Commit 40af08aa by cahrens

Saving tests in progress

parent 82a00104
......@@ -2,53 +2,33 @@ Feature: Advanced (manual) course policy
In order to specify course policy settings for which no custom user interface exists
I want to be able to manually enter JSON key/value pairs
Scenario: A course author sees only display_name on a newly created course
Given I have opened a new course in Studio
When I select the Advanced Settings
Then I see only the display name
# Scenario: A course author sees default advanced settings
# Given I have opened a new course in Studio
# When I select the Advanced Settings
# Then I see default advanced settings
Scenario: Test if there are no policy settings without existing UI controls
Given I am on the Advanced Course Settings page in Studio
When I delete the display name
Then there are no advanced policy settings
And I reload the page
Then there are no advanced policy settings
Scenario: Test cancel editing key name
Given I am on the Advanced Course Settings page in Studio
When I edit the name of a policy key
And I press the "Cancel" notification button
Then the policy key name is unchanged
Scenario: Test editing key name
Given I am on the Advanced Course Settings page in Studio
When I edit the name of a policy key
And I press the "Save" notification button
Then the policy key name is changed
Scenario: Test cancel editing key value
Given I am on the Advanced Course Settings page in Studio
When I edit the value of a policy key
And I press the "Cancel" notification button
Then the policy key value is unchanged
# Scenario: Test cancel editing key value
# Given I am on the Advanced Course Settings page in Studio
# When I edit the value of a policy key
# And I press the "Cancel" notification button
# Then the policy key value is unchanged
Scenario: Test editing key value
Given I am on the Advanced Course Settings page in Studio
When I edit the value of a policy key
And I press the "Save" notification button
Then the policy key value is changed
Scenario: Add new entries, and they appear alphabetically after save
Given I am on the Advanced Course Settings page in Studio
When I create New Entries
Then they are alphabetized
And I reload the page
Then they are alphabetized
Scenario: Test how multi-line input appears
Given I am on the Advanced Course Settings page in Studio
When I create a JSON object
Then it is displayed as formatted
# Scenario: Add new entries, and they appear alphabetically after save
# Given I am on the Advanced Course Settings page in Studio
# When I create New Entries
# Then they are alphabetized
# And I reload the page
# Then they are alphabetized
# Scenario: Test how multi-line input appears
# Given I am on the Advanced Course Settings page in Studio
# When I create a JSON object
# Then it is displayed as formatted
......@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ def i_select_advanced_settings(step):
link_css = 'li.nav-course-settings-advanced a'
# world.browser.click_link_by_text('Advanced Settings')
@step('I am on the Advanced Course Settings page in Studio$')
......@@ -35,13 +34,6 @@ def reload_the_page(step):
@step(u'I edit the name of a policy key$')
def edit_the_name_of_a_policy_key(step):
policy_key_css = 'input.policy-key'
e = css_find(policy_key_css).first
@step(u'I press the "([^"]*)" notification button$')
def press_the_notification_button(step, name):
def is_visible(driver):
......@@ -59,6 +51,11 @@ def press_the_notification_button(step, name):
if name == "Save":
css = ""
@step(u'I edit the value of a policy key$')
def edit_the_value_of_a_policy_key(step):
......@@ -66,23 +63,11 @@ def edit_the_value_of_a_policy_key(step):
area, so cheat and do it from the policy key field :)
policy_key_css = 'input.policy-key'
e = css_find(policy_key_css).first
index = get_index_of("display_name")
e = css_find(policy_key_css)[index]
e._element.send_keys(Keys.TAB, Keys.END, Keys.ARROW_LEFT, ' ', 'X')
@step('I delete the display name$')
def delete_the_display_name(step):
@step('create New Entries$')
def create_new_entries(step):
create_entry("z", "apple")
create_entry("a", "zebra")
@step('I create a JSON object$')
def create_JSON_object(step):
create_entry("json", '{"key": "value", "key_2": "value_2"}')
......@@ -90,19 +75,11 @@ def create_JSON_object(step):
############### RESULTS ####################
@step('I see only the display name$')
def i_see_only_display_name(step):
assert_policy_entries(["display_name"], ['"Robot Super Course"'])
@step('there are no advanced policy settings$')
def no_policy_settings(step):
keys_css = 'input.policy-key'
val_css = 'textarea.json'
k = world.browser.is_element_not_present_by_css(keys_css, 5)
v = world.browser.is_element_not_present_by_css(val_css, 5)
@step('I see default advanced settings$')
def i_see_default_advanced_settings(step):
# Test only a few of the existing properties (there are around 34 of them)
["advanced_modules", "display_name", "show_calculator"], ["[]", '"Robot Super Course"', "false"], False)
@step('they are alphabetized$')
......@@ -114,77 +91,39 @@ def they_are_alphabetized(step):
def it_is_formatted(step):
assert_policy_entries(["display_name", "json"], ['"Robot Super Course"', '{\n "key": "value",\n "key_2": "value_2"\n}'])
@step(u'the policy key name is unchanged$')
def the_policy_key_name_is_unchanged(step):
policy_key_css = 'input.policy-key'
val = css_find(policy_key_css).first.value
assert_equal(val, 'display_name')
@step(u'the policy key name is changed$')
def the_policy_key_name_is_changed(step):
policy_key_css = 'input.policy-key'
val = css_find(policy_key_css).first.value
assert_equal(val, 'display_name_new')
@step(u'the policy key value is unchanged$')
def the_policy_key_value_is_unchanged(step):
policy_value_css = 'li.course-advanced-policy-list-item div.value textarea'
val = css_find(policy_value_css).first.value
assert_equal(val, '"Robot Super Course"')
assert_equal(get_display_name_value(), '"Robot Super Course"')
@step(u'the policy key value is changed$')
def the_policy_key_value_is_unchanged(step):
policy_value_css = 'li.course-advanced-policy-list-item div.value textarea'
val = css_find(policy_value_css).first.value
assert_equal(val, '"Robot Super Course X"')
def the_policy_key_value_is_changed(step):
assert_equal(get_display_name_value(), '"Robot Super Course X"')
############# HELPERS ###############
def create_entry(key, value):
# Scroll down the page so the button is visible
css_click_at('', 10, 10)
new_key_css = 'div#__new_advanced_key__ input'
new_key_element = css_find(new_key_css).first
# For some reason have to get the instance for each command
# (get error that it is no longer attached to the DOM)
# Have to do all this because Selenium fill does not remove existing text
new_value_css = 'div.CodeMirror textarea'
css_find(new_value_css).last._element.send_keys(Keys.DELETE, Keys.DELETE)
# Add in a TAB key press because intermittently on ubuntu the
# last character of "value" above was not getting typed in
def delete_entry(index):
Delete the nth entry where index is 0-based
css = 'a.delete-button'
assert_true(world.browser.is_element_present_by_css(css, 5))
delete_buttons = css_find(css)
assert_true(len(delete_buttons) > index, "no delete button exists for entry " + str(index))
def assert_policy_entries(expected_keys, expected_values, assertLength=True):
key_css = '.key input.policy-key'
key_elements = css_find(key_css)
if assertLength:
assert_equal(len(expected_keys), len(key_elements))
value_css = 'textarea.json'
for counter in range(len(expected_keys)):
index = get_index_of(expected_keys[counter])
assert_false(index == -1, "Could not find key: " + expected_keys[counter])
assert_equal(expected_values[counter], css_find(value_css)[index].value, "value is incorrect")
def assert_policy_entries(expected_keys, expected_values):
assert_entries('.key input.policy-key', expected_keys)
assert_entries('textarea.json', expected_values)
def get_index_of(expected_key):
key_css = '.key input.policy-key'
for counter in range(len(css_find(key_css))):
# Sometimes get stale reference if I hold on to the array of elements
key = css_find(key_css)[counter].value
if key == expected_key:
return counter
def assert_entries(css, expected_values):
webElements = css_find(css)
assert_equal(len(expected_values), len(webElements))
# Sometimes get stale reference if I hold on to the array of elements
for counter in range(len(expected_values)):
assert_equal(expected_values[counter], css_find(css)[counter].value)
return -1
def click_save():
......@@ -192,6 +131,7 @@ def click_save():
def fill_last_field(value):
newValue = css_find('#__new_advanced_key__ input').first
def get_display_name_value():
policy_value_css = 'textarea.json'
index = get_index_of("display_name")
return css_find(policy_value_css)[index].value
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