Commit 42571b93 by Calen Pennington

Merge pull request #802 from cpennington/run-failed-tests

Teach rake test tasks how to re-run failed tests
parents 4b1fa6b3 e7626d2d
......@@ -46,3 +46,4 @@
......@@ -103,6 +103,10 @@ You can run tests using `rake` commands. For example,
runs all the tests. It also runs `collectstatic`, which prepares the static files used by the site (for example, compiling Coffeescript to Javascript).
You can re-run all failed python tests by running (all JS tests will still run)
rake test[--failed]
You can also run the tests without `collectstatic`, which tends to be faster:
rake fasttest_lms
......@@ -128,6 +132,10 @@ To run a single django test:
rake test_lms[courseware.tests.tests:TestViewAuth.test_dark_launch]
To re-run all failing django tests from lms or cms:
rake test_lms[--failed]
To run a single nose test file:
nosetests common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/tests/
......@@ -142,18 +150,18 @@ To run a single test and get stdout, with proper env config:
To run a single test and get stdout and get coverage:
python -m coverage run --rcfile=./common/lib/xmodule/.coveragerc which ./ cms --settings test test --traceback --logging-clear-handlers --liveserver=localhost:8000-9000 contentstore.tests.test_import_nostatic -s # cms example
python -m coverage run --rcfile=./common/lib/xmodule/.coveragerc which ./ cms --settings test test --traceback --logging-clear-handlers --liveserver=localhost:8000-9000 contentstore.tests.test_import_nostatic -s # cms example
python -m coverage run --rcfile=./lms/.coveragerc which ./ lms --settings test test --traceback --logging-clear-handlers --liveserver=localhost:8000-9000 courseware.tests.test_module_render -s # lms example
generate coverage report:
coverage report --rcfile=./common/lib/xmodule/.coveragerc
coverage report --rcfile=./common/lib/xmodule/.coveragerc
or to get html report:
coverage html --rcfile=./common/lib/xmodule/.coveragerc
then browse reports/common/lib/xmodule/cover/index.html
then browse reports/common/lib/xmodule/cover/index.html
Very handy: if you uncomment the `pdb=1` line in `setup.cfg`, it will drop you into pdb on error. This lets you go up and down the stack and see what the values of the variables are. Check out [the pdb documentation](
......@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ CLOBBER.include(REPORT_DIR, 'test_root/*_repo', 'test_root/staticfiles')
# Create the directory to hold coverage reports, if it doesn't already exist.
directory REPORT_DIR
def test_id_dir(path)
return File.join(".testids", path.to_s)
def run_under_coverage(cmd, root)
cmd0, cmd_rest = cmd.split(" ", 2)
# We use "python -m coverage" so that the proper python will run the importable coverage
......@@ -14,9 +18,15 @@ end
def run_tests(system, report_dir, test_id=nil, stop_on_failure=true)
ENV['NOSE_XUNIT_FILE'] = File.join(report_dir, "nosetests.xml")
test_id_file = File.join(test_id_dir(system), "noseids")
dirs = Dir["common/djangoapps/*"] + Dir["#{system}/djangoapps/*"]
test_id = dirs.join(' ') if test_id.nil? or test_id == ''
cmd = django_admin(system, :test, 'test', '--logging-clear-handlers', '--liveserver=localhost:8000-9000', test_id)
cmd = django_admin(
system, :test, 'test',
test_sh(run_under_coverage(cmd, system))
......@@ -64,14 +74,17 @@ TEST_TASK_DIRS = []
[:lms, :cms].each do |system|
report_dir = report_dir_path(system)
test_id_dir = test_id_dir(system)
# Per System tasks
directory test_id_dir
# Per System tasks/
desc "Run all django tests on our djangoapps for the #{system}"
task "test_#{system}", [:test_id] => [:clean_test_files, :predjango, "#{system}:gather_assets:test", "fasttest_#{system}"]
# Have a way to run the tests without running collectstatic -- useful when debugging without
# messing with static files.
task "fasttest_#{system}", [:test_id] => [report_dir, :clean_reports_dir, :install_prereqs, :predjango] do |t, args|
task "fasttest_#{system}", [:test_id] => [test_id_dir, report_dir, :clean_reports_dir, :install_prereqs, :predjango] do |t, args|
args.with_defaults(:test_id => nil)
run_tests(system, report_dir, args.test_id)
......@@ -97,12 +110,16 @@ end
Dir["common/lib/*"].select{|lib|}.each do |lib|
report_dir = report_dir_path(lib)
test_id_dir = test_id_dir(lib)
test_ids = File.join(test_id_dir(lib), '.noseids')
directory test_id_dir
desc "Run tests for common lib #{lib}"
task "test_#{lib}", [:test_id] => [report_dir, :clean_reports_dir] do |t, args|
task "test_#{lib}", [:test_id] => [test_id_dir, report_dir, :clean_reports_dir] do |t, args|
args.with_defaults(:test_id => lib)
ENV['NOSE_XUNIT_FILE'] = File.join(report_dir, "nosetests.xml")
cmd = "nosetests #{args.test_id}"
cmd = "nosetests --id-file=#{test_ids} #{args.test_id}"
test_sh(run_under_coverage(cmd, lib))
......@@ -126,7 +143,7 @@ TEST_TASK_DIRS.each do |dir|
desc "Run all tests"
task :test => :test_docs
task :test, [:test_id] => :test_docs
desc "Build the html, xml, and diff coverage reports"
task :coverage => :report_dirs do
......@@ -89,5 +89,6 @@ django-jasmine==0.3.2
......@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ logging-clear-handlers=1
# Uncomment the following line to open pdb when a test fails
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