 'li.nav-course-courseware-textbooks'
@step(u'I should see a message telling me to create a new textbook')
def assert_create_new_textbook_msg(_step):
css = ".wrapper-content .no-textbook-content"
......@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ def assert_create_new_textbook_msg(_step):
no_tb = world.css_find(css)
assert "You haven't added any textbooks" in no_tb.text
@step(u'I upload the textbook "([^"]*)"$')
def upload_file(_step, file_name):
file_css = '.upload-dialog input[type=file]'
......@@ -31,45 +33,53 @@ def upload_file(_step, file_name):
button_css = ".upload-dialog .action-upload"
@step(u'I click (on )?the New Textbook button')
def click_new_textbook(_step, on):
button_css = ".nav-actions .new-button"
button = world.css_find(button_css)
@step(u'I name my textbook "([^"]*)"')
def name_textbook(_step, name):
input_css = ".textbook input[name=textbook-name]"
world.css_fill(input_css, name)
@step(u'I name the (first|second|third) chapter "([^"]*)"')
def name_chapter(_step, ordinal, name):
index = ["first", "second", "third"].index(ordinal)
input_css = ".textbook .chapter{i} input.chapter-name".format(i=index+1)
world.css_fill(input_css, name)
@step(u'I type in "([^"]*)" for the (first|second|third) chapter asset')
def asset_chapter(_step, name, ordinal):
index = ["first", "second", "third"].index(ordinal)
input_css = ".textbook .chapter{i} input.chapter-asset-path".format(i=index+1)
world.css_fill(input_css, name)
@step(u'I click the Upload Asset link for the (first|second|third) chapter')
def click_upload_asset(_step, ordinal):
index = ["first", "second", "third"].index(ordinal)
button_css = ".textbook .chapter{i} .action-upload".format(i=index+1)
@step(u'I click Add a Chapter')
def click_add_chapter(_step):
button_css = ".textbook .action-add-chapter"
@step(u'I save the textbook')
def save_textbook(_step):
submit_css = "form.edit-textbook button[type=submit]"
@step(u'I should see a textbook named "([^"]*)" with a chapter path containing "([^"]*)"')
def check_textbook(_step, textbook_name, chapter_name):
title = world.css_find(".textbook h3.textbook-title")
......@@ -77,8 +87,9 @@ def check_textbook(_step, textbook_name, chapter_name):
assert title.text == textbook_name, "{} != {}".format(title.text, textbook_name)
assert chapter.text == chapter_name, "{} != {}".format(chapter.text, chapter_name)
@step(u'I should see a textbook named "([^"]*)" with (\d+) chapters')
def check_textbook(_step, textbook_name, num_chapters_str):
def check_textbook_chapters(_step, textbook_name, num_chapters_str):
num_chapters = int(num_chapters_str)
title = world.css_find(".textbook .view-textbook h3.textbook-title")
toggle = world.css_find(".textbook .view-textbook .chapter-toggle")
......@@ -86,10 +97,12 @@ def check_textbook(_step, textbook_name, num_chapters_str):
assert toggle.text == "{num} PDF Chapters".format(num=num_chapters), \
"Expected {num} chapters, found {real}".format(num=num_chapters, real=toggle.text)
@step(u'I click the textbook chapters')
def click_chapters(_step):
world.css_click(".textbook a.chapter-toggle")
@step(u'the (first|second|third) chapter should be named "([^"]*)"')
def check_chapter_name(_step, ordinal, name):
index = ["first", "second", "third"].index(ordinal)
......@@ -98,8 +111,9 @@ def check_chapter_name(_step, ordinal, name):
assert element.text == name, "Expected chapter named {expected}, found chapter named {actual}".format(
expected=name, actual=element.text)
@step(u'the (first|second|third) chapter should have an asset called "([^"]*)"')
def check_chapter_name(_step, ordinal, name):
def check_chapter_asset(_step, ordinal, name):
index = ["first", "second", "third"].index(ordinal)
chapter = world.css_find(".textbook .view-textbook ol.chapters li")[index]
element = chapter.find_by_css(".chapter-asset-path")
Unit tests for the asset upload endpoint.
import json
from datetime import datetime
from io import BytesIO
......@@ -33,6 +37,9 @@ class AssetsTestCase(CourseTestCase):
class UploadTestCase(CourseTestCase):
Unit tests for uploading a file
def setUp(self):
super(UploadTestCase, self).setUp()
self.url = reverse("upload_asset", kwargs={
......@@ -43,9 +50,9 @@ class UploadTestCase(CourseTestCase):
@skip("CorruptGridFile error on continuous integration server")
def test_happy_path(self):
f = BytesIO("sample content") = "sample.txt"
resp =, {"name": "my-name", "file": f})
file = BytesIO("sample content") = "sample.txt"
resp =, {"name": "my-name", "file": file})
def test_no_file(self):
......@@ -58,6 +65,10 @@ class UploadTestCase(CourseTestCase):
class AssetsToJsonTestCase(TestCase):
Unit tests for transforming the results of a database call into something
we can send out to the client via JSON.
def test_basic(self):
upload_date = datetime(2013, 6, 1, 10, 30, tzinfo=UTC)
asset = {
#pylint: disable=E1101
import json
import shutil
import mock
......@@ -10,11 +10,13 @@ from pytz import UTC
class ContentStoreTestCase(ModuleStoreTestCase):
def _login(self, email, pw):
"""Login. View should always return 200. The success/fail is in the
returned json"""
def _login(self, email, password):
Login. View should always return 200. The success/fail is in the
returned json
resp ='login_post'),
{'email': email, 'password': pw})
{'email': email, 'password': password})
self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
return resp
......@@ -25,12 +27,12 @@ class ContentStoreTestCase(ModuleStoreTestCase):
return resp
def _create_account(self, username, email, pw):
def _create_account(self, username, email, password):
"""Try to create an account. No error checking"""
resp ='/create_account', {
'username': username,
'email': email,
'password': pw,
'password': password,
'location': 'home',
'language': 'Franglish',
'name': 'Fred Weasley',
......@@ -39,9 +41,9 @@ class ContentStoreTestCase(ModuleStoreTestCase):
return resp
def create_account(self, username, email, pw):
def create_account(self, username, email, password):
"""Create the account and check that it worked"""
resp = self._create_account(username, email, pw)
resp = self._create_account(username, email, password)
self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
data = parse_json(resp)
self.assertEqual(data['success'], True)
......@@ -88,7 +90,7 @@ class AuthTestCase(ContentStoreTestCase):
for page in pages:
print "Checking '{0}'".format(page)
print("Checking '{0}'".format(page))
self.check_page_get(page, 200)
def test_create_account_errors(self):
......@@ -146,17 +148,17 @@ class AuthTestCase(ContentStoreTestCase):
self.client = Client()
# Not logged in. Should redirect to login.
print 'Not logged in'
print('Not logged in')
for page in auth_pages:
print "Checking '{0}'".format(page)
print("Checking '{0}'".format(page))
self.check_page_get(page, expected=302)
# Logged in should work.
print 'Logged in'
print('Logged in')
for page in simple_auth_pages:
print "Checking '{0}'".format(page)
print("Checking '{0}'".format(page))
self.check_page_get(page, expected=200)
def test_index_auth(self):
#pylint: disable=E1103, E1101
from django.conf import settings
from xmodule.modulestore import Location
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
#pylint: disable=C0111,W0613
from django.http import (HttpResponse, HttpResponseServerError,
from mitxmako.shortcuts import render_to_string, render_to_response
......@@ -61,19 +61,19 @@ class CourseMetadata(object):
if not filter_tabs:
for k, v in jsondict.iteritems():
for key, val in jsondict.iteritems():
# should it be an error if one of the filtered list items is in the payload?
if k in filtered_list:
if key in filtered_list:
if hasattr(descriptor, k) and getattr(descriptor, k) != v:
if hasattr(descriptor, key) and getattr(descriptor, key) != val:
dirty = True
value = getattr(CourseDescriptor, k).from_json(v)
setattr(descriptor, k, value)
elif hasattr(descriptor.lms, k) and getattr(descriptor.lms, k) != k:
value = getattr(CourseDescriptor, key).from_json(val)
setattr(descriptor, key, value)
elif hasattr(descriptor.lms, key) and getattr(descriptor.lms, key) != key:
dirty = True
value = getattr(CourseDescriptor.lms, k).from_json(v)
setattr(descriptor.lms, k, value)
value = getattr(CourseDescriptor.lms, key).from_json(val)
setattr(descriptor.lms, key, value)
if dirty:
#pylint: disable=W0614, W0401
from .dev import *
......@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ from request_cache.middleware import RequestCache
from django.core.cache import get_cache
cache = get_cache('mongo_metadata_inheritance')
CACHE = get_cache('mongo_metadata_inheritance')
for store_name in settings.MODULESTORE:
store = modulestore(store_name)
store.metadata_inheritance_cache_subsystem = cache
store.metadata_inheritance_cache_subsystem = CACHE
store.request_cache = RequestCache.get_request_cache()
modulestore_update_signal = Signal(providing_args=['modulestore', 'course_id', 'location'])
......@@ -154,5 +154,6 @@ urlpatterns += (url(r'^admin/', include(,)
urlpatterns = patterns(*urlpatterns)
# Custom error pages
#pylint: disable=C0103
handler404 = 'contentstore.views.render_404'
handler500 = 'contentstore.views.render_500'
......@@ -206,12 +206,14 @@ def save_the_html(path='/tmp'):
with open(filename, "w") as f:
def click_course_content():
course_content_css = 'li.nav-course-courseware'
if world.browser.is_element_present_by_css(course_content_css):
def click_course_settings():
course_settings_css = 'li.nav-course-settings'
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