Commit 3ccffa61 by Carlos Andrés Rocha

Return only username on OpenID provider requests.

Temporarily return username also as the email and fullname fields of
the response using OpenID's simple registration extension.
parent 1528cd19
......@@ -293,6 +293,8 @@ def add_openid_simple_registration(request, response, data):
sreg_data['email'] = data['email']
elif field == 'fullname' and 'fullname' in data:
sreg_data['fullname'] = data['fullname']
elif field == 'nickname' and 'nickname' in data:
sreg_data['nickname'] = data['nickname']
# construct sreg response
sreg_response = sreg.SRegResponse.extractResponse(sreg_request,
......@@ -486,13 +488,22 @@ def provider_login(request):
url = endpoint + urlquote(user.username)
response = openid_request.answer(True, None, url)
return provider_respond(server,
# TODO: for CS50 we are forcibly returning only the
# username. Following the OpenID simple registration
# extension, we don't have to return any fields we don't
# want to, even if they were marked as required by the
# Consumer. The behavior of what to do when there are
# missing fields is up to the Consumer. The proper change
# will only return the username, however this will likely
# break the CS50 client. Temporarily we will be returning
# username filling in for email and fullname in addition
# to username as sreg nickname.
results = {
'nickname': user.username,
'email': user.username,
'fullname': user.username
return provider_respond(server, openid_request, response, results)
request.session['openid_error'] = True
msg = "Login failed - Account not active for user {0}".format(username)
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