Commit 41831654 by Bridger Maxwell

Added link to see wiki attachment history.

parent 954ee6ab
......@@ -115,7 +115,13 @@
{% if attachment.current_revision.user %}{{ attachment.current_revision.user }}{% else %}{% if user|is_moderator %}{{ attachment.current_revision.ip_address|default:"anonymous (IP not logged)" }}{% else %}{% trans "anonymous (IP logged)" %}{% endif %}{% endif %}
<td>{{ attachment.current_revision.get_size|filesizeformat }}</td>
<td>{{ attachment.attachmentrevision_set.all.count }} {% trans "revisions" %}</td>
<a href="{% url 'wiki:attachments_history' path=urlpath.path %}">
<span class="icon-time"></span>
{% trans "File history" %} ({{ attachment.attachmentrevision_set.all.count }} {% trans "revisions" %})
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