Commit 41b16452 by Carol Tong

Add email template for verified certificate date

parent 75fab0cc
......@@ -13,7 +13,9 @@ October, 2014
* - Date
- Change
* - 10/29/2014
* - 10/30/14
- Added :ref:`email template<Verified Registration Reminder>` for reminding students of last day to register for verified certificates.
* - 10/29/14
- Added information about course start time visibility to :ref:`The Course Start Date`.
* - 10/28/14
- Added section for :ref:`Show Reset Button` in :ref:`Problem Settings`
......@@ -323,6 +323,7 @@ milestones, as models for your own course communications.
* :ref:`Prelaunch Reminder`
* :ref:`Launch Day Welcome`
* :ref:`Verified Registration Reminder`
* :ref:`Midcourse Encouragement`
* :ref:`Midcourse Events`
* :ref:`Technical Issue`
......@@ -413,6 +414,37 @@ personally introduces the course team leader. Search for the values enclosed by
{name} and the {course number} staff
.. _Verified Registration Reminder:
Reminder to Register for Verified Certificate
After your course has launched, you can send an email to remind students that
the last day to register for a verified certificate is approaching. You can use
this template as a starting point for your own message; search for the values
enclosed by {braces} and replace them with information for your course.
Subject: Earn an edX verified certificate for {course name}!
Dear students,
Interested in using an edX certificate to bolster a college application or to
advance your career? With an edX verified certificate, you can demonstrate to
colleges, employers, and colleagues that you successfully completed a
challenging edX course, while helping to support the edX mission.
We would like to remind you that {date} is the last day to register for a
verified certificate in {course name}. Registering for a certificate is easy!
Just go to this course on your edX dashboard and click "Challenge Yourself".
Good luck!
{name} and the {course number} staff
.. _Midcourse Encouragement:
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