Commit 40be656e by E. Kolpakov Committed by Jonathan Piacenti

Added spans around "post anonymously" and "psot anonymously to classmates"…

Added spans around "post anonymously" and "psot anonymously to classmates" labels to allow for adding content via  css ::after
parent 9569c5f6
......@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@ browser and pasting the output. When that file changes, this one should be rege
<% if (allow_anonymous) { %>
<label class="post-option">
<input type="checkbox" name="anonymous" class="post-option-input js-anon">
post anonymously
<span class="js-anon-label">post anonymously</span>
<% } %>
<% if (allow_anonymous_to_peers) { %>
<label class="post-option">
<input type="checkbox" name="anonymous_to_peers" class="post-option-input js-anon-peers">
post anonymously to classmates
<span class="js-anon-peers-label">post anonymously to classmates</span>
<% } %>
......@@ -427,13 +427,13 @@ from django_comment_client.permissions import has_permission
${'<% if (allow_anonymous) { %>'}
<label class="post-option">
<input type="checkbox" name="anonymous" class="post-option-input js-anon">
${_("post anonymously")}
<span class="js-anon-label">${_("post anonymously")}</span>
${'<% } %>'}
${'<% if (allow_anonymous_to_peers) { %>'}
<label class="post-option">
<input type="checkbox" name="anonymous_to_peers" class="post-option-input js-anon-peers">
${_("post anonymously to classmates")}
<span class="js-anon-peers-label">${_("post anonymously to classmates")}</span>
${'<% } %>'}
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