Commit 3bda3c4a by Simon Chen

Remove Sailthru enrollment related signal handlers because they are being…

Remove Sailthru enrollment related signal handlers because they are being invoked from the ECOM service already.
parent d1fa83f3
......@@ -6,16 +6,14 @@ import datetime
import logging
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.dispatch import receiver
from student.models import ENROLL_STATUS_CHANGE
from student.cookies import CREATE_LOGON_COOKIE
from student.views import REGISTER_USER
from email_marketing.models import EmailMarketingConfiguration
from util.model_utils import USER_FIELD_CHANGED
from lms.djangoapps.email_marketing.tasks import (
update_user, update_user_email, update_course_enrollment
update_user, update_user_email
from sailthru.sailthru_client import SailthruClient
......@@ -29,51 +27,6 @@ CHANGED_FIELDNAMES = ['username', 'is_active', 'name', 'gender', 'education',
def handle_enroll_status_change(sender, event=None, user=None, mode=None, course_id=None,
**kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
Signal receiver for enroll/unenroll/purchase events
email_config = EmailMarketingConfiguration.current()
if not email_config.enabled or not event or not user or not mode or not course_id:
# skip tracking (un)enrolls if simulated cost=0
if email_config.sailthru_enroll_cost == 0:
request = crum.get_current_request()
if not request:
# get string course_id serializable to send through celery
course_id_string = unicode(course_id)
# figure out course url
course_url = _build_course_url(request, course_id_string, email_config)
# pass event to email_marketing.tasks
update_course_enrollment.delay(, course_url, event, mode,
def _build_course_url(request, course_id, email_config):
Build a course url from a course id and the host from the current request
or use override in config
:param request:
:param course_id:
path = reverse('info', kwargs={'course_id': course_id})
if email_config.sailthru_lms_url_override:
return '{}{}'.format(email_config.sailthru_lms_url_override, path)
return '{}://{}{}'.format(request.scheme, request.get_host(), path)
def add_email_marketing_cookies(sender, response=None, user=None,
**kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
......@@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ from django.core.cache import cache
from django.conf import settings
from email_marketing.models import EmailMarketingConfiguration
from student.models import EnrollStatusChange
from sailthru.sailthru_client import SailthruClient
from sailthru.sailthru_error import SailthruClientError
......@@ -131,175 +129,6 @@ def _create_email_user_param(sailthru_vars, sailthru_client, email, new_user, em
return sailthru_user
# pylint: disable=not-callable
@task(bind=True, default_retry_delay=3600, max_retries=24)
def update_course_enrollment(self, email, course_url, event, mode,
course_id=None, message_id=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
Adds/updates Sailthru when a user enrolls/unenrolls/adds to cart/purchases/upgrades a course
email(str): The user's email address
course_url(str): Course home page url
event(str): event type
mode(str): enroll mode (audit, verification, ...)
unit_cost: cost if purchase event
course_id(str): course run id
currency(str): currency if purchase event - currently ignored since Sailthru only supports USD
The event can be one of the following:
A free enroll (mode=audit or honor)
An unenroll
A paid upgrade added to cart - ignored
A paid upgrade purchase complete - ignored
A non-free course added to cart - ignored
A non-free course purchase complete - ignored
email_config = EmailMarketingConfiguration.current()
if not email_config.enabled:
# Use event type to figure out processing required
unenroll = False
send_template = None
cost_in_cents = 0
if event == EnrollStatusChange.enroll:
send_template = email_config.sailthru_enroll_template
# set cost so that Sailthru recognizes the event
cost_in_cents = email_config.sailthru_enroll_cost
elif event == EnrollStatusChange.unenroll:
# unenroll - need to update list of unenrolled courses for user in Sailthru
unenroll = True
# All purchase events should be handled by ecommerce, so ignore
sailthru_client = SailthruClient(email_config.sailthru_key, email_config.sailthru_secret)
# update the "unenrolled" course array in the user record on Sailthru
if not _update_unenrolled_list(sailthru_client, email, course_url, unenroll):
raise self.retry(countdown=email_config.sailthru_retry_interval,
# if there is a cost, call Sailthru purchase api to record
if cost_in_cents:
# get course information if configured and appropriate event
course_data = {}
if email_config.sailthru_get_tags_from_sailthru:
course_data = _get_course_content(course_url, sailthru_client, email_config)
# build item description
item = _build_purchase_item(course_id, course_url, cost_in_cents, mode, course_data)
# build purchase api options list
options = {}
# add appropriate send template
if send_template:
options['send_template'] = send_template
if not _record_purchase(sailthru_client, email, item, message_id, options):
raise self.retry(countdown=email_config.sailthru_retry_interval,
def _build_purchase_item(course_id_string, course_url, cost_in_cents, mode, course_data):
Build Sailthru purchase item object
:return: item
# build item description
item = {
'id': "{}-{}".format(course_id_string, mode),
'url': course_url,
'price': cost_in_cents,
'qty': 1,
# make up title if we don't already have it from Sailthru
if 'title' in course_data:
item['title'] = course_data['title']
item['title'] = 'Course {} mode: {}'.format(course_id_string, mode)
if 'tags' in course_data:
item['tags'] = course_data['tags']
# add vars to item
item['vars'] = dict(course_data.get('vars', {}), mode=mode, course_run_id=course_id_string)
return item
def _record_purchase(sailthru_client, email, item, message_id, options):
Record a purchase in Sailthru
:param sailthru_client:
:param email:
:param item:
:param incomplete:
:param message_id:
:param options:
:return: False it retryable error
sailthru_response = sailthru_client.purchase(email, [item],
if not sailthru_response.is_ok():
error = sailthru_response.get_error()
log.error("Error attempting to record purchase in Sailthru: %s", error.get_message())
return not _retryable_sailthru_error(error)
except SailthruClientError as exc:
log.error("Exception attempting to record purchase for %s in Sailthru - %s", email, unicode(exc))
return False
return True
def _get_course_content(course_url, sailthru_client, email_config):
Get course information using the Sailthru content api.
If there is an error, just return with an empty response.
:param course_url:
:param sailthru_client:
:return: dict with course information
# check cache first
response = cache.get(course_url)
if not response:
sailthru_response = sailthru_client.api_get("content", {"id": course_url})
if not sailthru_response.is_ok():
return {}
response = sailthru_response.json
cache.set(course_url, response, email_config.sailthru_content_cache_age)
except SailthruClientError:
response = {}
return response
def _get_or_create_user_list_for_site(sailthru_client, site=None, default_list_name=None):
Get the user list name from cache if exists else create one and return the name,
......@@ -393,61 +222,6 @@ def _create_user_list(sailthru_client, list_name):
return True
def _update_unenrolled_list(sailthru_client, email, course_url, unenroll):
Maintain a list of courses the user has unenrolled from in the Sailthru user record
:param sailthru_client:
:param email:
:param email_config:
:param course_url:
:param unenroll:
:return: False if retryable error, else True
# get the user 'vars' values from sailthru
sailthru_response = sailthru_client.api_get("user", {"id": email, "fields": {"vars": 1}})
if not sailthru_response.is_ok():
error = sailthru_response.get_error()"Error attempting to read user record from Sailthru: %s", error.get_message())
return not _retryable_sailthru_error(error)
response_json = sailthru_response.json
unenroll_list = []
if response_json and "vars" in response_json and response_json["vars"] \
and "unenrolled" in response_json["vars"]:
unenroll_list = response_json["vars"]["unenrolled"]
changed = False
# if unenrolling, add course to unenroll list
if unenroll:
if course_url not in unenroll_list:
changed = True
# if enrolling, remove course from unenroll list
elif course_url in unenroll_list:
changed = True
if changed:
# write user record back
sailthru_response = sailthru_client.api_post(
"user", {'id': email, 'key': 'email', "vars": {"unenrolled": unenroll_list}})
if not sailthru_response.is_ok():
error = sailthru_response.get_error()"Error attempting to update user record in Sailthru: %s", error.get_message())
return not _retryable_sailthru_error(error)
# everything worked
return True
except SailthruClientError as exc:
log.error("Exception attempting to update user record for %s in Sailthru - %s", email, unicode(exc))
return False
def _retryable_sailthru_error(error):
""" Return True if error should be retried.
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