Commit 3d366eb0 by Mark Hoeber

Merge pull request #1950 from edx/markhoeber/documentation/stud-1017

added anonymous id template info to html component
parents bcd753cf dc2dbc32
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ See the following topics:
* :ref:`Create an HTML Component`
* :ref:`Work with the Visual and HTML Editors`
* :ref:`Use the Announcement Template`
* :ref:`Use the Anonymous User ID Template`
* :ref:`Import Content from LaTex`
* :ref:`Add a Link in an HTML Component`
* :ref:`Add an Image to an HTML Component`
......@@ -118,7 +119,7 @@ When you create a new HTML component, you can select to use a built-in Announcem
When creating the new HTML component, select **Announcement**.
.. image:: Images/HTML_Component_Type.png
:width: 800
:width: 600
The following screen opens.
......@@ -126,6 +127,33 @@ The following screen opens.
Edit the content of the announcement just as you would any HTML component.
.. _Use the Anonymous User ID Template:
Use the Anonymous User ID Template
When you create a new HTML component, you can select to use a built-in Anonymous User ID template.
The Anonymous User ID template contains HTML set up for you to use a Qualtrics survey in your course.
When creating the new HTML component, select **Anonymous User ID**.
.. image:: Images/HTML_Component_Type.png
:width: 600
Edit the content just as you would any HTML component.
To use your survey, you must edit the link in the template to include your university and survey ID.
You can also embed the survey in an iframe in the HTML component.
For more details, read the instructions in the HTML view of the component.
.. _Import Content from LaTeX:
Markdown is supported
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