% elif is_attempt_allowed and verification_open: # if attempts are allowed and verification is still open.
${_("We could not verify your identity for the {assessment} assessment in the {course_name} course. You have used {used_attempts} out of {allowed_attempts} attempts to verify your identity."
${_("You must verify your identity before the assessment closes on {due_date}.").format(due_date=due_date)}
% if not is_attempt_allowed:
${_("You have reached your allowed attempts limit. No more retakes allowed.")}
% elif not verification_open:
${_("Assessment date has passed and retake not allowed.")}
% else:
% if due_date:
${_("Assessment closes on {due_date}.".format(due_date=due_date))}
% else:
${_("Assessment is open and you have {left_attempts} attempt(s) remaining.".format(left_attempts=left_attempts))}
% endif
${_("To try to verify your identity again, select the following link:")}
${_("Click on link below to re-verify:")}
% if is_secure:
https://${ site }${ reverify_link }
% else:
http://${ site }${ reverify_link }
% endif
% elif not is_attempt_allowed or not verification_open: # if attempts are not allowed or verification window is closed
${_("We could not verify your identity for the {assessment} assessment in the {course_name} course. You have used {used_attempts} out of {allowed_attempts} attempts to verify your identity, and verification is no longer possible."