Commit 427a8714 by Rocky Duan

Merge branch 'discussion2' of

parents 1805ed8a 24a69a74
......@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
<label for="discussion-search-within-board-${discussion_id}" class="discussion-search-within-board">Search within board</label>
<div class="discussion-new-post control-button" href="javascript:void(0)">New Post</div>
<%include file="_sort.html" />
<%include file="_sort.html" />
<div class="threads">
% for thread in threads:
${renderer.render_thread(course_id, thread, show_comments=False)}
......@@ -98,15 +98,19 @@
<%def name="render_info(content)">
${time_ago_in_words(parse(content['updated_at']))} ago by
% if content['anonymous']:
% else:
user No.${content['user_id']}
% endif
% if content.get('comments_count', -1) >= 0:
, <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="discussion-show-comments"> Show ${content['comments_count']} comment(s)</a>
% endif
<div class="comment-time">
${time_ago_in_words(parse(content['updated_at']))} ago by
% if content['anonymous']:
% else:
user No.${content['user_id']}
% endif
<div class="comment-count">
% if content.get('comments_count', -1) >= 0:
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="discussion-show-comments"> Show ${content['comments_count']} comment(s)</a>
% endif
<%def name="render_link(cls, html)">
......@@ -79,15 +79,19 @@
<%def name="render_info(content)">
${time_ago_in_words(parse(content['updated_at']))} ago by
% if content['anonymous']:
% else:
user No.${content['user_id']}
% endif
% if content.get('comments_count', -1) >= 0:
, ${content['comments_count']} comment(s)
% endif
<div class="comment-time">
${time_ago_in_words(parse(content['updated_at']))} ago by
% if content['anonymous']:
% else:
user No.${content['user_id']}
% endif
<div class="comment-count">
% if content.get('comments_count', -1) >= 0:
${content['comments_count']} comment(s)
% endif
<%def name="render_link(cls, html)">
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