Commit 3d925f29 by ichuang

new "jumpto": go directly to a specific problem. changes made to

urls, courseware.{views,module_render}, comments added to seq_module
parent b8a3fc04
......@@ -80,8 +80,7 @@ def grade_histogram(module_id):
return []
return grades
def render_x_module(user, request, xml_module, module_object_preload):
''' Generic module for extensions. This renders to HTML. '''
def get_state_from_module_object_preload(user, xml_module, module_object_preload):
# Check if problem has an instance in DB
......@@ -97,6 +96,29 @@ def render_x_module(user, request, xml_module, module_object_preload):
state = smod.state
return smod, state
def render_x_module(user, request, xml_module, module_object_preload):
''' Generic module for extensions. This renders to HTML.
modules include sequential, vertical, problem, video, html
Note that modules can recurse. problems, video, html, can be inside sequential or vertical.
- user : current django User
- request : current django HTTPrequest
- xml_module : lxml etree of xml subtree for the current module
- module_object_preload : list of StudentModule objects, one of which may match this module type and id
module_id=xml_module.get('id') #module_class.id_attribute) or ""
smod, state = get_state_from_module_object_preload(user, xml_module, module_object_preload)
# get coursename if stored
coursename = multicourse_settings.get_coursename_from_request(request)
......@@ -136,7 +158,7 @@ def render_x_module(user, request, xml_module, module_object_preload):
destory_js = instance.get_destroy_js()
# special extra information about each problem, only for users who are staff
if user.is_staff:
if False and user.is_staff:
histogram = grade_histogram(module_id)
render_histogram = len(histogram) > 0
content=content+render_to_string("staff_problem_info.html", {'xml':etree.tostring(xml_module),
......@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ class Module(XModule):
return self.destroy_js
def handle_ajax(self, dispatch, get):
def handle_ajax(self, dispatch, get): # TODO: bounds checking
''' get = request.POST instance '''
if dispatch=='goto_position':
self.position = int(get['position'])
return json.dumps({'success':True})
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_control
from lxml import etree
from module_render import render_module, make_track_function, I4xSystem
from module_render import render_module, make_track_function, I4xSystem, get_state_from_module_object_preload
from models import StudentModule
from student.models import UserProfile
from util.views import accepts
......@@ -151,8 +151,17 @@ def render_section(request, section):
@cache_control(no_cache=True, no_store=True, must_revalidate=True)
def index(request, course=None, chapter="Using the System", section="Hints"):
''' Displays courseware accordion, and any associated content.
def index(request, course=None, chapter="Using the System", section="Hints",position=None):
''' Displays courseware accordion, and any associated content.
- request : HTTP request
- course : coursename (str)
- chapter : chapter name (str)
- section : section name (str)
- position : position in sequence, ie of <sequential> module (int)
user = request.user
if not settings.COURSEWARE_ENABLED:
......@@ -181,17 +190,20 @@ def index(request, course=None, chapter="Using the System", section="Hints"):
request.session['coursename'] = course # keep track of current course being viewed in django's request.session
# this is the course.xml etree
dom = content_parser.course_file(user,course) # also pass course to it, for course-specific XML path
log.exception("Unable to parse courseware xml")
return render_to_response('courseware-error.html', {})
# this is the module's parent's etree
dom_module = dom.xpath("//course[@name=$course]/chapter[@name=$chapter]//section[@name=$section]/*[1]",
course=course, chapter=chapter, section=section)
if len(dom_module) == 0:
module = None
# this is the module's etree
module = dom_module[0]
module_ids = dom.xpath("//course[@name=$course]/chapter[@name=$chapter]//section[@name=$section]//@id",
......@@ -203,6 +215,21 @@ def index(request, course=None, chapter="Using the System", section="Hints"):
module_object_preload = []
if position and module and module.tag=='sequential':
smod, state = get_state_from_module_object_preload(user, module, module_object_preload)
newstate = json.dumps({ 'position':position })
if smod:
smod.state = newstate
elif user.is_authenticated():
module_type = module.tag,
module_id= module.get('id'),
state = newstate)
# now regenerate module_object_preload
module_object_preload = list(StudentModule.objects.filter(student=user,
context = {
'csrf': csrf(request)['csrf_token'],
'accordion': render_accordion(request, course, chapter, section),
......@@ -210,7 +237,7 @@ def index(request, course=None, chapter="Using the System", section="Hints"):
module = render_module(user, request, module, module_object_preload)
module = render_module(user, request, module, module_object_preload) # ugh - shouldn't overload module
log.exception("Unable to load module")
......@@ -302,6 +329,44 @@ def modx_dispatch(request, module=None, dispatch=None, id=None):
# Return whatever the module wanted to return to the client/caller
return HttpResponse(ajax_return)
def jump_to(request, probname=None):
Jump to viewing a specific problem. The problem is specified by a problem name - currently the filename (minus .xml)
of the problem. Maybe this should change to a more generic tag, eg "name" given as an attribute in <problem>.
We do the jump by (1) reading course.xml to find the first instance of <problem> with the given filename, then
(2) finding the parent element of the problem, then (3) rendering that parent element with a specific computed position
value (if it is <sequential>).
# get coursename if stored
coursename = multicourse_settings.get_coursename_from_request(request)
# begin by getting course.xml tree
xml = content_parser.course_file(request.user,coursename)
# look for problem of given name
pxml = xml.xpath('//problem[@filename="%s"]' % probname)
if pxml: pxml = pxml[0]
# get the parent element
parent = pxml.getparent()
# figure out chapter and section names
chapter = None
section = None
branch = parent
for k in range(4): # max depth of recursion
if branch.tag=='section': section = branch.get('name')
if branch.tag=='chapter': chapter = branch.get('name')
branch = branch.getparent()
position = None
if parent.tag=='sequential':
position = parent.index(pxml)+1 # position in sequence
return index(request,course=coursename,chapter=chapter,section=section,position=position)
def quickedit(request, id=None, qetemplate='quickedit.html',coursename=None):
quick-edit capa problem.
......@@ -51,9 +51,11 @@ if settings.COURSEWARE_ENABLED:
url(r'^info$', ''),
url(r'^wiki/', include('simplewiki.urls')),
url(r'^masquerade/', include('masquerade.urls')),
url(r'^courseware/(?P<course>[^/]*)/(?P<chapter>[^/]*)/(?P<section>[^/]*)/(?P<position>[^/]*)$', 'courseware.views.index'),
url(r'^courseware/(?P<course>[^/]*)/(?P<chapter>[^/]*)/(?P<section>[^/]*)/$', 'courseware.views.index', name="courseware_section"),
url(r'^courseware/(?P<course>[^/]*)/(?P<chapter>[^/]*)/$', 'courseware.views.index', name="courseware_chapter"),
url(r'^courseware/(?P<course>[^/]*)/$', 'courseware.views.index', name="courseware_course"),
url(r'^jumpto/(?P<probname>[^/]+)/$', 'courseware.views.jump_to'),
url(r'^section/(?P<section>[^/]*)/$', 'courseware.views.render_section'),
url(r'^modx/(?P<module>[^/]*)/(?P<id>[^/]*)/(?P<dispatch>[^/]*)$', 'courseware.views.modx_dispatch'), #reset_problem'),
url(r'^profile$', 'courseware.views.profile'),
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