Commit 3e543ce4 by JonahStanley

Skipped a test for firefox due to different interactions

parent 973d5e65
......@@ -44,11 +44,13 @@ Feature: Problem Editor
When I edit and select Settings
Then if I set the weight to "abc", it remains unset
Scenario: User cannot type decimal values integer number field
Given I have created a Blank Common Problem
When I edit and select Settings
Then if I set the max attempts to "2.34", it displays initially as "234", and is persisted as "234"
Scenario: User cannot type out of range values in an integer number field
Given I have created a Blank Common Problem
When I edit and select Settings
......@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ def set_the_weight_to_abc(step, bad_weight):
world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry(PROBLEM_WEIGHT), PROBLEM_WEIGHT, "", True)
# But no change was actually ever sent to the model, so on reopen, explicitly_set is False
# On firefox with selenium, it will register as still being a change despite the weight remaining blank
if world.is_firefox():
world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry(PROBLEM_WEIGHT), PROBLEM_WEIGHT, "", True)
......@@ -138,10 +139,11 @@ def set_the_weight_to_abc(step, bad_weight):
@step('if I set the max attempts to "(.*)", it displays initially as "(.*)", and is persisted as "(.*)"')
def set_the_max_attempts(step, max_attempts_set, max_attempts_displayed, max_attempts_persisted):
#on firefox with selenium, the behaviour is different. eg 2.34 displays as 2.34 and is persisted as 2
if world.is_firefox():
index = world.get_setting_entry_index(MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS)
world.css_fill('.wrapper-comp-setting .setting-input', max_attempts_set, index=index)
if world.is_firefox():
world.trigger_event('.wrapper-comp-setting .setting-input', index=index)
world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry(MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS), MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS, max_attempts_displayed, True)
world.verify_setting_entry(world.get_setting_entry(MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS), MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS, max_attempts_persisted, True)
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