Commit 41b519fd by Cliff Dyer Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #13767 from edx/cdyer/flakies-2016-10-14

Added flaky tests.
parents 84b27e09 87e23088
Bok choy acceptance tests for conditionals in the LMS
from flaky import flaky
from capa.tests.response_xml_factory import StringResponseXMLFactory
from common.test.acceptance.tests.helpers import UniqueCourseTest
from common.test.acceptance.fixtures.course import CourseFixture, XBlockFixtureDesc
......@@ -112,6 +115,7 @@ class ConditionalTest(UniqueCourseTest):
conditional_page = ConditionalPage(self.browser)
@flaky # TNL-5770
def test_conditional_handles_polls(self):
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Test courseware search
import json
from flaky import flaky
from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
from common.test.acceptance.tests.helpers import UniqueCourseTest, remove_file
......@@ -176,6 +177,7 @@ class CoursewareSearchTest(UniqueCourseTest):
# Do the search again, this time we expect results.
@flaky # TNL-5771
def test_reindex(self):
Make sure new content gets reindexed on button press.
......@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ See also lettuce tests in lms/djangoapps/courseware/features/problems.feature
import random
import textwrap
from nose import SkipTest
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from flaky import flaky
from nose import SkipTest
from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains
......@@ -29,8 +30,8 @@ from capa.tests.response_xml_factory import (
from common.test.acceptance.fixtures.course import XBlockFixtureDesc
from common.test.acceptance.pages.lms.problem import ProblemPage
from common.test.acceptance.tests.helpers import select_option_by_text
from common.test.acceptance.tests.lms.test_lms_problems import ProblemsTest
from common.test.acceptance.tests.helpers import EventsTestMixin
from common.test.acceptance.tests.lms.test_lms_problems import ProblemsTest
class ProblemTypeTestBaseMeta(ABCMeta):
......@@ -291,6 +292,7 @@ class ProblemTypeTestMixin(object):
@flaky # TNL-5774
def test_reset_clears_answer_and_focus(self):
......@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ class UsersCanAddUpdatesTest(StudioCourseTest):
self.assertTrue(self.course_updates_page.is_first_update_date('June 1, 2013'))
@flaky # TNL-5775
def test_outside_tag_preserved(self):
Scenario: Text outside of tags is preserved
......@@ -123,6 +124,7 @@ class UsersCanAddUpdatesTest(StudioCourseTest):
self.assertTrue(self.course_updates_page.is_first_update_message('before <strong>middle</strong> after'))
@flaky # TNL-5773
def test_asset_change_in_updates(self):
Scenario: Static links are rewritten when previewing a course update
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