Commit 3c4f71bb by Alexander Kryklia Committed by polesye

Update variable names and fix typo.

parent ab5653d7
......@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ class RelativeTime(Field):
if isinstance(value, float): # backward compatibility
if value > 86400:
value = 86400
return self._str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=value))
return self.timedelta_to_string(datetime.timedelta(seconds=value))
if isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta):
if value.total_seconds() > 86400: # sanity check
......@@ -204,18 +204,18 @@ class RelativeTime(Field):
"RelativeTime max value is 23:59:59=86400.0 seconds, "
"but {} seconds is passed".format(value.total_seconds())
return self._str(value)
return self.timedelta_to_string(value)
raise TypeError("RelativeTime: cannot convert {!r} to json".format(value))
def _str(self, value):
def timedelta_to_string(self, value):
Makes first 'H' in str representation non-optional.
str(timedelta) has [H]H:MM:SS format, which is not suitable
for front-end (and IsoTime standart), so we forse HH:MM:SS format.
for front-end (and ISO time standard), so we force HH:MM:SS format.
string = str(value)
if len(string) == 7:
string = '0' + string
return string
stringified = str(value)
if len(stringified) == 7:
stringified = '0' + stringified
return stringified
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