To continue in the verified track in this course, you need to re-verify by DATE. Why you need to verify yourself again.
%elif status == "denied":
You re-verification for this course failed and you are no longer eligible for a Verified Certificate. If you think this is in error, please contact us at
<!--TODO replace this with something a clever deisgn person approves of-->
<!--TODO replace this with a shiny loopy thing to actually print out all courses-->
% if reverifications_must_reverify:
% if reverifications["must_reverify"]:
<divclass="msg msg-reverify has-actions">
<h2class="title">${_("You need to re-verify to continue")}</h2>
% for course_id, course_name, course_number, date, status in reverifications_must_reverify:
% for course_id, course_name, course_number, date, status in reverifications["must_reverify"]:
${_('To continue in the verified track in <strong>{course_name}</strong>, you need to re-verify your identity by {date}.').format(course_name=course_name, date=date)}
% for course_id, course_name, course_number, date, status in reverifications_denied:
% for course_id, course_name, course_number, date, status in reverifications["denied"]:
${_('Your re-verification for <strong>{course_name}</strong> failed and you are no longer eligible for a Verified Certificate. If you think this is in error, please contact us at')}